Forum Replies Created
1st January 2008 at 1:36 pm in reply to: Hi Everyone ,Merry Christmas. Onedin Relationships / Friendship. #989
KeymasterFirst off… Happy New Year to everyone!— In, "backkers120" <g123666@…>
wrote:> I would like read any comments people have on these relationships,
> when you all have the time with Christmas and all.I'll give it a go… it's been a few months since I last saw an
episode but I found that I loved the relationship between the Onedin
siblings. There is always rivalry among them and they always seem to
want to outsmarten each other. Their attempts at doing so made me
laugh more than once.Robert and James are pretty much opposites with Robert being the
cautious politician, able to look at the bigger picture where James
tends to crash in and only looks at his own interests. They need
each other and don't like it one bit.ivaradi
KeymasterThanks for your message. I know that Khachaturian's Spartacus music was used for the opening and closing credits to The Onedin Line, as well as music by Dmitri Shostakovich. As I understand it, those composers were alive during part of the run of the series (you can correct me if I am wrong). What did Khachaturian or Shostakovich think of their music being used for The Onedin Line? Your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.—– Original Message —-
From: William Murphy <>
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 6:49:58 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Just an introductionGreetings, shipmates!
I'm Bill Scanlan Murphy, and I was Music Advisor on the show for the last two series (7 and 8). I have many happy memories of The Onedin Line. The producer then was the now sadly deceased Geraint Morris; directors included my dear friend Gerald Blake (also now gone, and grievously missed) and David Reynolds, now a mighty power at Yorkshire Television. I also remember two grimly frenetic shows with Pennant Roberts, largely saved by the presence of the mighty T.P. McKenna.
As I am a naval historian as well as a musician, The Onedin Line was the dream job for me. I got the job on the recommendation of Tony Isaac, who did the first five series before handing over to Grant Hossack, who left in 1978. Tony called Geraint, who called me in and hired me on the spot. While I was there, Geraint tried to call Tony back to tell him the news, but got no reply. We learned later that Tony had hanged himself that morning.
I attended every studio recording and (of course) every dub, and even managed to wheedle my way onto a film shoot out of Falmouth in the summer of '79. Onedin was an exceptionally happy show, give or take the odd Geraint tantrum (but then, he was a producer, and that's what they do). Many happy hours were spent in the BBC club with the entire cast; Peter, Howard, Jill and Jessica were not just great performers but great friends – and not a swollen ego in sight.
I wonder how many of you know that Jessica was going to have her own show? During the last season of Onedin, Geraint and Mervyn Haisman developed a series for her called The Heywood Files, about a Victorian lady photographer; I was tapped to write the music. The show was killed at the very last minute; sadly, I don't think I've seen Jessica on screen ever since.
I would love to hear from anyone who was connected with the show, or would like to know more about it. I'm just delighted to have found this group!
———— ——— ——— —
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Be a better pen pal.
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Keymaster— In, "Bill" <william.whittaker1@…>
> Hello everybody, hope we are all well and getting in the mood for the
> forthcoming Christmas/New Year celebrations.
> Our household is once again starting with series 1 episode 1 of the
> Line story, really it never loses anything no matter how many time I
see it.
> It has taken something like 2 years of occasional viewing, mixed in
with all
> the other programmes we watch, to get to episode 91 "A Long Way Home"
> now we are back at the beginning again.
> Looked around on the web, still have not seen any mention of series 5
> released yet. Anyone heard anything?
> Also I'll take this opportunity to welcome new members who have joined
us in
> the last few months, please say hello and introduce yourselves.
> In fact lets hear from anyone with any comments about the Onedin Line!
> Bill.
Hi Bill — You're right about the Onedin Line story never losing
anything in the retelling — we keep watching it here in USA/PA and it
always retains our interest. I enjoy reading the postings. Had a
question for you, though. How did you get all 91 episodes? I only have
52. Also have a note for Bill Scanlan Murphy — I have always loved
the music from Spartacus. I do hope someday I'll be able to get the
rest of it including the 2 series that you worked on. Melva Leeivaradi
I was crew on the Soren for all of that block of filming out of
Falmouth so our paths may well have crossed!
I did suggest (admittedly in my cups at the last night party) to all
concerned that I had a wonderful idea for a new series, "Grandson of
Onedin" whereby I ressurected the Onedin interest in sail & set off to
show that these modern new fangled steamships were in fact no match
for true sailors in proper ships!!
Sadly the idea wasn't taken up………..!ivaradi
KeymasterHow many Series of Onedin Line are there? I have series 1 through 4 and thought that was all there was.
