Forum Replies Created
KeymasterI think there's been one on each day all week, and last week too??— On Fri, 8/7/11, bty261364 <> wrote:
From: bty261364 <>
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Yesterday again!
Date: Friday, 8 July, 2011, 22:51Just to let UK based folks know that an episode was on the Yesterday channel today – don't know if it is the whole series again….
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterI have read soem of the stories but not for a long time… but I think that there's some info about what was in the stories on soem Onedin line website? I think one set in Women's mags was set in the time just after Anne's death…— In, "Tyler Durden" <sonotavailable@…> wrote:
> Hello, hello!
> I have this idea, making some sort of person gallery of all the people in Cyril Abrahams Onedin books. (I'm also thinking about making them into e-books, if I can find the time …) I also would very much like to include the short stories as well. Can anyone help me out with the short stories published in:
> 1) Woman magazine (1973)
> 2) "For Love of the Onedins", published in the tvlife magazine
> I don't need the magazines, just copies of the short story content (and if possible also copies of the magazine covers).
> It would be very much appreciated, indeed!
> Jolly good!
> Lars
>21st March 2011 at 6:12 pm in reply to: Re: [shiponedingroup] Re: [was Onedin 8 DVD] BBC Drama Playhouse production -… #1323ivaradi
KeymasterI hope the person at the BBC understands what's going in here because it's confusing the hell out of me!— On Mon, 21/3/11, <> wrote:
From: <>
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Re: [was Onedin 8 DVD] BBC Drama Playhouse production -…
Date: Monday, 21 March, 2011, 17:06All right… something is wrong with my replies. This is the last time I'll
try this. I'm separating my comments with lines since I can't seem to get
the extra line breaks to come through. So, here goes…
I did this at that BBC link they gave, but with a 350-character
limit to the comment field, the best I could do was this:
A copy of the original “The Onedin Line” pilot episode from December of
1970 with Sheila Allen portraying Anne Onedin has been found at the US
Library of Congress (see items at _,_
(,) ¾ down the
page: and, _
( ). Would
the BBC consider releasing this Pilot on DVD?
The above is 342 characters. Others in the group may feel free to use
edit as you can; just remember the character limit also includes spaces.
Also, the BBC web site says you can enquire about DVD releases by
contacting 2|entertain at this address: (
It's an actual e-mail that people read (although you will get an automated
response letting you know that they got your e-mail) so there is no
character limit. You can type any nice letter about this you want. So I did
as well, and while I was at it I asked about more Region 1 releases.
Dino.In a message dated 3/21/2011 8:32:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:***********************************
This is an automated response from BBC Information.
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BBC Information
*************************************[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterWho was John Pertwee in the cast?? I loved Michael Billington, and
although his replacement (can't think of name) was very good too, so smooth and
such a wonderful voice, Michael had that rough and ready, tough around the
edges bad boy quality that was so appealing. Would love to have seen him in
the role with Elizabeth in those later years.In a message dated 2/18/2011 12:27:15 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:I could borrow a quote and say "Everything has its time, and everything
dies."News of anyone's passing is sad enough without it having to be someone
we've gotten to know. I was greatly depressed when Michael Billington (and
Pertwee) passed, as I had corresponded with them both many times, Michael
Billington many more times, and I miss not getting letters from Mr.
and e-mails from "Mike" as he said to call him. So, I share in the feeling
of loss over Mr. McKenna's passing.However, to turn the phrase, rather than dwelling on how many Onedin
we've lost, let's give due mourning to those we have, but let us also
think of all the Onedin people that we still have left to us, to
with, possibly meet one day, and have a chance to talk with.Dino.
