Forum Replies Created
MemberHas been on site for over a week. You must have missed my mail.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 10:19 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Amazon cargo> Bill,
> is it suitable to be put on the site? Viv Dodd
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberKaty,I did one for you before was it 2011?
Anyway yes I can record that, but do remind me nearer to the day just in
case it slips my memory.If you have broadband connection I can put it on a cloud service for
downloading, or post on a disc like last time.Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: "katyrichards72" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 10:50 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Singer of World Final> Hi Shipmates,
> Can anyone help me by recording the BBC Singer of the World
> Final from St Davids Hall in Cardiff on June 23, I am in NZ
> and there is no coverage here, my mother is in a resthome and
> loves to see it.
> Katy
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 11:55 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] description Amazon cargo> Bill, I have written Amazon cargo if its suitable to put on the website
> Series 3. Episode 4. AMAZON CARGO. By Alun Richards.
> Description by Viv Dodd.
> Jose Braghanza and Elizabeth have become very close in the 3 weeks spent
> together in Liverpool but Jose is to leave for Brazil on the Charlotte
> Rhodes with captain Baines where his Portuguese language could be of use
> to James' business ventures. James is sailing on the Osiris with a cargo
> of coal having refused Leonora's request to sail with him. James asks
> Caroline to accompany him but she refuses and sails on the Tarpin with her
> uncle, Jack Frazer. Both men are eager to develop the coal trade with the
> Brazillian railways.
> Fogarty is already on the Amazon with the steam ship Scot's Lass but is
> having trouble with the local officials who prevaricate and slow down his
> passage upriver with his cargo of coal. Baines arrives and meets the same
> reception so he sends Jose after Fogarty in a canoe, accompanied by a
> native. To ensure Jose's return Baines holds another native captive until
> the safe return of the young Portuguese.
> Fogarty runs aground and soon attracts the attention of the local
> Amerindians who unsettle the crew with their antics.
> When James reaches the Charlotte Rhodes, he finds Caroline aboard and she
> is frightened by the appearance of the captive native, attracted by beads
> and baubles in the cabin, as it brings back the horrific events
> surrounding her husband's death. James frightens off the native, who then
> escapes overboard, as he reassures Caroline.
> The next morning James goes to the Tarpin to discuss business with Jack
> Fraser. Fraser asks for the use of the Charlotte Rhodes to off load his
> cargo of coal before it and the ship are lost. James agrees to save
> Fraser's coal in return for regaining his steam ship which is really the
> Anne Onedin that Albert Frazer designed. While leaving Frazer to think it
> over James goes to offer his good wishes to the still shocked Caroline but
> she is in no mood for his sympathy and accuses him of being thoughtless
> and uncaring and goads him about the way he treated his dead wife Anne. A
> loud argument develops and she slaps James' face. On returning to Frazer
> for an answer to his offer, James is told that the steam ship is not
> solely Jack Frazer's now because he had to raise capital for the
> Brazillian venture by selling shares in the Wirral steamship company.
> Caroline now enters and comments to her father, but intentionally in
> James' presence, that she believes that the authorities from Manaus will
> not allow the coal trade to develop with another port (is she sorry for
> the way she treated James?) So James knows that he needs to cut his losses
> and return to Liverpool. He agrees to offload the coal from the Scots Lass
> for 50% of its value.
> When he returns to Baines on the Charlotte Rhodes, a canoe with the
> slaughtered Jose in it is found.
> On his return to Liverpool, Elizabeth is distraught at the news and James
> is told that senor Braghanza, who gave James his first start in trade, no
> longer wants to deal with the Onedin Line. James appears philosophical
> about it and leaves Leonora to comfort his sister.
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberBill,Years ago I remember a BBC radio interview with Cyril Abraham, in which he
mentioned that he had intended to write the story of the shipping line right
up to the (then) present day which was the 20th century.There's mention of this on the wikipedia page always wondered if any of the 20th century story was ever written down
—– Original Message —–
From: "William Murphy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 1:21 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: Onedin PollsWhy no Episode 10?
