Forum Replies Created
MemberI hope so, I've never seen the pilot show, lets hope.I'm going to email the BBC about this, a see what they've got to say, I
suggest anyone else who is interested does the same.The more noise we can make the better.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Is the pilot found?> Yeah! Wow! That's like finding the Holy Grail of TOL episodes! Hopefully
> the BBC will release that on DVD one day soon. (Not that it would do us
> Yanks
> any good as it's nigh on impossible to get hold of any TOL DVDs on this
> side of the pond.)
> Also, just below the listing of TOL, did anyone notice the photo of
> Bernard
> Cribbins in a still from "Charlie's Aunt" (1961)? (He was the policeman in
> the Peter Cushing "Doctor Who: Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 AD", and then
> Wilfred Mott, Donna Noble's grandad in David Tennant's final 'series' of
> the
> "New Who".) I know this is a bit off topic – OK, way off topic – but it
> makes me wonder how many missing "Doctor Who" episodes are in that
> Library of
> Congress. (All packed away in that box next to the Ark of the Covenant, no
> doubt!)
> Dino.
> P.S. Hey, Linda! I saw "Uncle Chuck" (Jr.) the other day and we had a nice
> chat, and talked about how small this planet really is!
> In a message dated 2/14/2011 3:51:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> I had a look at IMDB, and found something about the long lost pilot:
> _
> (
> Anyone in US able to have a look?
> Cheers!
> Lars
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
simply not got around to doing it yet.Home Loving Man is in the files section, have you found that?
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 10:56 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Episode description Goodbye,goodbye> Do you think the above is OK for uploading Bill? Sent on Dec 22nd – will
> do some more if it is wanted.
> Anyone help me with my quest for some music by Peter Gilmore?
> Viv
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberWelcome!Hope you find our list useful.
—– Original Message —–
From: "Tyler Durden" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 6:22 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Hello from Sweden!> Just a short hello to you all!
> I'm a fan of the Onedin series since the 70's, and now I once more am
> enjoying and indulging myself in this saga. I have a few ideas that I'd
> like to toss around, later, and I also will up a PDF of one of an original
> script: "Final Rehearsal Script", series VIII, episode 6: "The Price of
> Pride" (100+ pages).
> And, yes, I've read through all (!) 1196 messages; very interesting to
> watch technology grow year for year.
> All the best!
> Lars
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Member—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 10:24 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: The Ship Devils Viv's episode description> Brilliant to see the description of Ship Devils with added flourish of
> photos – where do they come from? Thanks Bill.
> VivThey are "screen captures" done on the computer while playing the
appropriate episode.Bill.
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberThe sites are geo-blocked so those outside the UK can't view them.It is supposed to be possible to use proxy servers to access them, though I
have no experience of this myself, Google for details.Or of course providing you are happy with the legalities, (if you think it
is important check about this in your part of the world) you could simply
look for the shows with a bittorent app or "client" The search engine in this will
possibly find what you need.Or there is something like the torrent site which is
dedicated to UK TV shows, this is however a private site which may need an
invitation to join, I recommend that anyone who might do so thoroughly reads
the rules and faq there.Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] OT: AS & PG in Series 3 of 'Heartbeat' ITV3> How do we get these in the USA?? I have tried in vain with Coronation
> Street, but no dice. Screen says not available in your area. Any hints
> that
> don't involve a technology none of us understand???
> In a message dated 1/15/2011 6:52:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> Apologies for posting a little off topic, but fans of Anne Stallybrass and
> Peter Gilmore might like to know that their back to back episodes from the
> 1993 third season of 'Heartbeat' are available to view for approximately
> the next 3 weeks from today on ITV Player at Just follow the
> links from the 'Missed Episodes' Heartbeat page at the ITV 3 section of
> the
> website. The episodes in question are 3.5 'A Chilly Reception' (AS) and
> 3.6
> 'The Frighteners' (PG) respectively broadcast on ITV3 on 6th and 7th
> January.