In a message dated 2/17/2011 3:02:32 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
_lobsanghoskins@yahoo.com_ ( writes:First Mervyn Haisman, and now …
Very sad to read of the passing of Tom Pat (T.P.) McKenna, who played an
Irish mountebank in the last series of Onedin. I was always a huge fan,
grabbed the opportunity to get to know him when he worked on the show. A
delightful, funny man who had a helpful word for everyone. Well, nearly
everyone. I expect he and Pennant Roberts are now back at each other's
in the BBC Club In The Sky.There'll soon be no-one left from the show at this rate. Look at how many
Onedin people have left us in the last six months.Bill Scanlan Murphy
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterI never even knew there WAS a pilot show, like most of us I guess. Any way
of getting it from Amazon or Ebay here in the USA? And may I thank from the
bottom of my heart the kind group pal who sent me the autographed pic of
Peter Gilmore and Anne Stallybrass. I am sorry, I lost your email address. I
gave my husband the photo for Valentine's Day, and he just loved it, and
plans to put it on the wall where his wooden schooner models are displayed.
Our people are so good hearted and willing to share, what a pleasure.In a message dated 2/15/2011 6:42:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:I hope so, I've never seen the pilot show, lets hope.
I'm going to email the BBC about this, a see what they've got to say, I
suggest anyone else who is interested does the same.The more noise we can make the better.
—– Original Message —–
From: <_LambuLambu@aol.com_ ( >
To: <_shiponedingroup@yahoogroups.com_
( >
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Is the pilot found?> Yeah! Wow! That's like finding the Holy Grail of TOL episodes! Hopefully
> the BBC will release that on DVD one day soon. (Not that it would do us
> Yanks
> any good as it's nigh on impossible to get hold of any TOL DVDs on this
> side of the pond.)
> Also, just below the listing of TOL, did anyone notice the photo of
> Bernard
> Cribbins in a still from "Charlie's Aunt" (1961)? (He was the policeman
> the Peter Cushing "Doctor Who: Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 AD", and then
> Wilfred Mott, Donna Noble's grandad in David Tennant's final 'series' of
> the
> "New Who".) I know this is a bit off topic – OK, way off topic – but it
> makes me wonder how many missing "Doctor Who" episodes are in that
> Library of
> Congress. (All packed away in that box next to the Ark of the Covenant,
> doubt!)
> Dino.
> P.S. Hey, Linda! I saw "Uncle Chuck" (Jr.) the other day and we had a
> chat, and talked about how small this planet really is!
> In a message dated 2/14/2011 3:51:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> _sonotavailable@yahoo.com_ ( writes:
> I had a look at IMDB, and found something about the long lost pilot:
> __
> (_
( )
> Anyone in US able to have a look?
> Cheers!
> Lars
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> _
( Yahoo! Groups Links
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterHello,This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the shiponedingroup
group.File : /Onedin Line script for S08E06 The Price of Pride.pdf
Uploaded by : sonotavailable <>
Description : PDF of final rehearsal script for S08E06 "The Price of Pride"You can access this file at the URL: learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:
Regards,sonotavailable <>
KeymasterMe too, love notes on what any of the cast might be doing today, etc…In a message dated 1/15/2011 11:00:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:Thanks for that, and no not of topic at all.
All things connected with the Onedin Line are ok as far as I'm concerned.
—– Original Message —–
From: "bree3128" < ( >
To: <_shiponedingroup@yahoogroups.com_
( >
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 11:52 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] OT: AS & PG in Series 3 of 'Heartbeat' ITV3> Apologies for posting a little off topic, but fans of Anne Stallybrass
> Peter Gilmore might like to know that their back to back episodes from
> 1993 third season of 'Heartbeat' are available to view for approximately
> the next 3 weeks from today on ITV Player at Just follow
> links from the 'Missed Episodes' Heartbeat page at the ITV 3 section of
> the website. The episodes in question are 3.5 'A Chilly Reception' (AS)
> and 3.6 'The Frighteners' (PG) respectively broadcast on ITV3 on 6th and> 7th January.
