Forum Replies Created
MemberViv,Description uploaded. view and let me know if you are happy with it.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 2:06 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] another episode description.Dear Bill,
another one for your perusal and acceptance?Series1. Prog.8 Homecoming by Barry Thomas.
Description by Viv DoddAnne is in the new house and James returns to find her with a visitor –
Michael Adams – whom Anne had thought was to marry her before he sailed away
four years previously. The parasol that James has bought for Anne is
forgotten as James shows his obvious jealousy and goes after Adams to return
his pipe.
James mentions the visitor to Albert, several times, and Albert informs
Elizabeth that James is bitten by the `Green eyed monster'.
James signs Adams as a crewman to the Cape Verde Islands and Anne says she
is sailing aswell.
Adams is recognized by a former shipmate, Bethel, who had sailed with him on
the Star of Morn and whose mate, Bucko Roberts, had been beaten to death by
a group of the crew, including Adams, who had been the focus of the mate's
bullying. Thinking they were wanted murderers, Adams had jumped ship before
he knew that the captain had covered up the event and there was nothing for
him to answer to.
Baines and the crew become aware of Anne and Adams often seen talking
together but James tries to make light of it when Baines tells him. Adams
tells Anne that he believed himself to be a murderer and was not able to
return to Liverpool and Anne. His conscience still troubles him, however and
he writes out a confession of what actually happened that he wants Bethel to
As Anne and James lie in bed she reproaches him for acting as if he did not
want her on the voyage and James states that he is jealous and points out
that had Adams returned just six months ago, before they were married, she
would have had no need for him as a husband. The ship suddenly jolts as the
coal shifts and all crew are called on deck. Bethel and Adams are put on the
Downton pump and Adams takes the opportunity to try to force Bethel's
confession again. They fight and Bethel goes overboard. James is moving coal
but Anne sees it as she tells James when the ship is righted again. Anne is
torn between justice for Bethel and for Adams. Adams also is troubled and
tells James, `I was responsible for George Bethel's death'
James shouts,' Oh this is the man that you'd have married. Such a burning
desire for justice, you'd be a cinder by now. What d'you want me to do? Clap
you in irons so that you can sleep for the rest of the voyage?'
`Bethel was right, your only concern is for your cargo and your ship,' Adams
James, 'Four wasted years and now you itch to waste another seven eh? Or
maybe hang. Just look on that voyage and this and you might consider that
justice of a kind has been done. If it is justice you want. If its
punishment, you'll find more of that on the Downton pump than hanging in
chains'. James leaves the saloon to wash the coal dust off.
Adams says to Anne,'I said you deserved a better man than I and you've found
Anne follows James on deck as he is accidentally doused by a bucket of sea
water. As he joins in with the crews banter, Anne says to him, `Being a
sailor's wife is not as simple as I thought – at home or at sea – but I'm
learning James'————————————
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 12:14 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] episode Passage to PernambucoDear Bill,
I'm sending the next episode for acceptance and if you've the time to put
it on the site. Regards Viv DoddSeries 1. Prog.7 PASSAGE TO PERNAMBUCO. By Cyril Abraham.
Description by Viv Dodd.
James sails for Lisbon leaving Anne to move into a house and persuade
Elizabeth to marry Daniel Fogarty. Anne tells Elizabeth,'You can be married
quickly and quietly and no one the wiser', but when looking at her she asks
`what are you scheming now? I've seen that look too often in James' eyes'.
Elizabeth states `I'll not be a sea captain's wife. Never, never, never'.
She and Albert discuss elopement.
In Lisbon, James finds Senor Braghanza troubled by a disease that has
attacked his grape vines. He needs new root stock from the wild vines found
in North America or else it will mean ruin for his business. The Charlotte
Rhodes has to return to Liverpool with a cargo of wine but James persuades
Braghanza to buy a ship called the Pampero that is for sale with her cargo
of salt and corkwood bound for Pernambuco in Brazil. James proposes that he
and Braghanza have half shares in the Pampero until he has the money to buy
the ship outright and in exchange he guarantees to source and return with
new vines within 60 days. He is obliged to sail to Pernambuco as passage has
been bought for some peasants banished from their land in Portugal and their
overseer, Don Vasco Baptista.