> Bree
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberThanks for that, and no not of topic at all.All things connected with the Onedin Line are ok as far as I'm concerned.
—– Original Message —–
From: "bree3128" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 11:52 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] OT: AS & PG in Series 3 of 'Heartbeat' ITV3> Apologies for posting a little off topic, but fans of Anne Stallybrass and
> Peter Gilmore might like to know that their back to back episodes from the
> 1993 third season of 'Heartbeat' are available to view for approximately
> the next 3 weeks from today on ITV Player at Just follow the
> links from the 'Missed Episodes' Heartbeat page at the ITV 3 section of
> the website. The episodes in question are 3.5 'A Chilly Reception' (AS)
> and 3.6 'The Frighteners' (PG) respectively broadcast on ITV3 on 6th and
> 7th January.
> Bree
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberI've not been receiving notifications and mail from the list for the last week or so, on top of this of course the holiday period has kept me away from the computer with all the details on it.Once I've found out what the problems are I'll get back to the descriptions etc.
Apologies to anyone who has been waiting for membership approval or moderation on messages.
Like we used to see on TV, "Normal Service Will Be Resumed As Soon As Possible!"
—– Original Message —–
From: Bill
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] programme descrition Series 2 An inch of Candle'An Inch of candle' and 'ship devils' has been added to the website.
Navigation and images still have to be added. I'll do some screen caps and upload them.
—– Original Message —–
From: V DODD
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:07 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] programme descrition Series 2 An inch of CandleONEDIN LINE SERIES 2. PROGRAMME 10
Viv Dodd one of my favourite programmes as James comes to realize at the end
that Anne is more important than another ship.Making passage home, James and Baines find an abandoned schooner adrift and
despite Baines’ poor opinion of her, James is intrigued by the mystery of the
abandoned Maria da Gloria. James boards the ship, jettisons the spoiled cargo
of sugar and takes her in tow to Ireland.
Meanwhile, Anne is carrying coal up steps in their ‘infernal basement’ home
whilst Elizabeth tuts at James’ inconsiderate treatment of her. Anne feels
queasy and says ‘It’s just a touch of sickness that comes over me at times’
‘Sickness?’ retorts Elizabeth and they stare at one another as Anne says ‘ Well
haven’t you ever……. Oh no, it couldn’t be that’.
Robert also is accidently told of Anne’s condition by Elizabeth when he shows
concern for her as she bursts into tears for no apparent reason but ambitious
Sarah is concerned at the news because if James has a son,he’ll inherit the
Onedin Line, not their Samuel.
Anne goes to greet James on the Charlotte Rhodes and he excitedly tells her his
news of the ship that he can make money from one way or another. ‘James I’m
having a baby’ Anne finally blurts out. ‘What did ya say?’ ‘I’m with child’
‘Why didn’t ya say so?’
‘I’ve been trying to but you didn’t give me the room to get a word in edgeways’
‘You sure?’ James needs confirmation. ‘ I wasn’t at first. I couldn’t believe it
but I’m sure now. James … is it good news?’ Anne asks hesitantly. ‘Good news –
its wonderful news – most wonderful news I’ve heard in all my life’.
James is close to having the money to buy back enough shares to be in control of
the Onedin Line again but Elizabeth pesters him to get Anne out of the basement
into a proper house. Robert arrives with news of the auction for the Maria da
Gloria in Roscarberry. The insurers own it as no named owner can be traced and
they appear to want a quick sale. James believes she is undervalued and he,
Robert and Anne (who insists she go) decide to take a steamer to Roscarberry.
Anne feels unwell on the journey and James says ‘you’re never seasick – it’s the
baby. Should have stayed at home – I told you’.