I worked (Music Adviser) on the last series of the show and can offer some
insights into this. The fact is that there was only just a Series 8. BBC
Drama (Series and Serials) were very reluctant to commission the last
series; they thought that the show had run its course. One problem was that
the producer, Geraint Morris, was already thinking about his next
commissioned show (King's Royal), and was also working on a new series that
was going to showcase Jessica Bentham – The Heywood Files. The Heywood Files
went all the way through the commissioning process (I was listed to write
the music) before being shot down at the very last moment. At best, Geraint
was phoning it in on The Onedin Line's last series, and frequently said so.Series 8 was not a happy show. Geraint Morris and veteran director Gerry
Blake had a simmering feud at best, fueled largely by Geraint's shameless
nepotism and Welsh-centricity; by Series 8, the language of the control
gallery was most emphatically Welsh, with the producer, half the directors,
half the DA's (one was Geraint's nephew) and the Production Manager leaping
into Celtic-language titters at every opportunity, to the snarling fury of
all around them (and I write as a Gaelic speaker). Meanwhile, the script
editor (Mervyn Haisman) was driving the show further and further into soap
opera, to the horror of the standing cast. Merv the Scribe (as we called
him, more or less affectionately) actually drafted an Episode 10 for Series
8, but it had so many insane plot twists and character implausibilities that
it was put down long before it could be produced.At the end of the very last dub of the very last show, just after Peter had
intoned "I've got a son," Gerry Blake turned to me and the Sound Manager and
said "Thank God that's over. If we tried to make another series of this
thing, someone would get hurt." We then all went and got very, very drunk.Bill Scanlan Murphy
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
MemberThis might be of interest.Offers 50 GB of free storage space with good up/down speed.
Uploaded files are encrypted and only the user holds the decryption keys. No
one else including mega knows what the files are.The unique encripted key which is only present on your computer can be sent
to anyone anywhere in the world with an internet connection so they can
download your file(s)I have not tried the service myself yet but have heard good thing about it
from some people on various boards.Bill
—– Original Message —–
From: "Lee Bonnifield" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:46 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Onedin captcha #1> afraid this didn't work — twice it appeared to be uploading fine but in
> the middle the browser screen went blank except for "Server Hangup".
> I'll try again with a faster connection.
> It isn't cheating to use your subtitles but to make it harder I won't
> say episode/time where this came from. I don't have subtitles, I really
> don't know what is being said in several places, and I bet you will tell
> me. I know what Elizabeth says, what does MacCaulay say? See files
> section Onedin captcha #1.
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberHello and welcome.Apologies for the long wait you have had before your message appeared on the
list. Technical difficulties and bad weather to blame.Our readers in North America will be glad of the link to region 1 discs, I
know this has been a problem as PAL region 2 discs are not easily played by
the equipment on sale there.Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: "leebonnifield" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 1:54 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] I'm new here> I'm glad to see other people are as impressed with The Onedin Line as I
> have been!
> I've read all the messages and hope to reply to some. After seeing the
> enthusiasm and dedication of list members trying to get DVDs of the
> complete series I started skipping those messages about availability — I
> guess everybody has sources now. I just bought the 91 episode 32 DVD
> Region 1 set from sir_Arlen
> I think that's a good value at $127 + $3 postage but ask about the clipped
> end credits.
> I first saw OL about 1977 when PBS broadcast series 1 & 2 in the US. VCR's
> didn't exist then but I was such a video enthusiast I'd bought a
> reel-to-reel color video tape recorder, so I was able to record those
> episodes and I watched them so many times I practically had them
> memorized. PBS followed the 50 minute episodes with a 10 minute feature
> "The Running Tide", which was a short historical documentary about
> seafaring. The topic was often related to a theme of the OL episode.
> When Anne died I thought that was a final end. PBS stopped broadcasting
> the series ~1978, I assumed that was the end of the series. When I bought
> a VCR in 1981 I copied my OL reel tapes to VHS and kept re-watching them.