Albert and Elizabeth elope and marry but Robert is philosophical as he tells
an exasperated Anne, 'Frazer will make an admirable husband. If, and I say
IF, their union should be blessed, it will give no one greater satisfaction
than Sarah and myself'.
When the Charlotte Rhodes returns to Liverpool with a new captain, Robert
brings Anne a short letter from James telling her about the Pampero but
Robert's missive is much longer and has orders for him to sell the cargo and
find another to keep the ship working.
The passage of the Pampero is slow, `time is our enemy Mr Baines – time!'
James says and the peasants are frightened and treated as slaves by the
overseer who will put them to work on his master's property in Brazil.
Baines befriends Phillipo and his wife who can speak English – the man's
father was from Huddersfield! James decides to head for Baltimore to sell
his cargo and collect the vines despite the protests of Don Vasco Baptista
and James assures him that he will get to Pernambuco.
In Baltimore, James advertises his cargo for auction but the local dealers
boycott him. He has an idea to sell his salt direct to the market and goes
in search of the men, mostly Irish navies, building a railway across
America. He finally exchanges 850 tonnes of salt for labour to gather vines.
The peasants are also used as labour and, when the lure of higher wages
entices most of the crew to join the railway workers, they are signed on as
seamen, even the women, meaning they are under British law and not that of
the overseer. Senor Vasco protests but he is given the job of cook and the
peasants are allowed freedom on the ship and start to enjoy the voyage –
joining James and Baines in a lusty rendition of `Ilkley Moor bar tat'.
However, tragedy strikes. The cargo of grain that James has bought begins to
smoke, Senor Vasco allows Phillipo to fall into the hold and despite Baines
efforts, dies.
Robert had bought 2,000 rolls of linoleum, having been assured of a ready
market on the continent but, after a bad voyage, eating his substandard
provisions, makes a profit of only £37.10 shillings – before expenses. `Oh
Robert, you have much to learn', Anne says in exasperation.
James has had to jettison the cargo of grain and decides to cut his losses
and return to Lisbon as soon as possible. Senor Vasco is put aboard a
Portuguese ship bound for Brazil, despite his protestations and his peasants
are told they are free to go where they like. James has the last word ` All
hands aloft. Shake out the sails Mr Baines, lets get underway again. Senor
Braghanza's awaiting his vines'.————————————
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
MemberLinda,What sort of files were they – remind me.
Do they end in ".avi" ?
—– Original Message —–
From: "linda huthmaker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 1:56 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] DVD's of OLHi,
I have alot of episodes of OL, on DVD, which Bill sent me, sometime ago.
However, I cannot watch them, on this computer, any longer. I do not
understand it. Any suggestions?Regards,
Linda[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
MemberThank you I'll do the usual on it and you can see what you think.Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 12:14 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] episode Passage to PernambucoDear Bill,
I'm sending the next episode for acceptance and if you've the time to put
it on the site. Regards Viv DoddSeries 1. Prog.7 PASSAGE TO PERNAMBUCO. By Cyril Abraham.
Description by Viv Dodd.
James sails for Lisbon leaving Anne to move into a house and persuade
Elizabeth to marry Daniel Fogarty. Anne tells Elizabeth,'You can be married
quickly and quietly and no one the wiser', but when looking at her she asks
`what are you scheming now? I've seen that look too often in James' eyes'.
Elizabeth states `I'll not be a sea captain's wife. Never, never, never'.
She and Albert discuss elopement.