In Ireland they inspect the ship and meet Mr Sankey from the insurers who is
disparaging about her qualities and value. James is uneasy about what is being
done with the ship and leaves Anne in bed that night to look over her again. He
finds evidence that she was a ‘slaver’ whose owners would not have registered
her to avoid discovery of the illegal trade and he tells Anne and Robert the
next day ‘ Hang the salvage award – I’d rather have the ship. For five hundred
pounds she’d be an absolute bargain. On the fruit run from the Azores, she’d
beat everybody home’. Anne says, ’but I thought the five hundred pounds was for
a house’. James replies ‘oh Anne we can always get a house’.
Daniel Fogarty is in league with the insurers and would buy the ship as cheaply
as possible if no one else were interested – it would also do James out of a
fair price for salvage. Emma Callon is dispatched to visit Anne and James on the
pretext of asking after her condition but James is now convinced that there is
some underhand dealings with Fogarty and the ship. ‘Anne, if it should be
necessary to find more than £500 would you begrudge the expenditure?’
Anne asks ‘ how could you raise the money?’ ‘Sell some of the shares’
‘Couldn’t you sell a few more and we could have a house aswell?’ Anne.
James,’Be a year before the Maria da Gloria made enough profit to buy back the
Anne,’And a house could’t make any profit to buy them back’.
‘You would begrudge it me eh?’
James makes it appear to Fogarty, Anne and everyone else that he has no interest
in the ship and James prepares to sail with Capt Baines who makes sure Fogarty
knows of the voyage. James says ‘ Anne that ship could be the way back for
us’. Anne, ‘ another ship, another gamble ? Oh I’m sorry, I just feel so
weary’. Then she is told that James had already decided to attend the auction in
Ireland – he was never to sail with Capt Baines. However, Anne is philosophical
as she tells Elizabeth ‘ I married James for security but I love him for the
lack of it’.
The auction is one where bidding happens whilst an inch of candle burns and the
last bid before the candle extinguishes is the winner. James and \Fogarty go
head to head. James bids two thousand and eight hundred pounds as the candle
dies and meanwhile, carrying coal for the range, induces Anne to miscarry.
James returns home and is telling his tale to Robert, emphasizing that the cost
of the bid would be offset by the one thousand pound salvage money due to him
when he realizes Capt Webster and Elizabeth are there also to tell him the news
of Anne. He rushes to her bed and she asks ‘Did we get the schooner?’ James
answers huskily ‘yeah’
‘Good, its what we need’. But James shakes his head as he grasps Anne in his
arms.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Member'An Inch of candle' and 'ship devils' has been added to the website.Navigation and images still have to be added. I'll do some screen caps and upload them.
—– Original Message —–
From: V DODD
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:07 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] programme descrition Series 2 An inch of CandleONEDIN LINE SERIES 2. PROGRAMME 10
Viv Dodd one of my favourite programmes as James comes to realize at the end
that Anne is more important than another ship.Making passage home, James and Baines find an abandoned schooner adrift and
despite Baines’ poor opinion of her, James is intrigued by the mystery of the
abandoned Maria da Gloria. James boards the ship, jettisons the spoiled cargo
of sugar and takes her in tow to Ireland.
Meanwhile, Anne is carrying coal up steps in their ‘infernal basement’ home
whilst Elizabeth tuts at James’ inconsiderate treatment of her. Anne feels
queasy and says ‘It’s just a touch of sickness that comes over me at times’
‘Sickness?’ retorts Elizabeth and they stare at one another as Anne says ‘ Well
haven’t you ever……. Oh no, it couldn’t be that’.
Robert also is accidently told of Anne’s condition by Elizabeth when he shows
concern for her as she bursts into tears for no apparent reason but ambitious
Sarah is concerned at the news because if James has a son,he’ll inherit the
Onedin Line, not their Samuel.
Anne goes to greet James on the Charlotte Rhodes and he excitedly tells her his
news of the ship that he can make money from one way or another. ‘James I’m
having a baby’ Anne finally blurts out. ‘What did ya say?’ ‘I’m with child’
‘Why didn’t ya say so?’
