Forum Replies Created
MemberAs a character, William Frazer, but a very
good portrayal by Marc Harrison whatever happened to
MemberCarie,If I proceed with the present scheme there will be one episode on a data
CD-r. This is easily copied using any CD burning software (Roxio, Nero,
Clone etc
which almost every pc has).(The disc will play using Windows Media player worth getting the latest
version free download from Microsoft, with some pcs it may be better to copy
the file to hard drive first).Makes it simple to copy, use and distribute.
Send me your address to if you want a copy.
—– Original Message —–
From: "carie cheshire" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Update from the capture zone [was – Ice and
Fire]> Hi Bill,
> How wonderful of you to do this for everyone here, I would love a copy,
and of course would be happy to do a copy, but let me clarify the format of
the video files, so that I can check my source of copying has the right
software to copy. Many thanks.
> Carie.
MemberExcellent,Now I know what to start with,
Thanks, Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: "Diana" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 7:41 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Episodes> Hi Bill,
> In reply to your query, all the episodes from series one and two are
> available commercially with the exception of Cry of the Blackbird and
> Bloody Week i.e.:
> Series 1
> 2 The Wind Blows Free
> 3 Plain Sailing
> 4 Other Points of the Compass
> 5 High Price
> 6 Catch as Can
> 7 Salvage
> 8 Passage to Pernambuco
> 9 The Homecoming
> 10 When My Ship Comes Home
> 11 A Very Important Passenger
> 12 Mutiny
> 14 Shadow of Doubt
> 15 Blockade
> 16 Winner Take All
> Series 2
> 17 The Hard Case
> 18 Pound and Pint
> 19 A Woman Alone
> 20 Fetch and Carry
> 21 Yellow Jack
> 22 Survivor
> 23 Coffin Ship
> 24 `Frisco Bound
> 25 Beyond the Upper Sea
> 26 An Inch of Candle
> 27 Goodbye, Goodbye
> 29 The Challenge
> 30 Race for Power
> Also see the Episode Titles document in the Files section.
> However, many (all?) of these episodes have been cut on the
> BBC/Playback releases – some are only minor cuts, some significant.
> Only the first eight episodes of series one are available
> commercially as originally broadcast.
> Good luck and thanks for all your hard work recently.
> Dianaliamegan2000
MemberSend your address to down 1 to go.
—– Original Message —–
From: "Brenton Love" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 9:05 PM
Subject: RE: [shiponedingroup] Update from the capture zone [was – Ice and
Fire]> Hi Bill,
> Well I'd certainly like a copy, bearing in mind I'm in NZ………..but
> I can copy Cd's on my PC so can forward some on to other group members.
> Brenton.
> —–Original Message—–
> From: Bill []
> Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 9:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Update from the capture zone [was – Ice and
> Fire]
> Good news I got my new capture card today and installed it.
> I have had to give up on ice and fire at the moment because of the poor
> condition of the VHS tape but I am hopeful that a rather better vcr than
> mine might be able to get a reasonable copy of it, I'll see if I can
> borrow
> one.
> As an experiment I have copied a series 7 episode entitled "Dirty Cargo"
> partly because the tape was in reasonable condition and because it is a
> good
> story all contained in one episode.
> Using the best bit rate my old pc can manage this has resulted in a 480
> Mb
> file which will easily fit on a CD-r and will play with the Windows
> Media
> player. It while not anywhere near DVD (or even good VHS) quality it is
> good
> and not too bad to watch even on full screen on my 17" monitor.
> So who wants a copy? I'll start the ball rolling with 2 on the
> understanding
> the recipients will copy it and send on to other members of the list.
> Bill (who has now found that to work the capture card and software with
> all
> their features now needs a major pc upgrade!)
> _____
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> * To visit your group on the web, go to:
> * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> <>
> * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> Service <> .