In Lisbon, James finds Senor Braghanza troubled by a disease that has
attacked his grape vines. He needs new root stock from the wild vines found
in North America or else it will mean ruin for his business. The Charlotte
Rhodes has to return to Liverpool with a cargo of wine but James persuades
Braghanza to buy a ship called the Pampero that is for sale with her cargo
of salt and corkwood bound for Pernambuco in Brazil. James proposes that he
and Braghanza have half shares in the Pampero until he has the money to buy
the ship outright and in exchange he guarantees to source and return with
new vines within 60 days. He is obliged to sail to Pernambuco as passage has
been bought for some peasants banished from their land in Portugal and their
overseer, Don Vasco Baptista.
Albert and Elizabeth elope and marry but Robert is philosophical as he tells
an exasperated Anne, 'Frazer will make an admirable husband. If, and I say
IF, their union should be blessed, it will give no one greater satisfaction
than Sarah and myself'.
When the Charlotte Rhodes returns to Liverpool with a new captain, Robert
brings Anne a short letter from James telling her about the Pampero but
Robert's missive is much longer and has orders for him to sell the cargo and
find another to keep the ship working.
The passage of the Pampero is slow, `time is our enemy Mr Baines – time!'
James says and the peasants are frightened and treated as slaves by the
overseer who will put them to work on his master's property in Brazil.
Baines befriends Phillipo and his wife who can speak English – the man's
father was from Huddersfield! James decides to head for Baltimore to sell
his cargo and collect the vines despite the protests of Don Vasco Baptista
and James assures him that he will get to Pernambuco.
In Baltimore, James advertises his cargo for auction but the local dealers
boycott him. He has an idea to sell his salt direct to the market and goes
in search of the men, mostly Irish navies, building a railway across
America. He finally exchanges 850 tonnes of salt for labour to gather vines.
The peasants are also used as labour and, when the lure of higher wages
entices most of the crew to join the railway workers, they are signed on as
seamen, even the women, meaning they are under British law and not that of
the overseer. Senor Vasco protests but he is given the job of cook and the
peasants are allowed freedom on the ship and start to enjoy the voyage –
joining James and Baines in a lusty rendition of `Ilkley Moor bar tat'.
However, tragedy strikes. The cargo of grain that James has bought begins to
smoke, Senor Vasco allows Phillipo to fall into the hold and despite Baines
efforts, dies.
Robert had bought 2,000 rolls of linoleum, having been assured of a ready
market on the continent but, after a bad voyage, eating his substandard
provisions, makes a profit of only £37.10 shillings – before expenses. `Oh
Robert, you have much to learn', Anne says in exasperation.
James has had to jettison the cargo of grain and decides to cut his losses
and return to Lisbon as soon as possible. Senor Vasco is put aboard a
Portuguese ship bound for Brazil, despite his protestations and his peasants
are told they are free to go where they like. James has the last word ` All
hands aloft. Shake out the sails Mr Baines, lets get underway again. Senor
Braghanza's awaiting his vines'.————————————
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 11:34 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Another programme description.> Dear Bill,
> Catch as Can is great on TOL site. Well done. Here's the next one???!!!
> Series 1. Prog 6. Salvage by Michael J. Bird
> Description by Viv Dodd.
> In the shop's living quarters, Robert and James confront Elizabeth about
> her `condition' and insist she marry Fogarty despite James stating,
> somewhat regretfully, `I'd hoped for better things for you' (as her
> situation seems to have stumped his alliance plans with Frazer's aswell).
> `You've put yourself in a gully too narrow to come about,' he states as if
> that were an end to the matter. However, Elizabeth argues and shows she
> is not prepared to be bullied by her brothers, even in the face of a slap
> across the cheek from James at one impertinence. She runs, crying from the
> room, but Sarah utters her support for the girl when she states that
> Elizabeth will not be left without a roof over her head and thrown out
> onto the street.
> In the street, a distracted James meets Albert Frazer who has arranged for
> him to sail in a steam pinnace that he has built to induce James'interest
> in his plans to build a steamship.