‘I’ve been trying to but you didn’t give me the room to get a word in edgeways’
‘You sure?’ James needs confirmation. ‘ I wasn’t at first. I couldn’t believe it
but I’m sure now. James … is it good news?’ Anne asks hesitantly. ‘Good news –
its wonderful news – most wonderful news I’ve heard in all my life’.
James is close to having the money to buy back enough shares to be in control of
the Onedin Line again but Elizabeth pesters him to get Anne out of the basement
into a proper house. Robert arrives with news of the auction for the Maria da
Gloria in Roscarberry. The insurers own it as no named owner can be traced and
they appear to want a quick sale. James believes she is undervalued and he,
Robert and Anne (who insists she go) decide to take a steamer to Roscarberry.
Anne feels unwell on the journey and James says ‘you’re never seasick – it’s the
baby. Should have stayed at home – I told you’.
In Ireland they inspect the ship and meet Mr Sankey from the insurers who is
disparaging about her qualities and value. James is uneasy about what is being
done with the ship and leaves Anne in bed that night to look over her again. He
finds evidence that she was a ‘slaver’ whose owners would not have registered
her to avoid discovery of the illegal trade and he tells Anne and Robert the
next day ‘ Hang the salvage award – I’d rather have the ship. For five hundred
pounds she’d be an absolute bargain. On the fruit run from the Azores, she’d
beat everybody home’. Anne says, ’but I thought the five hundred pounds was for
a house’. James replies ‘oh Anne we can always get a house’.
Daniel Fogarty is in league with the insurers and would buy the ship as cheaply
as possible if no one else were interested – it would also do James out of a
fair price for salvage. Emma Callon is dispatched to visit Anne and James on the
pretext of asking after her condition but James is now convinced that there is
some underhand dealings with Fogarty and the ship. ‘Anne, if it should be
necessary to find more than £500 would you begrudge the expenditure?’
Anne asks ‘ how could you raise the money?’ ‘Sell some of the shares’
‘Couldn’t you sell a few more and we could have a house aswell?’ Anne.
James,’Be a year before the Maria da Gloria made enough profit to buy back the
Anne,’And a house could’t make any profit to buy them back’.
‘You would begrudge it me eh?’
James makes it appear to Fogarty, Anne and everyone else that he has no interest
in the ship and James prepares to sail with Capt Baines who makes sure Fogarty
knows of the voyage. James says ‘ Anne that ship could be the way back for
us’. Anne, ‘ another ship, another gamble ? Oh I’m sorry, I just feel so
weary’. Then she is told that James had already decided to attend the auction in
Ireland – he was never to sail with Capt Baines. However, Anne is philosophical
as she tells Elizabeth ‘ I married James for security but I love him for the
lack of it’.
The auction is one where bidding happens whilst an inch of candle burns and the
last bid before the candle extinguishes is the winner. James and \Fogarty go
head to head. James bids two thousand and eight hundred pounds as the candle
dies and meanwhile, carrying coal for the range, induces Anne to miscarry.
James returns home and is telling his tale to Robert, emphasizing that the cost
of the bid would be offset by the one thousand pound salvage money due to him
when he realizes Capt Webster and Elizabeth are there also to tell him the news
of Anne. He rushes to her bed and she asks ‘Did we get the schooner?’ James
answers huskily ‘yeah’
‘Good, its what we need’. But James shakes his head as he grasps Anne in his
arms.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Version: 8.5.449 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3323 – Release Date: 12/18/10 07:34:00[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
19th December 2010 at 12:00 am in reply to: Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more? #1262liamegan2000
MemberFine by me, it will be a day or two before I put them on the site lots of other things going on in the run up to Christmas.Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: V DODD
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2010 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more?author name Viv Dodd. Thanks Will write some more? It keeps me happy whilst
its snowing.________________________________
From: Bill <>
Sent: Thursday, 16 December, 2010 16:11:10
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Programme description for perusal – hope it can
be used and I can do some more?Well unless anyone has an objection I'd say that a good effort and will go on
the site.What name should I use as the author of this description?