> Years later in a library glancing at an Australian newspaper I was
> thrilled to notice the TV listings — they were getting series 5!
> Then I think it was the Arts & Entertainment channel about 1990 where I
> got series 5-8 on VHS, missing only the first few episodes of series 7.
> Recently I tried copying my 30 year old VHS cassettes to DVD and realized
> how crummy my old VHS cassettes are. I still may try to recover "The
> Running Tide" (15 different topics), I thought they were very well done
> too,
> I started shopping for DVDs and quickly found the set above. Now I've seen
> series 3-4 for the first time and watched the whole series twice! So I
> may remember answers to some questions and if I think of questions I bet
> somebody out there has recently watched the relevant episodes.
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberIt is indeed sad news.Peter made the part of James Onedin into something special. Coupled to the other fine actors and actresses in the series really turned out something that I doubt will be matched again in a TV series.
Condolences to his wife Anne and his family and friends.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
MemberMust admit it has been a while since I watched the series, I don't actually
remember what happened about this.It seems to take a few months or so for me to go through the whole series so
maybe it is time to start again!Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: "galacticprobe" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 7:32 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Steamship Anne Onedin> Greetings, All,
> I've been slowly catching myself up on the 'Onedin Line' episodes. I'm
> just getting into Series 7 and James Onedin is having difficulties
> because – as mentioned in the dialogue several times – he "has no
> steamships".
> Have I missed something in a previous series? In Series 5 he still has the
> Anne Onedin. (He sells her in one episode for 5,000 pounds, then buys
> several small schooners with the money. Then later in the same episode he
> sells the schooners to pocket 10,000 pounds, and buys the Anne Onedin back
> for a measly 2,000 because of a coal miner's strike.)
> I thought he still had her during Series 6. I don't remember any mention
> of him selling her or anything happening to her, or was there, and I just
> missed it? And if I have, if anyone knows the episode title please let me
> know so I can watch it again (and this time pay closer attention).
> Dino.
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberMy email app is refusing to work with Yahoos, so this from the site page instead – apologies if it posts twice.Description done.
— In, "Bill" <william.whittaker1@…> wrote:
> Bill.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: <vivdodd456@…>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 12:20 PM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Series2 Episode 13 The Challenge
> Dear Bill,
> this episode should complete something on all programmes of Series 1 & 2
> between us. Thanks for giving up your time to put it on the site.
> SERIES 2. Episode 13. THE CHALLENGE by Cyril Abraham.
> Description by Viv Dodd.
> Elizabeth returns from Paris on the same Callon ship as Daniel Fogarty and
> Emma Callon observes her. Daniel dismisses Emma's jealousy and uses it to
> his advantage when he says that she should name the day for their marriage.
> Anne has been ill and the doctor tells her that she must not conceive.
> James is in Zanzibar on the Osborne negotiating trade with a local sheikh.
> Mr. Mitchell, a tea merchant, wants to sell his Onedin steamship shares but
> Robert urges him to wait for James' return; as does Elizabeth, when Mitchell
> offers Albert 5,000 shares for £10,000 but he says he will now go to
> Fogarty. The keel of the Golden Nugget is being laid at Frazer's yard.
> James receives a telegram from Robert, telling him of the available shares
> and he realizes that he must return home quickly. James makes a deal with
> the sheikh to carry pilgrims to `Mecca' in return for a trade agreement and
> cargo of cotton. He will take the pilgrims and return home via the Suez
> canal.
> Capt Webster is becoming suspicious that Anne's illness is more serious than
> she is admitting – she is taking laudanum for the pain and says she will get
> James to agree a regular income for her father, so that he will be taken
> care of.
> James voyage is too slow and he is suspicious that the ` pilgrims' are not
> what they are supposed to be.
> Robert and Sarah join Capt Baines on a trip to the Isle of Man to escape
> happenings at home but Robert is a nuisance on board and thwarts Baines
> purchase of a cargo of `manx muttons'.