> Bree
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
> _
( Yahoo! Groups Links
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterHow do we get these in the USA?? I have tried in vain with Coronation
Street, but no dice. Screen says not available in your area. Any hints that
don't involve a technology none of us understand???In a message dated 1/15/2011 6:52:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:Apologies for posting a little off topic, but fans of Anne Stallybrass and
Peter Gilmore might like to know that their back to back episodes from the
1993 third season of 'Heartbeat' are available to view for approximately
the next 3 weeks from today on ITV Player at Just follow the
links from the 'Missed Episodes' Heartbeat page at the ITV 3 section of the
website. The episodes in question are 3.5 'A Chilly Reception' (AS) and 3.6
'The Frighteners' (PG) respectively broadcast on ITV3 on 6th and 7th
Bree[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterHey, maybe now they can get rid of the sleazebag biker women that keep
abusing our group space to solicit business. ARE YOU LISTENING YAHOO GROUP
BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In a message dated 1/9/2011 11:30:58 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:Yahoo are fiddling big time with Groups and Mail – join the thousands of
pi$$ed off members. CJB.— On Sun, 9/1/11, Bill <_william.whittaker1@ntlworld.com_
( > wrote:From: Bill <_william.whittaker1@ntlworld.com_
( >
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] programme descrition Series 2 An inch of
To: _shiponedingroup@yahoogroups.com_
Date: Sunday, 9 January, 2011, 16:21I've not been receiving notifications and mail from the list for the last
week or so, on top of this of course the holiday period has kept me away
from the computer with all the details on it.Once I've found out what the problems are I'll get back to the
descriptions etc.Apologies to anyone who has been waiting for membership approval or
moderation on messages.Like we used to see on TV, "Normal Service Will Be Resumed As Soon As
—– Original Message —–
From: Bill
To: _shiponedingroup@yahoogroups.com_
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] programme descrition Series 2 An inch of
Candle'An Inch of candle' and 'ship devils' has been added to the website.
Navigation and images still have to be added. I'll do some screen caps and
upload them.Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: V DODD
To: _shiponedingroup@yahoogroups.com_
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2010 1:07 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] programme descrition Series 2 An inch of CandleONEDIN LINE SERIES 2. PROGRAMME 10
Viv Dodd one of my favourite programmes as James comes to realize at the
that Anne is more important than another ship.Making passage home, James and Baines find an abandoned schooner adrift
despite Baines’ poor opinion of her, James is intrigued by the mystery of
abandoned Maria da Gloria. James boards the ship, jettisons the spoiled
of sugar and takes her in tow to Ireland.
Meanwhile, Anne is carrying coal up steps in their ‘infernal basement’
whilst Elizabeth tuts at James’ inconsiderate treatment of her. Anne feels
queasy and says ‘It’s just a touch of sickness that comes over me at times
‘Sickness?’ retorts Elizabeth and they stare at one another as Anne says ‘
haven’t you ever……. Oh no, it couldn’t be that’.
Robert also is accidently told of Anne’s condition by Elizabeth when he
concern for her as she bursts into tears for no apparent reason but
Sarah is concerned at the news because if James has a son,he’ll inherit
Onedin Line, not their Samuel.
Anne goes to greet James on the Charlotte Rhodes and he excitedly tells
her his
news of the ship that he can make money from one way or another. ‘James I’
having a baby’ Anne finally blurts out. ‘What did ya say?’ ‘I’m with
‘Why didn’t ya say so?’
‘I’ve been trying to but you didn’t give me the room to get a word in
‘You sure?’ James needs confirmation. ‘ I wasn’t at first. I couldn’t
believe it
but I’m sure now. James … is it good news?’ Anne asks hesitantly. ‘Good
news –
its wonderful news – most wonderful news I’ve heard in all my life’.
James is close to having the money to buy back enough shares to be in
control of
the Onedin Line again but Elizabeth pesters him to get Anne out of the
into a proper house. Robert arrives with news of the auction for the Maria
Gloria in Roscarberry. The insurers own it as no named owner can be traced
they appear to want a quick sale. James believes she is undervalued and
Robert and Anne (who insists she go) decide to take a steamer to
Anne feels unwell on the journey and James says ‘you’re never seasick – it
’s the
baby. Should have stayed at home – I told you’.