Please feel free to do more.
And for general information for everyone, the descriptions should be your own
effort, no copy and pastes!Bill.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:57 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Programme description for perusal – hope it can be
used and I can do some more?SERIES 3. EPISODE 1 The ship Devils.
The steamship `Anne Onedin' is launched by Elizabeth and Robert. Albert Frazer
has gone to the Argentine to make his fortune and Jack Frazer wants paying for
the ship his yard has built.
We see a 10 year old William as we are told that James is busy making as much
money as he can from buying cheap, old sailing ships and working them. Jack
Frazer urges Elizabeth and Robert to get out whilst shares in the Onedin Line
are worth something.
James is still in mourning 6 months after Anne's death in childbirth and is
aboard ship with a young Leonora Biddulph and her coal mine owner/ merchant
father who finds her a lively handful. James saves Leonora from being injured by
some swinging rigging and it is obvious from the look and the thanks that she
gives him that she is infatuated by him.
Biddulph tries to console James as he too has lost a beloved wife. He feels he
can do this as he tells James that Leonora has a great admiration for him.
`She's a child'- James dismisses Biddulph's news and also his sympathy.
Daniel Foggarty and Emma Callon have an unhappy marriage and the Callon
company is losing money – `you're a failure at business Daniel'.
Baby Charlotte and Captain Webster appear to be the responsibilities of Robert
and Sarah and James did not even attend his daughter's christening. Robert has
ambitions to be a Liverpool Liberal councillor.
Leonora begins her plan of action to gain James' notice and approval by asking
Capt Baines what would please him most. Biddulph offers James the contract to
carry his coal because Leonora asked him to.
Emma Foggarty goes weeping to Jack Frazer, pleading with him to run her
company for half the profits – he settles for 51% – The Frazer Shipping Company.
Daniel goes back to sea.
Mr Samuel Plimsol is photographing all ships to have proof of overloading and
support his campaign to help sailors.
Elizabeth is at James' house with a letter from Albert saying he is developing
the means of shipping refrigerated meat. James says of Albert ` he's not the man
I took him for'. Elizabeth replies `nor are you these days James. You're not one
half the man you once were – you've lost your spirit'.
James and Frazer argue over the costs of the Anne Onedin and they both attend
a dinner at Robert's where Mr Plimsol is guest of honour and expands on his
plans to protect sailors. Leonora, there with her father, tries to attract
James' attention, without success.
Foggarty is captain of a ship chartered by James that sinks and he maintains
that it had been patched up cheaply for sea with sham bolts (ship devils) for
the Frazer yard and James to make quick profits. Biddulph is unsettled by this
and states that the coal contract cannot be given to James.
Plimsol challenges Frazer about the quality of the shipyards work. There is an
enquiry which clears James and Frazer of any wrong doing.
Eliz refuses Albert's request to join him in the Argentine which James agrees
with as he thinks she should come and live with him. Elizabeth refuses to be
James `housekeeper' as Leonora arrives and she says `should you wish to apply
for the position of unpaid housekeeper and drudge, I'm sure my brother will give
you a sympathetic hearing'. Leonora `oh I should love to apply. I'm a most
excellent cook' James `Miss Biddulph, my sister has a somewhat acid sense of
humour – a family trait'. As a possible hint of what is to come Leonora says
that her father has been persuaded to change his mind and allow James the coal
contract – `persuaded? By whom?' James asks. Leonora `I always get my own way Mr
Onedin' `Oh aye?' James.Script by Cyril Abraham.
No virus found in this incoming message.
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Version: 8.5.449 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3318 – Release Date: 12/15/10
19:34:00[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Website about the Onedin Line
Yahoo! Groups Links[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
No virus found in this incoming message.
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Version: 8.5.449 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3323 – Release Date: 12/18/10 07:34:00[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
16th December 2010 at 5:11 pm in reply to: Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more? #1259liamegan2000
MemberWell unless anyone has an objection I'd say that a good effort and will go on the site.What name should I use as the author of this description?