> A seaman's wife, Mrs Bascombe visits Anne at the warehouse to plead for
> allotment money as her husband has not yet returned on the Charlotte
> Rhodes. James and Robert arrive and the woman pleads with them but as the
> woman prepares to leave empty handed, they receive a visitor, a local
> fisherman, who has news that James' ship is adrift off the coast, having
> been battered by a storm. She's on fire and the crew ready to abandon
> ship.
> Mrs Bascombe quickly spreads the news in the local public bar looking for
> a free drink and sympathy but Callon and his son overhear. Edmund knows
> that the Charlotte Rhodes has not been insured for the trip and he and his
> father realize that they have a chance to acquire James' biggest asset as
> salvage.
> James and Robert persuade Albert to take them out to the Charlotte Rhodes
> in his steam ship as it could be the only vessel that would beat Edmund to
> the stricken ship and, despite the engine's unreliability they reach
> Baines and the remains of his crew first. There is smoke but no fire and
> the ship is stuck on a sand bank but will float off at high tide.
> Robert takes the rowing boat and returns to the women waiting together at
> home. Anne and Elizabeth have talked about her situation and it is obvious
> to Anne that a marriage to Fogarty is not what her sister in law readily
> wants.
> When James returns with the ship and remains of its crew, Anne has to tell
> Mrs Bascombe that her husband was washed overboard and drowned. James,
> ever mindful of his pocket, tells Baines to only pay in full, the crew
> that stayed aboard her.
> Fogarty has returned on `the Maid of Formby' and James and Robert find him
> in the `Longboat' public house. James fights with him for the `honour' of
> his sister but Daniel is prepared to marry whatever James may do to him.
> The decision is now Elizabeth's.
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberHappy New Year to all Onedin fans!Bill.
MemberHere we are: usual any comments corrections etc. Let me know.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 10:58 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] programme description from series 1.Dear Bill,
below is another description for perusal. It's the second of Alun
Richards' scripts – he's one of my favourites and a famous Welshman. He died
a couple of years ago and was well written about in the Welsh press. Hope
it's OK. Great to see the new files loaded – all the material that has come
to light since I signed up with the group 12 months ago has provided a
fascinating insight to the series for me. In the 70s, when I first became an
avid fan, there seemed little I could get hold of. Merry Xmas to all.
from Viv DoddSeries 1 programme 5 CATCH AS CAN by Alun Richards.
Description by Viv Dodd.
James returns from La Rochelle. After a storm, part of the cargo for Watsons
is damaged and this is used as an excuse for them to tell James he will no
longer have their trade but he is told the real reason is that Callon is
warning businesses not to deal with the Onedin Line or risk losing Callon's
James brings Anne a fan from the market in La Rochelle and gives it her with
little fuss. She is touched by the gesture and it is another sign of the
growing affection between them.
Albert Frazer invites James and Anne to a weekend at his Aunt's house –
providing James can persuade Elizabeth to attend aswell. James realizes what
an asset his sister could be in creating a link between a shipping company
and ship builders like Frazers.
The `home' that Anne has made in the warehouse is spartan and rat infested
so a weekend away is tempting for her although she is suspicious of the
importance of Elizabeth's attendance. Elizabeth is pining for Daniel Fogarty
and amused by the attentions of Albert Frazer although aware that she is
expecting Fogarty's baby.
As they are preparing to leave for Aunt Letitia's, James cannot find Baines
and realizes he has been `crimped' by a San Francisco bound American clipper
significantly trading with Callon and his son Edmund.
As James leaves to get Baines back – with a gun- Anne asks `would you come
after me?' `Well that depends.' `Depends on what?' Anne asks. `Depends on
what you'd taken with you,' James says with a smile. Their growing love and
dependence on one another is then shown as Anne hugs James and says, 'take
care you suddenly seem so small – precious to me.'
James and one other crew member take the Charlotte Rhodes to intercept the
American ship before she leaves British waters and after some dangerous
sailing, get the attention of the pilot who demands the American captain
allows James aboard. Baines has been beaten and is on the rigging but James
demands he is brought down and allowed to sign his name which he is able to
after Anne's teaching.