>3rd March 2004 at 1:38 am in reply to: Experiment a short test clip from Episode – Ice and Fire #245liamegan2000
MemberBrenton,Well I am going to try doing each episode, starting with the ones that are
not available commercially. I believe this is from no.6? Someone can perhaps
confirm this, there is no point in copying commercially available episodes
unless someone somewhere cannot obtain them.The clip you have seen is very poor but I should be able to make a vast
improvement on that once I have my new capture card. If anyone is expecting
DVD quality they will be disappointed!But the programmes will be watchable and I hope be enjoyed.
nautnaut has been in touch with me about what standard we should adopt and
has given me some very useful guidance. We have also discussed how to
distribute around the list members and have come up with some useful ideas.Looks like the encoding will be sized to fit each episode (50 minutes) on
one CD-r as a mpeg file which will play on any PC. There will be no problems
with differing TV standards around the world that way.My aim to start with is to produce 6 episodes. If I am correct about what is
available commercially these will be:
Passage to Pernambuco
The Homecoming
When My Ship Comes Home
A Very Important Passenger
Cry of the Blackbird
Shadow of Doubt(I'll also do Ice and Fire as a "one off" as there was so much interest in
it.)Why 6 episodes? Well they will fit nicely on a data DVD +-R "Master" that
will replace 6 CD-rs for postage purposes hope fully these will cross the
continents be copied for local list members to CD-rs and then the DVD sent
on across the next ocean. Rather appropriate considering the content!After that I will capture another 6 episodes as time permits and so.
Just remember that I am not making any promises here if for some reason I
find the scheme is unworkable or too expensive I'll have to think again.I keep trying to download nautnaut's clip from the file area but keep
getting the "The document you requested is temporarily unavailable because
this group has exceeded its download limit. Please try again later."
message. I'll be interested to see what that is like.Bill
—– Original Message —–
From: "Brenton Love" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 11:51 PM
Subject: RE: [shiponedingroup] Experiment a short test clip from Episode –
Ice and Fire> Hi Bill,
> Just tried your sampler, as you say not great quality but still any
> chance to see a small snippet of Onedin Line is much appreciated!
> I would certainly be interested in any chance to have a copy of any
> episode passed series two, I would tend to favour the Cd-r option, I can
> forward copies to any one this far down the map (New Zealand/Australia).
> Well good luck and thanks for all your efforts, I'm sure we all really
> appreciate it!
> Cheers,
> Brenton.
Member—– Original Message —–
From: "nautnaut" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 10:42 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Leader for Episode 1> Encoding standards.
> Video should be encoded in MPG format. This is the
> form that is most universally accepted, and it is
> very easy to convert to whatever other format (.AVI,
> .MOV, MPEG2, DVD) from there.Yes a good idea.
> The clip is encoded at 800000 bitrate 352×240 mpeg-1
> which will allow two 50 minute episodes to fit on
> one 700mb CDR. That translates to 46 disks to store the
> whole series. What do you think of the quality of
> the picture?> Exchanging.
> I have copies of the first 8 episodes which I am willing
> to share with the group. There are several very different
> possible methods for sharing. One is to develop a tree
> for passing the disks or videotapes along to each other.
> The idea is for the owner of an episode can send it to
> the next person on the list who will make a copy for him/herself
> and then send the original to the next person on the list.
> This involves being able to make a copy, and so excludes
> those who do not have the wherewithall to duplicate media.
> A second possibility is to make two copies of each episode, sending
> one along to the next copier, and another to someone who
> cannot copy.The problem with copying VHS is the rapid degrading of the copy quality and
high cost of postage, I favour an all CD-r based system.>
> An entirely different scheme is to share mpg copies on CDR media.
> The advantage here is that the media costs are much lower, and
> the disks can be sent through the mail at low costs. There is
> a much larger advantage to exchanging CD's…the mpg format
> is uniform around the world, while television formats are not.
> In the US we use NTSC which is incompatible with the PAL format
> that much of the rest of the world uses. Sharing VCR tapes
> across the Atlantic is problematic, at best.
> Sharing CD's could work as described above. If we stuck to
> the encoding standard I suggest, two episodes would fit
> on a single CD,I can see a problem. I think it would be better to keep 1 episode per CD.
Firstly it would simplify distribution, and it would also improve the
quality. Bear in mind if any episodes come from my VHS tapes the quality is
not great to start with. 50 minutes as 700mb would be watchable, degrade it
any more than that and it would not be very good at all.Also the price of CD-r is so low I don't think that's a factor either.
something like 12 would fit in a DVD (data storage).