> James decides that he will not follow the sheikh's orders, realizing that he
> is dealing with slaves, and puts the sheikh and them ashore to gain their
> freedom.
> Fogarty and Emma marry and he refits a ship called the Pandora for their
> honeymoon voyage.
> Anne is returning from their wedding when James docks. `So Fogarty is now
> Callon and Company' he says.
> James attends a meeting with Mitchell and Fogarty but refuses to make an
> offer for the shares. He proposes a race to be the first to return to
> Liverpool with 500 tonnes of China tea from Foochow for Mitchell. In return
> the winner will purchase his Onedin shares at their original price.
> Anne insists on sailing with James aboard the Osborne and as they set sail
> James says `Well, the race is on. Not the usual race for us Anne. Much more
> at stake this time, eh?' Anne clasps her stomach in pain.
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 12:20 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Series2 Episode 13 The ChallengeDear Bill,
this episode should complete something on all programmes of Series 1 & 2
between us. Thanks for giving up your time to put it on the site.SERIES 2. Episode 13. THE CHALLENGE by Cyril Abraham.
Description by Viv Dodd.
Elizabeth returns from Paris on the same Callon ship as Daniel Fogarty and
Emma Callon observes her. Daniel dismisses Emma's jealousy and uses it to
his advantage when he says that she should name the day for their marriage.
Anne has been ill and the doctor tells her that she must not conceive.
James is in Zanzibar on the Osborne negotiating trade with a local sheikh.
Mr. Mitchell, a tea merchant, wants to sell his Onedin steamship shares but
Robert urges him to wait for James' return; as does Elizabeth, when Mitchell
offers Albert 5,000 shares for £10,000 but he says he will now go to
Fogarty. The keel of the Golden Nugget is being laid at Frazer's yard.
James receives a telegram from Robert, telling him of the available shares
and he realizes that he must return home quickly. James makes a deal with
the sheikh to carry pilgrims to `Mecca' in return for a trade agreement and
cargo of cotton. He will take the pilgrims and return home via the Suez
Capt Webster is becoming suspicious that Anne's illness is more serious than
she is admitting – she is taking laudanum for the pain and says she will get
James to agree a regular income for her father, so that he will be taken
care of.
James voyage is too slow and he is suspicious that the ` pilgrims' are not
what they are supposed to be.
Robert and Sarah join Capt Baines on a trip to the Isle of Man to escape
happenings at home but Robert is a nuisance on board and thwarts Baines
purchase of a cargo of `manx muttons'.
James decides that he will not follow the sheikh's orders, realizing that he
is dealing with slaves, and puts the sheikh and them ashore to gain their
Fogarty and Emma marry and he refits a ship called the Pandora for their
honeymoon voyage.
Anne is returning from their wedding when James docks. `So Fogarty is now
Callon and Company' he says.
James attends a meeting with Mitchell and Fogarty but refuses to make an
offer for the shares. He proposes a race to be the first to return to
Liverpool with 500 tonnes of China tea from Foochow for Mitchell. In return
the winner will purchase his Onedin shares at their original price.
Anne insists on sailing with James aboard the Osborne and as they set sail
James says `Well, the race is on. Not the usual race for us Anne. Much more
at stake this time, eh?' Anne clasps her stomach in pain.————————————
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
MemberStill not done the description yet – sorry.Had a lot to cope with over the past few weeks.
—– Original Message —–
From: "Bill" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 9:01 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Series2 Episode 13 The Challenge> Hello,
> Thanks for the description.
> I'm on a trip at the moment it will be a week or so before I get around to
> this.
> Bill.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 12:20 PM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Series2 Episode 13 The Challenge
> Dear Bill,
> this episode should complete something on all programmes of Series 1 & 2
> between us. Thanks for giving up your time to put it on the site.
> SERIES 2. Episode 13. THE CHALLENGE by Cyril Abraham.
> Description by Viv Dodd.