Fogarty storms into Aunt Letitia's causing upset and Elizabeth shows her
disgust at him. She and Anne return home and Elizabeth's state is confirmed
to Anne who tells Robert.
James and Baines return safely but who is going to tell James of his
sister's condition?————————————
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
MemberI already have all the Onedin line on DVD so it was out of curiosity I
looked on: has series 1,2,3,4,7 and 8 at the moment and 5 and 6 are to follow.
Speeds there are a bit slow but if you are patient you get the files.These are xvid .avi files which play on you PC or through media extenders to
a TV, as far as I know they avoid the PAL / NTSC problems some people have.Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 7:39 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Looking for 3 Missing Episodes in AVI format> Greetings, All,
> I've been scouring several sites (Rapidshares, Megaupload,
> looking for TOL episodes and I've managed to find
> download links to AVI files for all of TOL episodes, especially by
> searching "The Onedin Line" on bergfiles; that is, except for three
> episodes. The one's I've downloaded so far play great on my computer
> (though at 350MB-550MB per episode, they're filling up what's left of my
> hard drive so I plan to put them on an external drive, and eventually
> transfer them to DVD-Rs).
> Anyway, the three episodes that seem to be missing from the bergfiles'
> extensive AVI lists are:
> Series 4, Ep 3 "Not Wanted On Voyage"
> Series 4, Ep 8 "Shipwreck"
> Series 7, Ep 4 "Dirty Cargo"
> A couple of those are listed in bergfiles as RAR files, but my computer
> has never done well with RARs. It seems to absolutely hate all of the RAR
> extraction apps.
> So does anyone know where I can find these episode files in AVI that I can
> download? Or does anyone have these as AVIs that they'd be willing to put
> someplace like Megaupload and send me the links so I could download them?
> Since I'm finding it impossible to find TOL, in any complete form, on DVD
> for Region 1 (even though my DVD player is region free, my TV can't play
> PAL format), these AVIs are the only way I'm able to view these episodes.
> So with the above three missing I don't have a complete set, and while
> most of Series 1 that I've been watching seem to be stand-alone stories,
> they are part of the whole saga and some occasionally refer to things that
> have happened in previous episodes. So missing one can leave vital gaps in
> the whole story line.
> Any and all help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Dino.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberWell I have provided the images and a few of the descriptions, but we should really thank Viv Dodd, Helga Quadflieg and Mathias, who have added their time and trouble for most of the descriptions so far. (Sorry if I left someone out).I do a page now and again but it is bit time consuming, as sort of long term project!
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Scripts> Been to your site many times, Bill. I love the way it keeps growing with the added episode summaries. And the photos are great as well. Hopefully you can get more photos to add to the summaries.
> Bravo!
> Dino.
> —–Original Message—–
> From: Bill <>
> To: shiponedingroup <>
> Sent: Fri, Dec 9, 2011 8:05 am
> Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Scripts
> I don't make any money out of the Onedin Line, overall quite the reverse!
> Should they come to me, the scripts would be scanned if suitable, and placed
> on the Onedin site I maintain for anyone to enjoy for free.
> Bill.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 5:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Scripts
>>I think as long as there was no monetary exchange for the scripts it should
>>be fine. I'm a member of another group for fans of a little-remembered US
>>series called 'Search' (the pilot was titled 'PROBE', and I believe the
>>series aired in the UK as 'Search Control'). That series ran from September
>>1972 to May 1973, 23 episodes (24 counting the pilot). That group has a
>>separate site with some vid caps from each episode, and has all 24 scripts
>>in PDF that can be freely downloaded.
>> Warner Brothers (the producers) are well aware of the site and group
>> because the group has been pushing, begging, etc., to have the series
>> released on DVD. It's worked; Warner Archive Collection has recently
>> released the pilot on DVD, and the series is forthcoming. And Warner
>> hasn't issued a "cease and desist" to the group or the site for the
>> scripts posted there, again probably because there is no money involved.