In Ireland they inspect the ship and meet Mr Sankey from the insurers who
disparaging about her qualities and value. James is uneasy about what is
done with the ship and leaves Anne in bed that night to look over her
again. He
finds evidence that she was a ‘slaver’ whose owners would not have
her to avoid discovery of the illegal trade and he tells Anne and Robert
next day ‘ Hang the salvage award – I’d rather have the ship. For five
pounds she’d be an absolute bargain. On the fruit run from the Azores, she’
beat everybody home’. Anne says, ’but I thought the five hundred pounds
was for
a house’. James replies ‘oh Anne we can always get a house’.
Daniel Fogarty is in league with the insurers and would buy the ship as
as possible if no one else were interested – it would also do James out of
fair price for salvage. Emma Callon is dispatched to visit Anne and James
on the
pretext of asking after her condition but James is now convinced that
there is
some underhand dealings with Fogarty and the ship. ‘Anne, if it should be
necessary to find more than £500 would you begrudge the expenditure?’
Anne asks ‘ how could you raise the money?’ ‘Sell some of the shares’
‘Couldn’t you sell a few more and we could have a house aswell?’ Anne.
James,’Be a year before the Maria da Gloria made enough profit to buy back
Anne,’And a house could’t make any profit to buy them back’.
‘You would begrudge it me eh?’
James makes it appear to Fogarty, Anne and everyone else that he has no
in the ship and James prepares to sail with Capt Baines who makes sure
knows of the voyage. James says ‘ Anne that ship could be the way back for
us’. Anne, ‘ another ship, another gamble ? Oh I’m sorry, I just feel so
weary’. Then she is told that James had already decided to attend the
auction in
Ireland – he was never to sail with Capt Baines. However, Anne is
as she tells Elizabeth ‘ I married James for security but I love him for
lack of it’.
The auction is one where bidding happens whilst an inch of candle burns
and the
last bid before the candle extinguishes is the winner. James and \Fogarty
head to head. James bids two thousand and eight hundred pounds as the
dies and meanwhile, carrying coal for the range, induces Anne to miscarry.
James returns home and is telling his tale to Robert, emphasizing that the
of the bid would be offset by the one thousand pound salvage money due to
when he realizes Capt Webster and Elizabeth are there also to tell him the
of Anne. He rushes to her bed and she asks ‘Did we get the schooner?’
answers huskily ‘yeah’
‘Good, its what we need’. But James shakes his head as he grasps Anne in
arms.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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19th December 2010 at 6:44 pm in reply to: Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more? #1268ivaradi
KeymasterI think it is more likely that the ship Charl Rhodes was named after Anne's late mother, it belonged to her father who bought it wehn he retired from the Navy.. and IIRC James didn't wnat the baby to be called Anne, because he is so upset at Anne's death…(and it woudl be confusing for audiences to have 2 Annes) so she's given hte name Charlotte after her grandmohter. Later I think it becomes a "family joke" that Charlotte is named after the ship.Regency
— In, lambulambu <LambuLambu@…> wrote:
> AAAHH!! You are correct, sir. I do remember that now. He named his daughter after his first acquired ship, '"Charlotte" Rhodes'. It was his steamship that he was having built during one series that he was going to name the 'Anne Onedin'. (So many names, so many years gone by, not enough brain cells.)
> I stand corrected.
> Dino.
> On Dec 18, 2010, at 7:39:01 PM, sgflikchik@… wrote:
> From: sgflikchik@…
> Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Elizabeth and James query?
> Date: December 18, 2010 7:39:01 PM EST
> To:
> James names his daughter Charlotte, not Anne.