> Elizabeth returns from Paris on the same Callon ship as Daniel Fogarty and
> Emma Callon observes her. Daniel dismisses Emma's jealousy and uses it to
> his advantage when he says that she should name the day for their
> marriage.
> Anne has been ill and the doctor tells her that she must not conceive.
> James is in Zanzibar on the Osborne negotiating trade with a local sheikh.
> Mr. Mitchell, a tea merchant, wants to sell his Onedin steamship shares
> but
> Robert urges him to wait for James' return; as does Elizabeth, when
> Mitchell
> offers Albert 5,000 shares for £10,000 but he says he will now go to
> Fogarty. The keel of the Golden Nugget is being laid at Frazer's yard.
> James receives a telegram from Robert, telling him of the available shares
> and he realizes that he must return home quickly. James makes a deal with
> the sheikh to carry pilgrims to `Mecca' in return for a trade agreement
> and
> cargo of cotton. He will take the pilgrims and return home via the Suez
> canal.
> Capt Webster is becoming suspicious that Anne's illness is more serious
> than
> she is admitting – she is taking laudanum for the pain and says she will
> get
> James to agree a regular income for her father, so that he will be taken
> care of.
> James voyage is too slow and he is suspicious that the ` pilgrims' are not
> what they are supposed to be.
> Robert and Sarah join Capt Baines on a trip to the Isle of Man to escape
> happenings at home but Robert is a nuisance on board and thwarts Baines
> purchase of a cargo of `manx muttons'.
> James decides that he will not follow the sheikh's orders, realizing that
> he
> is dealing with slaves, and puts the sheikh and them ashore to gain their
> freedom.
> Fogarty and Emma marry and he refits a ship called the Pandora for their
> honeymoon voyage.
> Anne is returning from their wedding when James docks. `So Fogarty is now
> Callon and Company' he says.
> James attends a meeting with Mitchell and Fogarty but refuses to make an
> offer for the shares. He proposes a race to be the first to return to
> Liverpool with 500 tonnes of China tea from Foochow for Mitchell. In
> return
> the winner will purchase his Onedin shares at their original price.
> Anne insists on sailing with James aboard the Osborne and as they set sail
> James says `Well, the race is on. Not the usual race for us Anne. Much
> more
> at stake this time, eh?' Anne clasps her stomach in pain.
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberHello,Thanks for the description.
I'm on a trip at the moment it will be a week or so before I get around to
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 12:20 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Series2 Episode 13 The ChallengeDear Bill,
this episode should complete something on all programmes of Series 1 & 2
between us. Thanks for giving up your time to put it on the site.SERIES 2. Episode 13. THE CHALLENGE by Cyril Abraham.
Description by Viv Dodd.
Elizabeth returns from Paris on the same Callon ship as Daniel Fogarty and
Emma Callon observes her. Daniel dismisses Emma's jealousy and uses it to
his advantage when he says that she should name the day for their marriage.
Anne has been ill and the doctor tells her that she must not conceive.
James is in Zanzibar on the Osborne negotiating trade with a local sheikh.
Mr. Mitchell, a tea merchant, wants to sell his Onedin steamship shares but
Robert urges him to wait for James' return; as does Elizabeth, when Mitchell
offers Albert 5,000 shares for £10,000 but he says he will now go to
Fogarty. The keel of the Golden Nugget is being laid at Frazer's yard.
James receives a telegram from Robert, telling him of the available shares
and he realizes that he must return home quickly. James makes a deal with
the sheikh to carry pilgrims to `Mecca' in return for a trade agreement and
cargo of cotton. He will take the pilgrims and return home via the Suez
Capt Webster is becoming suspicious that Anne's illness is more serious than
she is admitting – she is taking laudanum for the pain and says she will get
James to agree a regular income for her father, so that he will be taken
care of.
James voyage is too slow and he is suspicious that the ` pilgrims' are not
what they are supposed to be.