MelvaBill <> wrote:
Welcome,Possibly series 5 is due to be released sometime soon on DVD, anyone got an
update on this?6, 7, and 8 are not available on DVD or VHS.
—– Original Message —–
From: mike basler
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 12:13 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Series 5 to 8Can any of the above be bought thru the internet?I am anew member and have
already bought Series 1 to 4. thanks———————————
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KeymasterElsie,Have you tried this website: ?
This is where I found out that my dvd player had a region free hack (which you can see because the URL leads to the dvd player I have). But if you search for your type of dvd player, maybe it has a solution.
Good luck!
elsieh <> wrote:
Rina said: < As long as the DVD player is region free there shouldn't be much trouble playing European DVDs. That's my experience anyway. >The problem is the dvd player is not region free. I have tried to find one or find a hack for my player but have not had any luck.
Elsie in MD
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KeymasterAs long as the DVD player is region free there shouldn't be much
trouble playing European DVDs. That's my experience anyway.Rina
— In, elsieh <elsie_h_99@…> wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if the dvd's from Memphis Belle will play on US
> Elsie in MD
> elsie_h_99@…
Keymaster— In, <marianne@…> wrote:> But when you watch further.and this can be tough concerning
Leonora, there
> will be a surprisingly end of the "Leonora" story.
I haven't gotten there yet (still have one dvd to go) so I'm curious
how she ends up.
I did like the moment when after a journey during which James was
downright rude to her she puts him straight when she is translating
for him. That look James gives her is priceless, as well as Baines'
snickering.Overall I love those scenes where James is at a loss for a moment.
Especially those moments where she is in every inch the annoying
little sister and drives him up the wall with her teasing. The scene
where James visits her to tell he wants to marry Mrs. Maudley and
Elizabeth advises him to read a lady's magazine made me laugh out
loud.You can tell that despite all their arguing James and Elizabeth have
a close bond as siblings.Rina
KeymasterDear Marianne,Thank you very much for your reply.
My 13 year old son and me viewed series 1-4 every day, during 1 week.
We're both very enthousiast and if it's possible to obtain series 5-8 would be great.
It seemes that nobody has series 5-8 at internet, we searched many days at internet.
We'll try to get series 1-2 of 2entertainment to view the missing episodes too,with kind regards,
Bibi. wrote:
At the moment 2 Entertainment is releasing the DVDs in the UK including the
missing episodes and without any cuts, series 2 will be released 13 August
this year.Memphis Belle has released series 1 to 4 in Holland (subtitles can be
switched off), in both series 1 and 2 an episode is missing (Cry Of The
Blackbird and Bloody Week); series 3 and 4 are complete.I've contacted Memphis Belle and they can't give a straight answer if series
5 to 8 will be released; something to do with the rights.I will contact 2 Entertainment and ask if they're planning to release more
series, they have the BBC rights at the moment.The only way to obtain series 5 to 8 at the moment is to find someone who
has them on tape or take a look at eBay..As soon as I've contacted 2 Entertainment and they've given an answer I'll
let you know through the group.Regards,
[] On Behalf Of garth3639
Sent: vrijdag 27 juli 2007 0:06
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Seasons 5-8 available anywhere?As a new member of this group, I wonder if anyone out there knows if
series 5 to 8 are available on tape or DVD. We've got series 1 and 2 on
tape (BBC Enterprises 1995) with series 3 and 4 from Memphis Belle on
DVD, and they're all very good. If they're not yet available, anyone
know of any plans to release the rest of this riveting series? Anyone
asked the BBC?Regards,
Garth and Christine Williams,
Worcester UK.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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KeymasterDear Garth and Christine,Memphis Belle ( ) is recently selling series 1,2,3 and 4 of the Onedin Line, cost 9,99 euro each DVD in every musikshop or big retailer (Blokker for example) for this price in the Netherlands.Plenty of them.
Memphis Belle replied on my mail and the assured me that they also want to release series 5, but no date was available yet.