>> So as long as no one is making a profit from donation, scanning, and
>> posting of the scripts there shouldn't be a problem. It's no different
>> than someone making a copy of episodes and giving them to someone. Now if
>> these were being sold it would be another story. But we're not selling
>> anything.
>> Dino.
>> —–Original Message—–
>> From: Bill <>
>> To: shiponedingroup <>
>> Sent: Thu, Dec 8, 2011 2:11 pm
>> Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Scripts
>> If you are donating them certainly. I might scan and put on the site if
>> copyright would allow.
>> Or if you want something for them, please contact me
>> Bill
>> —– Original Message —–
>> From: "Rob" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 9:45 PM
>> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Scripts
>>> Debbie's message earlier today has spurred me into action.
>>> I have a couple of rehearsal scripts from the second series.
>>> Anyone interested?
>>> ————————————
>>> Website about the Onedin Line
>>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> ————————————
>> Website about the Onedin Line
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Links
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
MemberI don't make any money out of the Onedin Line, overall quite the reverse!Should they come to me, the scripts would be scanned if suitable, and placed
on the Onedin site I maintain for anyone to enjoy for free.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Scripts>I think as long as there was no monetary exchange for the scripts it should
>be fine. I'm a member of another group for fans of a little-remembered US
>series called 'Search' (the pilot was titled 'PROBE', and I believe the
>series aired in the UK as 'Search Control'). That series ran from September
>1972 to May 1973, 23 episodes (24 counting the pilot). That group has a
>separate site with some vid caps from each episode, and has all 24 scripts
>in PDF that can be freely downloaded.
> Warner Brothers (the producers) are well aware of the site and group
> because the group has been pushing, begging, etc., to have the series
> released on DVD. It's worked; Warner Archive Collection has recently
> released the pilot on DVD, and the series is forthcoming. And Warner
> hasn't issued a "cease and desist" to the group or the site for the
> scripts posted there, again probably because there is no money involved.
> So as long as no one is making a profit from donation, scanning, and
> posting of the scripts there shouldn't be a problem. It's no different
> than someone making a copy of episodes and giving them to someone. Now if
> these were being sold it would be another story. But we're not selling
> anything.
> Dino.
> —–Original Message—–
> From: Bill <>
> To: shiponedingroup <>
> Sent: Thu, Dec 8, 2011 2:11 pm
> Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Scripts
> If you are donating them certainly. I might scan and put on the site if
> copyright would allow.
> Or if you want something for them, please contact me
> Bill
> —– Original Message —–
> From: "Rob" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 9:45 PM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Scripts
>> Debbie's message earlier today has spurred me into action.
>> I have a couple of rehearsal scripts from the second series.
>> Anyone interested?
>> ————————————
>> Website about the Onedin Line
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberIf you are donating them certainly. I might scan and put on the site if
copyright would allow.Or if you want something for them, please contact me
—– Original Message —–
From: "Rob" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 9:45 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Scripts>
> Debbie's message earlier today has spurred me into action.
> I have a couple of rehearsal scripts from the second series.
> Anyone interested?
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
>26th November 2011 at 10:22 pm in reply to: Echoes from afar – latest description to put on website #1360liamegan2000
Member—– Original Message —–
From: "Bill" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2011 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Echoes from afar – latest description to put
on website> At long last the description is on the site with some photos from the
> episode.
> Please take a look, any alterations etc please let me know.
> Bill.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 12:43 PM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Echoes from afar – latest description to put on
> website
> Dear Bill,
> could you look at the latest write up – from Series 3 ptrogramme 3 – hope
> its OK
> Echoes from Afar. By Alun Richards
> Description by Viv Dodd.
> James and Baines are on the Charlotte Rhodes. James has a fever but has
> plans for trade with Brazil. Frazer, also, is looking to the country that
> is
> due to build railways and needs coal. Caroline Maudsley hears her uncle
> and
> Fogarty talking about taking a steamer up a tidal river.