> In a message dated 12/18/2010 7:36:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> LambuLambu@… writes:
> This was only Episode 10, and actually, I believe James is unhappy about
> Anne's miscarriage, and the loss of what could possibly have been the heir
> to his shipping empire one day. That would definitely have James feeling
> very somber, and for a while that could give the impression that he has lost
> some of his spirit. Also, if I remember correctly, there was always some
> friction between James and Elizabeth, not always shown openly between the two,
> but shown as they spoke of each other to other people. (It's been a while
> so I could be wrong about that, but it may explain why Elizabeth was so
> callous in her comments.)
> Anne dies in the last episode of Series 2, Episode 14 "Race For Power",
> while actually giving birth to James' daughter, who I believe James names
> Anne after her (now late) mother. James was definitely saddened when Anne died
> as he had grown to love her very much.
> Dino.
> On Dec 18, 2010, at 10:59:46 AM, regencylady04 <regencylady04@…>
> wrote:
> From: regencylady04 <regencylady04@…>
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Elizabeth and James query?
> Date: December 18, 2010 10:59:46 AM EST
> To:
> Thanks for doing this…
> But does anyone have any idea? Why does Eliz say this about James? I dont
> see any sign that he's lost his spirt exactly? He is desperately unhappy
> about Anne's death… surely that is natural.
> Any discussion?
> — > Elizabeth is at James' house with a letter from Albert saying he is
> developing the means of shipping refrigerated meat. James says of Albert `
> he's not the man I took him for'. Elizabeth replies `nor are you these days
> James. You're not one half the man you once were – you've lost your
> spirit'.
> > >
> >
> > ———————————————————-
> >
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ————————————
> Website about the Onedin Line
>! Groups Links
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>19th December 2010 at 6:41 pm in reply to: Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more? #1267ivaradi
KeymasterNo Im referring to the summary of Ep 1 of the Third Series of the show which is shortly after Anne's death.— In, sgflikchik@… wrote:
> James names his daughter Charlotte, not Anne.
> In a message dated 12/18/2010 7:36:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> LambuLambu@… writes:
> This was only Episode 10, and actually, I believe James is unhappy about
> Anne's miscarriage, and the loss of what could possibly have been the heir
> to his shipping empire one day. That would definitely have James feeling
> very somber, and for a while that could give the impression that he has lost
> some of his spirit. Also, if I remember correctly, there was always some
> friction between James and Elizabeth, not always shown openly between the two,
> but shown as they spoke of each other to other people. (It's been a while
> so I could be wrong about that, but it may explain why Elizabeth was so
> callous in her comments.)
>19th December 2010 at 3:21 am in reply to: Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more? #1266ivaradi
KeymasterThat's ok. When Charolotte married Samuel Onedin, they had a daughter and
named her Anne.In a message dated 12/18/2010 7:47:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:AAAHH!! You are correct, sir. I do remember that now. He named his
daughter after his first acquired ship, '"Charlotte" Rhodes'. It was his steamship
that he was having built during one series that he was going to name the
'Anne Onedin'. (So many names, so many years gone by, not enough brain
cells.)I stand corrected.
On Dec 18, 2010, at 7:39:01 PM, wrote:
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Elizabeth and James query?
Date: December 18, 2010 7:39:01 PM EST
James names his daughter Charlotte, not Anne.In a message dated 12/18/2010 7:36:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:This was only Episode 10, and actually, I believe James is unhappy about
Anne's miscarriage, and the loss of what could possibly have been the
to his shipping empire one day. That would definitely have James feeling
very somber, and for a while that could give the impression that he has
some of his spirit. Also, if I remember correctly, there was always some
friction between James and Elizabeth, not always shown openly between the
but shown as they spoke of each other to other people. (It's been a while
so I could be wrong about that, but it may explain why Elizabeth was so
callous in her comments.)Anne dies in the last episode of Series 2, Episode 14 "Race For Power",
while actually giving birth to James' daughter, who I believe James names
Anne after her (now late) mother. James was definitely saddened when Anne
as he had grown to love her very much.Dino.