Best Regards,
garth3639 <> wrote:
As a new member of this group, I wonder if anyone out there knows if
series 5 to 8 are available on tape or DVD. We've got series 1 and 2 on
tape (BBC Enterprises 1995) with series 3 and 4 from Memphis Belle on
DVD, and they're all very good. If they're not yet available, anyone
know of any plans to release the rest of this riveting series? Anyone
asked the BBC?Regards,
Garth and Christine Williams,
Worcester UK.———————————
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KeymasterI was crew on the Soren for the Falmouth filming & lived in & around
Falmouth for many years.I don't know the episodes but we filmed a scene where the ship was
boarded by (Bulgarian?) ruffians at the mouth of the Helford River &
at the same anchorage (I think) the stunt man fell from the yards
into the sea, we were possibly shooting scenes for several episodes
at once? I remember being made up for the fight scene with cuts &
blood trickling down my face & of the great consternation about my
footwear, Clarkes 'pasties' remember those?? However, they filmed
the fight from a dingy circling around the ship & we all looked like
matchstick men on the rushes!Another site was an old 'D'Day embarkation point at Turnaware Point
up Carrick Roads just downstream from King Harry Ferry (do the
crossing to St Mawes anyway, it's fun). I think it was when James &
Bansie were kidnapped??A lot of the time was spent alongside in Falmouth Docks, nothing
much to see there even if you could get into the docks.Various doorways in and around Falmouth were used, one in particular
up Market Street, near the top on the righthand side, steep steps
leading down to an old quay but it's probably all lost in the
development of the waterfront at that end of town.Banies ship that blew up was a 12ft model launched at the docks &
floated over to the beach at Flushing. Knowing permission would not
be granted for pyrotechnics within the harbour it was done very
quickly without permission! The bang was teriffic!!! Sadly no one
had noticed we were close by the fuel barge where fishing boats &
large yachts would refuel & sure enough, the alarm went up & out
came the lifeboat thinking the worst had happened. Television
people, I ask you!!! I think the BBC gave the lifeboat & the
Harbourmaster a healthy donation.That's all I can think of for now, pm me if you want any other info.
Richard ('Captain Mangled', injured skipper of fishing boat James
picked up) Dodds.— In, "bastet1958"
<bastet1958@…> wrote:>
> Hi shipmates,
> I am planning a trip to Cornwall and Devon in August. Of course I
> to visit the locations where the Onedin Line has been filmed. Now
> all know it was at Dartmouth and Exeter for the most part, but also
> Falmouth and Charlestown are mentioned. Does anybody know which
> (in which episodes) have been filmed there, anything you can
> at once?
> Erika
KeymasterHi all no time no sea. LOLL its nice too here from you. if only time to time what about are cutisarg going up in smoke. ive never been on her but been past her many years ago. here from you soon venatrix.—– Original Message —–
From: Bill
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 6:50 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] OT China BeachVery OT but I hope nobody minds as we are all into retro TV here.
China beach.
I've been trying to source the whole series of this programme on DVD.
One seller online I've found looks a bit dodgy to me, some bad feedbacks and I think they might be poor quality copies of the series from vhs tape.
Anyway if anyone knows of a good source please let me know.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Keymasterthank you bill venatrix—– Original Message —–
From: Bill
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] New Members – New YearDon't know of any plans for the BBC to show the Onedin Line. Possibly on one
of the UK cable/satelite channels (Drama, Gold,etc) but I've not seen
anything listed.Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: Venatrix
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] New Members – New YearHi Bill when on BBC 1 does it start im in the uk yours venatrix
—– Original Message —–[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterHi Bill when on BBC 1 does it start im in the uk yours venatrix—– Original Message —–
From: Bill
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] New Members – New YearIstván,
Hello and welcome.
I hope you will enjoy the discussions on this list, and of course continue
to enjoy watching the Onedin Line!Bill.
—– Original Message —–
From: István Váradi
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] New Members – New YearHi,
although I joined last year, I have not introduced myself yet.
I am from Hungary, and The Onedin Line was on TV in our country in the
80s (and perhaps late 70s). Born in 1975 I watched the series as a I
child, and I liked it mostly because of the ships and the adventures.
I also always liked stories taking place in the late 19th century,
perhaps because the world seemed much freer then (which was very much
in contrast to the oppressive communism I lived in, and probably I
felt the huge difference even as a child). Of course, there are many
stories about the late 19th century with ships and adventures, but The
Onedin Line was special because of its general quality.I was not alone liking this series, because when the show was
broadcast on Tuesday evenings (that was the "slot" for The Series – we
had only one main TV channel and at any one time it ran only one
series from a western country), the streets in the Hungarian cities
got practically empty. Even when the show was re-run in the 90s, I
found it to be still one of the best series (despite having seen a lot
of more recent, mainly American series by then), though perhaps it was
not liked so much by the general public then.István
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Keymastersame to you diana. yours venatrix—– Original Message —–
From: Diana
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 7:24 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: Merry Xmas from the Hauraki Gulf,NZ— In, "cinedux2004" <dan.adams@…>
> and here's hoping series 5 and 6 come out early 2007!
A belated happy new year to everyone.
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