> Meanwhile, in Portugal, Braghanza's son,Jose, is refusing to go to England
> to help with the wine business – he is more interested in studying
> tropical
> sea shells! Braghanza writes to James to ask for his help.
> In Liverpool, Captain Webster is agitated because he cannot find a sight
> of
> the steamship `Anne Onedin' and he tells a rather distracted Robert but
> Sarah is tiring of having to look after him and James' daughter Charlotte.
> Nobody is on the quay to greet James but the preparations of a meal and
> the
> young, attentive Leonora wait at home. She receives little gratitude and
> attention as James reads the letter from Braghanza; Sarah brings news and
> complains about Webster who then enters to pester James about his failure
> to
> find the Anne Onedin. James confirms the old man's findings and says "
> Robert's nowhere to be found which probably means he knows summat and
> doesn't want to tell us"
> Capt Webster is dispatched to Portugal with Baines to look after him.
> James
> challenges Frazer about the Anne Onedin. Frazer maintains that James has
> lost the ship because bills have outstripped her value and she has been
> sold, leaving a balance of £1,000 – the Wirral Steam Navigation Company
> now
> own her – a ship for which £100,000 worth of shares were floated. James
> leaves Frazer's office bewildered and still feverish. Caroline sees him
> leave and Frazer confides to her that he believes James to be on `the
> downward path'.
> Caroline finds out that the Anne Onedin has been renamed the `Scotch Lass'
> and Frazer is the chief shareholder of the Wirral Company and tells James.
> Fogarty is sent to Greenock where the Scotch Lass is moored to sail her to
> Brazil. Leonora and Caroline meet at James' house – neither shows much
> degree of friendship.
> Jose has been tricked into boarding the ship to Liverpool and James
> introduces him to Elizabeth to appease and entertain him but James is now
> well again and determined to outwit Frazer over the ship and Brazil trade.
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
>26th November 2011 at 10:21 pm in reply to: Echoes from afar – latest description to put on website #1359liamegan2000
MemberAt long last the description is on the site with some photos from the
episode.Please take a look, any alterations etc please let me know.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 12:43 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Echoes from afar – latest description to put on
websiteDear Bill,
could you look at the latest write up – from Series 3 ptrogramme 3 – hope
its OKEchoes from Afar. By Alun Richards
Description by Viv Dodd.
James and Baines are on the Charlotte Rhodes. James has a fever but has
plans for trade with Brazil. Frazer, also, is looking to the country that is
due to build railways and needs coal. Caroline Maudsley hears her uncle and
Fogarty talking about taking a steamer up a tidal river.
Meanwhile, in Portugal, Braghanza's son,Jose, is refusing to go to England
to help with the wine business – he is more interested in studying tropical
sea shells! Braghanza writes to James to ask for his help.
In Liverpool, Captain Webster is agitated because he cannot find a sight of
the steamship `Anne Onedin' and he tells a rather distracted Robert but
Sarah is tiring of having to look after him and James' daughter Charlotte.
Nobody is on the quay to greet James but the preparations of a meal and the
young, attentive Leonora wait at home. She receives little gratitude and
attention as James reads the letter from Braghanza; Sarah brings news and
complains about Webster who then enters to pester James about his failure to
find the Anne Onedin. James confirms the old man's findings and says "
Robert's nowhere to be found which probably means he knows summat and
doesn't want to tell us"
Capt Webster is dispatched to Portugal with Baines to look after him. James
challenges Frazer about the Anne Onedin. Frazer maintains that James has
lost the ship because bills have outstripped her value and she has been
sold, leaving a balance of £1,000 – the Wirral Steam Navigation Company now
own her – a ship for which £100,000 worth of shares were floated. James
leaves Frazer's office bewildered and still feverish. Caroline sees him
leave and Frazer confides to her that he believes James to be on `the
downward path'.
Caroline finds out that the Anne Onedin has been renamed the `Scotch Lass'
and Frazer is the chief shareholder of the Wirral Company and tells James.