On Dec 18, 2010, at 10:59:46 AM, regencylady04 <>
wrote:From: regencylady04 <>
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Elizabeth and James query?
Date: December 18, 2010 10:59:46 AM EST
Thanks for doing this…But does anyone have any idea? Why does Eliz say this about James? I dont
see any sign that he's lost his spirt exactly? He is desperately unhappy
about Anne's death… surely that is natural.Any discussion?
— > Elizabeth is at James' house with a letter from Albert saying he is
developing the means of shipping refrigerated meat. James says of Albert `
he's not the man I took him for'. Elizabeth replies `nor are you these
James. You're not one half the man you once were – you've lost your
> >
> ———————————————————-
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Links[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Links[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
19th December 2010 at 1:39 am in reply to: Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more? #1264ivaradi
KeymasterJames names his daughter Charlotte, not Anne.In a message dated 12/18/2010 7:36:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:This was only Episode 10, and actually, I believe James is unhappy about
Anne's miscarriage, and the loss of what could possibly have been the heir
to his shipping empire one day. That would definitely have James feeling
very somber, and for a while that could give the impression that he has lost
some of his spirit. Also, if I remember correctly, there was always some
friction between James and Elizabeth, not always shown openly between the two,
but shown as they spoke of each other to other people. (It's been a while
so I could be wrong about that, but it may explain why Elizabeth was so
callous in her comments.)Anne dies in the last episode of Series 2, Episode 14 "Race For Power",
while actually giving birth to James' daughter, who I believe James names
Anne after her (now late) mother. James was definitely saddened when Anne died
as he had grown to love her very much.Dino.
On Dec 18, 2010, at 10:59:46 AM, regencylady04 <>
wrote:From: regencylady04 <>
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Elizabeth and James query?
Date: December 18, 2010 10:59:46 AM EST
Thanks for doing this…But does anyone have any idea? Why does Eliz say this about James? I dont
see any sign that he's lost his spirt exactly? He is desperately unhappy
about Anne's death… surely that is natural.Any discussion?
— > Elizabeth is at James' house with a letter from Albert saying he is
developing the means of shipping refrigerated meat. James says of Albert `
he's not the man I took him for'. Elizabeth replies `nor are you these days
James. You're not one half the man you once were – you've lost your
spirit'.> >
> ———————————————————-
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Website about the Onedin Line Yahoo! Groups Links[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
18th December 2010 at 6:35 pm in reply to: Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more? #1269ivaradi
Keymasteri don't have any exact facts to prove this with, it's just a feeling. a feeling I've always had about James and that was why he was my fav character. that under that hard surface and difficult temperament, he was as lost as anyone. and because he wasn't very influenceable and therefore could not change to become less unhappy, I pitied him quite a lot. I tend to fall for that typa guy, lol========================================
Message Received: Dec 18 2010, 03:59 PM
From: "regencylady04"
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Elizabeth and James query?Thanks for doing this…
But does anyone have any idea? Why does Eliz say this about James? I dont see any sign that he's lost his spirt exactly? He is desperately unhappy about Anne's death… surely that is natural.
Any discussion?
— > Elizabeth is at James' house with a letter from Albert saying he is developing the means of shipping refrigerated meat. James says of Albert ` he's not the man I took him for'. Elizabeth replies `nor are you these days James. You're not one half the man you once were – you've lost your spirit'.
> >
> ———————————————————-
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
18th December 2010 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Programme description for perusal – hope it can be used and I can do some more? #1261ivaradi
KeymasterThanks for doing this…But does anyone have any idea? Why does Eliz say this about James? I dont see any sign that he's lost his spirt exactly? He is desperately unhappy about Anne's death… surely that is natural.
Any discussion?
— > Elizabeth is at James' house with a letter from Albert saying he is developing the means of shipping refrigerated meat. James says of Albert ` he's not the man I took him for'. Elizabeth replies `nor are you these days James. You're not one half the man you once were – you've lost your spirit'.
> >
> ——————————————————————————
> -