Please feel free to do more.
And for general information for everyone, the descriptions should be your own effort, no copy and pastes!
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:57 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more?SERIES 3. EPISODE 1 The ship Devils.
The steamship `Anne Onedin' is launched by Elizabeth and Robert. Albert Frazer has gone to the Argentine to make his fortune and Jack Frazer wants paying for the ship his yard has built.
We see a 10 year old William as we are told that James is busy making as much money as he can from buying cheap, old sailing ships and working them. Jack Frazer urges Elizabeth and Robert to get out whilst shares in the Onedin Line are worth something.
James is still in mourning 6 months after Anne's death in childbirth and is aboard ship with a young Leonora Biddulph and her coal mine owner/ merchant father who finds her a lively handful. James saves Leonora from being injured by some swinging rigging and it is obvious from the look and the thanks that she gives him that she is infatuated by him.
Biddulph tries to console James as he too has lost a beloved wife. He feels he can do this as he tells James that Leonora has a great admiration for him. `She's a child'- James dismisses Biddulph's news and also his sympathy.
Daniel Foggarty and Emma Callon have an unhappy marriage and the Callon company is losing money – `you're a failure at business Daniel'.
Baby Charlotte and Captain Webster appear to be the responsibilities of Robert and Sarah and James did not even attend his daughter's christening. Robert has ambitions to be a Liverpool Liberal councillor.
Leonora begins her plan of action to gain James' notice and approval by asking Capt Baines what would please him most. Biddulph offers James the contract to carry his coal because Leonora asked him to.
Emma Foggarty goes weeping to Jack Frazer, pleading with him to run her company for half the profits – he settles for 51% – The Frazer Shipping Company. Daniel goes back to sea.
Mr Samuel Plimsol is photographing all ships to have proof of overloading and support his campaign to help sailors.
Elizabeth is at James' house with a letter from Albert saying he is developing the means of shipping refrigerated meat. James says of Albert ` he's not the man I took him for'. Elizabeth replies `nor are you these days James. You're not one half the man you once were – you've lost your spirit'.
James and Frazer argue over the costs of the Anne Onedin and they both attend a dinner at Robert's where Mr Plimsol is guest of honour and expands on his plans to protect sailors. Leonora, there with her father, tries to attract James' attention, without success.
Foggarty is captain of a ship chartered by James that sinks and he maintains that it had been patched up cheaply for sea with sham bolts (ship devils) for the Frazer yard and James to make quick profits. Biddulph is unsettled by this and states that the coal contract cannot be given to James.
Plimsol challenges Frazer about the quality of the shipyards work. There is an enquiry which clears James and Frazer of any wrong doing.
Eliz refuses Albert's request to join him in the Argentine which James agrees with as he thinks she should come and live with him. Elizabeth refuses to be James `housekeeper' as Leonora arrives and she says `should you wish to apply for the position of unpaid housekeeper and drudge, I'm sure my brother will give you a sympathetic hearing'. Leonora `oh I should love to apply. I'm a most excellent cook' James `Miss Biddulph, my sister has a somewhat acid sense of humour – a family trait'. As a possible hint of what is to come Leonora says that her father has been persuaded to change his mind and allow James the coal contract – `persuaded? By whom?' James asks. Leonora `I always get my own way Mr Onedin' `Oh aye?' James.Script by Cyril Abraham.
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Version: 8.5.449 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3318 – Release Date: 12/15/10 19:34:00[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
11th December 2010 at 12:11 pm in reply to: How can I write any of the resumes for the programme? #1257liamegan2000
MemberHello,If you referring to the episode guide page here: started this some years ago now, inviting the members of this list to write a short description of an episode. .
They are credited to the author of the description (optional).
Anyone wanting to describe those episodes not yet covered/completed is invited to post their contribution on here.
We can have a vote on which and how good they are if you wish.