Fogarty is sent to Greenock where the Scotch Lass is moored to sail her to
Brazil. Leonora and Caroline meet at James' house – neither shows much
degree of friendship.
Jose has been tricked into boarding the ship to Liverpool and James
introduces him to Elizabeth to appease and entertain him but James is now
well again and determined to outwit Frazer over the ship and Brazil trade.————————————
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Links17th November 2011 at 11:04 pm in reply to: Echoes from afar – latest description to put on website #1358liamegan2000
MemberDescription is on the site, but text only at the moment – still having
problems uploading.Will let you know when it is finished.
Bill.—– Original Message —–
From: "Bill" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Echoes from afar – latest description to put
on website> Yes good, I'll go through it and get it on the site.
> Thanks,
> Bill.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 1:43 PM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Echoes from afar – latest description to put on
> website
> Dear Bill,
> could you look at the latest write up – from Series 3 ptrogramme 3 – hope
> its OK
> Echoes from Afar. By Alun Richards
> Description by Viv Dodd.
> James and Baines are on the Charlotte Rhodes. James has a fever but has
> plans for trade with Brazil. Frazer, also, is looking to the country that
> is
> due to build railways and needs coal. Caroline Maudsley hears her uncle
> and
> Fogarty talking about taking a steamer up a tidal river.
> Meanwhile, in Portugal, Braghanza's son,Jose, is refusing to go to England
> to help with the wine business – he is more interested in studying
> tropical
> sea shells! Braghanza writes to James to ask for his help.
> In Liverpool, Captain Webster is agitated because he cannot find a sight
> of
> the steamship `Anne Onedin' and he tells a rather distracted Robert but
> Sarah is tiring of having to look after him and James' daughter Charlotte.
> Nobody is on the quay to greet James but the preparations of a meal and
> the
> young, attentive Leonora wait at home. She receives little gratitude and
> attention as James reads the letter from Braghanza; Sarah brings news and
> complains about Webster who then enters to pester James about his failure
> to
> find the Anne Onedin. James confirms the old man's findings and says "
> Robert's nowhere to be found which probably means he knows summat and
> doesn't want to tell us"
> Capt Webster is dispatched to Portugal with Baines to look after him.
> James
> challenges Frazer about the Anne Onedin. Frazer maintains that James has
> lost the ship because bills have outstripped her value and she has been
> sold, leaving a balance of £1,000 – the Wirral Steam Navigation Company
> now
> own her – a ship for which £100,000 worth of shares were floated. James
> leaves Frazer's office bewildered and still feverish. Caroline sees him
> leave and Frazer confides to her that he believes James to be on `the
> downward path'.
> Caroline finds out that the Anne Onedin has been renamed the `Scotch Lass'
> and Frazer is the chief shareholder of the Wirral Company and tells James.
> Fogarty is sent to Greenock where the Scotch Lass is moored to sail her to
> Brazil. Leonora and Caroline meet at James' house – neither shows much
> degree of friendship.
> Jose has been tricked into boarding the ship to Liverpool and James
> introduces him to Elizabeth to appease and entertain him but James is now
> well again and determined to outwit Frazer over the ship and Brazil trade.
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberSorry is in the subject line but I did not put the link in the text.I just wondered if anyone had used it and found it ok?
I was especially thinking of feedback for people who have trouble getting a
copy of the series which will work on North American TV's?Or anyone else who'd tried it?
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Rareshare.> Bill, which site do you mean? (I'm the dense one here thanks to my pain
> meds and if not for my wife I'd forget who I am. She reminds me at least
> once a day when she says, "My beautiful Idiot".)
> 😉
> Do you have a link?
> Dino.
> —–Original Message—–
> From: Bill <>
> To: shiponedingroup <>
> Sent: Wed, Nov 16, 2011 1:43 pm
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Rareshare.
> Just wondering if anyone had investigated this site for Onedin episodes,
> and if the quality etc is ok?
> Bill.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> -