> I have stored some of my episodes to DVD video and a single disk
> will easily hold three 50 minute stories. It is possible to fit more
> on a DVD with the best (expensive) equipment, but I do not have it.A very good idea I could write them to a DVD at whatever bit rate I could
mange which then could be used to send episodes across the pond or to
mainland Europe for further distribution to other listees or W.H.Y. This all
depend on my capture card when it arrives and my ability to use it!I don't think we should exclude those of us who for whatever reason cannot
copy discs, I'm willing to do a few extra copies to fill in the gaps for
those people if needed. Anyone who is worried about cost incurred for the
"distributors" could send blank discs?>
> Another possibility is to use a peer-to-peer file sharing
> network to exchange files, like the famous Napster which no
> longer exists. I am investigating some of these and they look
> promising.Win Mx could be used, but the problem with all P2P networks is finding the
file you want.> Is anyone interested in pursuing this with me? I think it is a shame
> that the broadcasters have shown so little interest in Onedin.
> I think it was a great story. It's too bad that VCR's
> weren't invented sooner…there would be copies in circulation,
> where now we have precious few.Yes absolutely, like I have said before I have every episode on VHS one or
two were recorded from the later series when the program was originally
aired 20 odd years ago. The rest were recorded from BBC repeats of the
series around 1984 and UK gold (many of them on a dodgy VCR) about 11 years
ago. The quality of many of them is reasonable, but a few tapes are not so
good now unfortunately.Another thought is, is there any point copying the episodes that are already
available commercially on either VHS or DVD unless someone somewhere in the
world cannot obtain them? Should we first concentrate on providing episodes
that are not available on the market now?Thanks for some really good ideas,
MemberI can help you out and I have some experience with web sites (see mine at: )Contact me off list,
—– Original Message —–
From: "Mathias" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 12:59 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Need help…> Hi shipmates,
> I'm looking for anyone who can help me to build the English
> version of
> I'll translate the text but it's neccessary to correct my
> English. I
> would be happy if anyone could do it. I'm also looking for more
> pics
> because I have only the episodes from series one on VHS 🙁
> Mathias
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberMarianne,That is a very good offer.
But I would not trust my copies of the series to the postal service! They
are irreplaceable, at least till the series is shown again (I hope!)And since many of my tapes were recorded on the lp setting (to make the most
use of the tapes which was false economy but vhs cassettes were expensive
for me in those days) the quality is poor to start with, so making and
sending copies of these for transferring to DVD would not be a very good
option either.I am interested to know about the recorder you have and your opinion of it.
—– Original Message —–
From: "jaas08" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 8:04 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Copies on DVD> Hi everybody,
> Think I can help you all (if you give me the time).
> I have a DVD recorder which also copies PAL videos to DVD.
> For me it's only a matter of running the video and record on DVD.
> Think the only problem is I live in Holland (or not for the die hard
> fans).
> You can send me the original video and some blank DVD -R (I can also
> provide the DVDs at costprice)and I copy it for you. P&P for you and
> the recording is free.
> Let me know what you think of this so we can make a plan how to manage it.
> Marianne
Member—– Original Message —–
From: "Diana" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 7:53 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Ice and Fire> Hi Bill,
> I am perfectly willing to try however I doubt if I have the software
> or the memory to copy the disc on my PC which is rather ancient. I
> would love a new PC!!Diana,
No problem at all.
I have recorded Ice and Fire to the PC but I am still having difficulty with
it, the sound is way out of synchronisation with the video (it's ok on the
tape).I have a program that is supposed to correct this but not used it yet, this
digital video is a steep learning curve! I have only previously dabbled with
small avi clips.When I have overcome these problems I will make say 4 or 5 copies of it and
will send one to you, and the others to whoever wants them. No doubt someone
will then be able to supply further discs to list members if they are
needed.Let me be very clear about the quality of the video. If anyone is expecting
DVD quality then they will be disappointed. My copy of the episode runs in
the little window of the media player and is good enough to follow the
story. It is not good enough to run as full screen video.Bill.