Assuming they are suitable, I will then upload the description to the relative page on the website. I'll provide the images for the page.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2010 10:49 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] How can I write any of the resumes for the programme?How does one get to write the resume and where do the photos come from to add to it. I would love to have a go?
Viv Dodd——————————————————————————
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Version: 8.5.449 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3308 – Release Date: 12/10/10 19:35:00[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
MemberHello Richard.Did you take the opportunity to get better recordings of the episodes that my tapes provided a few years ago?
Did you get any repeat fees? 🙂
—– Original Message —–
From: Richard
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Onedin line on TVYes! I was in it and I missed it the first time around. Was I ever that young?!
—– Original Message —–
From: regencylady04
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 11:53 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Onedin line on TVhas anyone been watching it over the past few months?
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Version: 9.0.872 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/3297 – Release Date: 12/04/10 19:34:00[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Version: 10.0.1170 / Virus Database: 426/3298 – Release Date: 12/05/10[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
MemberBree,That's what I wanted to know.
I'll have to look around eBay to see if I can find it at a good price.
The thing I was concerned about was if there were subtitles that could not be switched off or it was only in dubbed German.
Many DVD menu layouts can be less than helpful, so you tip on this is welcome.
—– Original Message —–
From: bree3128
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 9:44 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: series 8Bill,
Thanks for this.
I recently purchased the German Series 8 (the 2010 NEW KSM / KSM GmbH / BBC / 2 entertain release 3 disc set) The episodes are offered on disc both in German and as the original English version. The language is not selected from a main menu – you have to first select the episode (in German) on the first menu of each disc which then takes you to a second menu where each episode is offered in original English or German. There are also some extras on the DVD set, e.g. still photos from episodes, video clip highlights from episodes, written (in German) biographies of main cast, technical details of the ships used etc.
I hesitated before purchasing, but am glad I did.
Hope this helps.
— In, "Bill" <william.whittaker1@…> wrote:
> Correction,
> The first episode of series IS broadcast Friday 19 November 4:00pm – 5:00pm on the Yesterday channel.
> "Royal Return" and this is the first of 9 episodes that make up the last series of our favourite show.
> Sorry for the confusion, get your recorders ready if you can.
> Bill.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: Bill
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 10:19 PM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] series 8
> The first episode of series 8 of The Onedin Line was broadcast today on the Yesterday Channel.
> So if you have access to this satellite service don't forget that the next 8 which complete the series.
> I'd like to ask did anybody actually find out if the German release of series 8 has an English soundtrack, or was it only dubbed in the German language?
> Bill.
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Member— In, Chris J Brady <chrisjbrady@…> wrote:>
> Why are you spamming this group? Owner – please delete and ban this person. CJB.
> — On Thu, 4/11/10, braniffjetliner2002@…Strangely the post never showed up in my mailbox, and a search of members shows nobody is a member of the group with that identity.
As far as I can tell there should not be further "contributions" from this person, however the odd smammer slips through the net now and again.
MemberIsoHunt up results for Onedin Line.
Many of these are in fact the same files as on thebox.
The problem with using the links from isoHunt may be getting enough people seeding them.
—– Original Message —–
From: Chris J Brady
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Re: ONEDIN LINE – episodesYou need to find a member with spare invites. Unfortunately I only had two and they have gone for other projects. HOWEVER Google something like 'onedin line torrent' and you should find lots of other sites that will allow you to download them for free. Chris B.
— On Mon, 1/11/10, Laralynzy <> wrote:
From: Laralynzy <>
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: ONEDIN LINE – episodes
Date: Monday, 1 November, 2010, 12:30Was so excited to see this I rushed over there and tried to sign up so that i could download the episodes and see them again… and they are not accepting any new members unless they are invited by an existing member :o(
— In, Chris J Brady <chrisjbrady@…> wrote:
> The entire series is available for downloading at:
> (ONLY use uTorrent v.1.8.3)
> CJB.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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