Robert and Sarah join Capt Baines on a trip to the Isle of Man to escape
happenings at home but Robert is a nuisance on board and thwarts Baines
purchase of a cargo of `manx muttons'.
James decides that he will not follow the sheikh's orders, realizing that he
is dealing with slaves, and puts the sheikh and them ashore to gain their
Fogarty and Emma marry and he refits a ship called the Pandora for their
honeymoon voyage.
Anne is returning from their wedding when James docks. `So Fogarty is now
Callon and Company' he says.
James attends a meeting with Mitchell and Fogarty but refuses to make an
offer for the shares. He proposes a race to be the first to return to
Liverpool with 500 tonnes of China tea from Foochow for Mitchell. In return
the winner will purchase his Onedin shares at their original price.
Anne insists on sailing with James aboard the Osborne and as they set sail
James says `Well, the race is on. Not the usual race for us Anne. Much more
at stake this time, eh?' Anne clasps her stomach in pain.————————————
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
MemberThe description is here:
Full index page is:
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 10:57 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] A very important passengerDear Bill, thanks for putting episode with pictures. Here is the next in
the series?!!!!Series 1. Episode 10. A very important passenger. By Roy Russell.
Description by Viv Dodd.
James is approached by a very important looking man to carry a secret
passenger to Italy and despite being told that he had been recommended by
Callon, he asks for a fee of £400, to appease Robert who needs at least £350
to buy a new shop. He and Sarah are now living in the old warehouse.
Baines has been taken ill and a seaman arrives to offer himself as Mate.
James hires him, tells Anne to make the cabin shine for the passenger, who
then arrives at the point of departure.
The stranger carries a pistol, much to James' disapproval as captain of the
ship, and he appears like someone who is used to being obeyed. The stranger
charms Anne who engages him in conversation but he does not tell her his
name. When walking on deck, James has to take action to prevent an injury to
the man from a falling block caused by a crew member cutting a rope. The new
mate and several members of the crew are paid assassins to prevent Guiseppe
Garibaldi returning to Italy and uniting the country.
James and Anne are informed of the danger to Garibaldi and of his mission
but James refuses to land him secretly in Sardinia and wants to go straight
to Livorgno to save time and gain his bonus for a fast passage with his
James is called for by the mate and his co conspirators and held as hostage
to attract Garibaldi on deck. Garibaldi emerges and admits to knowing what
is to happen. He asks to discharge his pistol as a matter of honour, which
he is allowed to do but, as a man approaches with a knife, Garibaldi shoots
him with his new repeating revolver and James breaks free to help overpower
the assailants.
A British ship is sighted. It has been sent to escort Garibaldi to Italy and
he takes his leave of James, telling him that he would not lack for trade in
Italy when he, Garibaldi, unites the country.
On their return to Liverpool, James and Anne are met by Robert who is
reading the latest news about Garibaldi's arrival in Italy and his success
at rallying the people to him. James wants to hear about Robert's new shop
that Albert has advised him to buy with the money James has received rather
than the one that Callon suggested. James tells Robert that it will be ` Our
third company – Onedin Chandlers Ltd'. Robert protests that it is not fair
and that it should be a replacement for the shop he had owned. James
exclaims `Fair?! Now.. Let me see.. Did you get Garibaldi back to Italy or
did I?'————————————
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
MemberSorry for the long delay, the description is here:
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 12:28 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Next episodeDear Bill,
thankyou for putting Homecoming on the site. I attach the next when you
have time to do it. You do a great job – hope it doesn't take up too much
time.Series 1. Episode 9. WHEN MY SHIP COMES HOME. By David Weir.
Description by Viv Dodd.
The Maisie Agnes, a ship that James has chartered from Callon, is lost at
sea. The insurers refuse to pay out because the captain carried gunpowder
and so James and Anne set out for London so that James can see them and
plead his case.
Callon learns from his son, Edmund, that James is responsible for the cost
of the ship and cargo and sees an opportunity to impoverish James and puts
pressure on Robert to sell his shop cheaply so that Callon could demolish it
to build a new dock.