MemberFor me it has to be Jessica Benton (Elizabeth).Her role was played to perfection and what a part it was. From the petulant
shop girl who did not really know what she wanted to Lady Fogarty who
definitely knew!Almost equal in my opinion was Michael Billington – Daniel Fogarty. The part
was later played by Tom Adams who did a fine job, but the 'real' Fogarty is
Michael in my mind.This is what makes it one of the truly great classic series, so many very
good roles played by so many very good actors.I doubt it will ever be equalled again.
—– Original Message —–
From: "Diana" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 8:17 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Onedin Poles> Calling all shipmates,
> There hasn't been much activity from the group of late plus some
> members haven't posted much so I thought that if we held a few poles
> perhaps that would get everyone participating a bit more.
> I'll collate the votes and confirm the winner (assuming there are
> sufficient responses!).
> To start things off …..
> You can give reasons if you wish.
> Voting closes midnight GMT 29 February (next Sunday evening).
> My vote goes to the wonderful Anne Onedin.
> Hope everyone will take part.
> Diana
> Yahoo! Groups Links
MemberMathias,The site looks good, be nice to see it develop.
And I never realised that Brian Rawlinson was born in Stockport, so was I!
Learn something new every day 😉
—– Original Message —–
From: "" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 5:35 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Jessica> Hi Diana,
> thanks for your interesting information about Jessica.
> I'm a great fan of the Onedin Line and – especially –
> Jessica Benton since the 70's. I think Jessica is a
> better actress than some stupid hollywood starlets 😉
> Her role as Elizabeth (Isabel in the German version)
> was really great!!!
> The Onedin Line is currently running again at German
> tv station NDR every sunday afternoon. It's one of the
> well known and most beloved 70's series and we have
> many old fans in Germany too.
> I have launch a new Onedin fan page last month.
> The site is under construction yet because I have not
> enough spare time at the moment. English version is in
> planning.
> I would like to publish many fine pictures from The
> Onedin Line. I will hope that I get no problems with
> the chaotic and unloved new German copyright law. :-((
> Greetings from Thuringia, Germany
> Mathias
> P.S.: I have upload some pics from Jessica to a new
> folder. The pics are on my website too in better
> quality. More coming soon 😉liamegan2000
MemberI just checked the book and you are right.It seems to take about 3 lines of text at a time, I'll try putting the
message in a bit at a time 🙂Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: "carie cheshire" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Re: Hi to all> Bill, I am sure he will answer you, the only thing with his guestbook is
you can't always fit everything in, sometimes you may have to post a couple
of times in order to get it all on so that it can be read, Michael is aware
of this but for some reason, can't understand why it does that, we had a
brief conversation about it when I met him!!!
> Carieliamegan2000
MemberWell, I tried a message in the guest book on his site, you never know…Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: "Carie" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: Hi to all> Bill,
> Maybe he would enjoy talking to everyone here, but you can also go to
> his website, which has a noticeboard you can post questions there
> which Mike is always happy to answer, but I am sure you all already
> knew that!! Perhaps we should invite him to join, as Michael told me
> himself when I had the great pleasure to meet him last year, Daniel
> Fogarty was always his favourite role!!
> Carieliamegan2000
MemberMaybe Michael would like to join this list, now that really would be
—– Original Message —–
From: "carie cheshire" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Hi to all> Bill,
> Thanks for the welcome! I have spent some time already looking round the
files etc, and I have to say what an impressive collection. Sadly I don't
have much of one concerning Onedin Line, however I do have a Radio Times
special magazine from 1973, which I have lent to Michael Billington for his
> Carie
MemberCarie,Glad you found us, can be a bit quiet here but it is quite a new group and
our numbers are building up steadily.Have a look around the file and photo area of this list there is a bit of
info there.Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: "Carie" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2004 8:15 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Hi to all> Hi,
> I am new here, my name is Carie, I live in the UK, and my only
> memories of the onedin line is the music, as I was quite young when
> it aired, however, I have become a fan, through Michael Billington,
> whom I admire greatly, and I can't believe I never found this group
> before!! I am so pleased to be here.
> Best Wishes,
> Carie. -