James talks to Mr Chubb from the insurers but is told that nothing can be
done about his loss. Anne enjoys the shops in London and the nearness to the
Queen but James returns to the hotel in a bad mood and explains the dire
situation to Anne. Captain Goodie from the Maisie Agnes arrives and tells
James that Chubb, as the senior partner in the firm, could be more lenient
and James writes a statement that would absolve him from his responsibility
for the cost of the ship which he intends Chubb to sign after getting him
drunk. However, after a visit to `Kate's' high class brothel, Chubb returns
James to Anne in the hotel, drugged and with the paper unsigned.
James and Anne return to Liverpool to collect any money they can to pay
James debt to Callon but Robert and family are evicted from their shop and
the Charlotte Rhodes is distrained and guarded so that James cannot use her
to make money. As James' Onedin companies are limited liability Callon
cannot take all his wealth but can stop him trading.
James and Baines steal the ship and think they leave Anne behind to cover
their tracks but she has stowed away. James makes for Gibraltar where he
buys guns and powder to sell to tribesmen in North Africa. They have a close
encounter with a French gunship but eventually James does the trade.
Anne disapproves of trade in guns but James is delighted `£2,000 clear
profit'. `Every penny spoken for', Anne reminds James.
`Forgive a rich man anything?', James asks his wife. `Not your brother
Robert nor Sarah – ever', Anne says reprovingly. But James is keen for Anne
to share his pleasure, `And you Anne, You?' Anne smiles wanly and looks
away. She is beginning to provide James with a `conscience'.————————————
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Linksliamegan2000
MemberI'm not able to do the video caps for the page at the moment, but I have
uploaded the text to the site. will finish the page to the usual format when I am able to.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 12:28 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Next episodeDear Bill,
thankyou for putting Homecoming on the site. I attach the next when you
have time to do it. You do a great job – hope it doesn't take up too much
time.Series 1. Episode 9. WHEN MY SHIP COMES HOME. By David Weir.
Description by Viv Dodd.
The Maisie Agnes, a ship that James has chartered from Callon, is lost at
sea. The insurers refuse to pay out because the captain carried gunpowder
and so James and Anne set out for London so that James can see them and
plead his case.
Callon learns from his son, Edmund, that James is responsible for the cost
of the ship and cargo and sees an opportunity to impoverish James and puts
pressure on Robert to sell his shop cheaply so that Callon could demolish it
to build a new dock.
James talks to Mr Chubb from the insurers but is told that nothing can be
done about his loss. Anne enjoys the shops in London and the nearness to the
Queen but James returns to the hotel in a bad mood and explains the dire
situation to Anne. Captain Goodie from the Maisie Agnes arrives and tells
James that Chubb, as the senior partner in the firm, could be more lenient
and James writes a statement that would absolve him from his responsibility
for the cost of the ship which he intends Chubb to sign after getting him
drunk. However, after a visit to `Kate's' high class brothel, Chubb returns
James to Anne in the hotel, drugged and with the paper unsigned.
James and Anne return to Liverpool to collect any money they can to pay
James debt to Callon but Robert and family are evicted from their shop and
the Charlotte Rhodes is distrained and guarded so that James cannot use her
to make money. As James' Onedin companies are limited liability Callon
cannot take all his wealth but can stop him trading.
James and Baines steal the ship and think they leave Anne behind to cover
their tracks but she has stowed away. James makes for Gibraltar where he
buys guns and powder to sell to tribesmen in North Africa. They have a close
encounter with a French gunship but eventually James does the trade.
Anne disapproves of trade in guns but James is delighted `£2,000 clear
profit'. `Every penny spoken for', Anne reminds James.
`Forgive a rich man anything?', James asks his wife. `Not your brother
Robert nor Sarah – ever', Anne says reprovingly. But James is keen for Anne
to share his pleasure, `And you Anne, You?' Anne smiles wanly and looks
away. She is beginning to provide James with a `conscience'.————————————
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