Forum Replies Created
Keymaster—Oh gosh does anyoone think they'd come?taht would make Jessica born about 1950 or so which seems much more
likly to me.Count me in! It certainly wouldn't hurt to invite say Anne, Peter,
> Jessica, Mike or maybe Phillip Bond.
> Re Jessica's age, she's supposed to have been 20 when Onedin
started –
> don't know if this refers to the pilot (1970) or first series
> (1971). IMDb info is frequently wrong and they don't always update
> info when you tell them of errors/additions.
> Dianaivaradi
KeymasterYeah htat woudl have made her about 30 wehn the On Line started and
Im sure she looks seveal years yonger than that.> I think too, she's younger. The source of the information of her
> year 1942 is here:
> This may be false.
> Regards
> Mathiasivaradi
Keymastershe's over 60??? I can't beleive that…> Interesting question. I know only her year of birth 1942.
> Regards
> Mathiasivaradi
Keymaster—Isn';t she beautiful? i have seen a pic of her, in a newpaper
artilcle a few years ago and she looked lovely, I beleive that seh is
now runing a kind of farm/animal sanctuary and has nearly given up
acting. shame!G
> She's a very beautiful woman and her radiant smile is
fascinating! 🙂
> But unfortunately I've never seen Jessica in other films outside
> Onedin Line. Perhaps you could capture some pics from the dvd's. It
> was an interesting enrichment for my picture section at
> I would be very grateful if you could do it.
> Regards
> Mathiasivaradi
Keymaster— is this a book or a magazine? I seem to remember a sort
of "extra" to the Radio Times back years ago when i was a kid, but i
havne't got it now. or was it a proper book?> I have a spare copy of "The World of the Onedin Line" by Alison
> If anyone would like it, please email me with your details, and I
> will send it to you, I am sure you all have this book!! but, if you
> know of anyone that might like a copy let me know..
> Regards,
> Carie.ivaradi
KeymasterI thought that UK Drama had the rigths till very recently! I now
have UK drama but it seems they won't show it!! sad – I would love to
see the other seasosn after 1 and 2:
> I have received this response from UK Gold re repeating The Onedin
> Line on UK Gold/UK Drama:
> Unfortunately, we no longer hold the rights to show The Onedin Line
> on UKTV Gold. However, I will forward a request on your behalf to
> programme planning department for their consideration as this was a
> popular series.
> Their address is ukgold@b…
> Perhaps if they have lots more requests, they will take some action
> so do please contact the company.
> Happy Easter.
> Dianaivaradi
KeymasterHello,This email message is a notification to let you know that
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group.File : /70's newspaper article about Anne with autograph.doc
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Description : Article about Anne with autographYou can access this file at the URL
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KeymasterHello,This email message is a notification to let you know that
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group.File : /70's newspaper article about Anne with autograph.doc
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Description : Article about Anne with autographYou can access this file at the URL
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KeymasterHello,This email message is a notification to let you know that
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group.File : /Peter.jpg
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Description : autograph Peter GilmoreYou can access this file at the URL
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KeymasterHello,This email message is a notification to let you know that
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group.File : /Onedin Line .mid
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Description : Intro Music Midi fileYou can access this file at the URL
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KeymasterDear Mathias!Many thanks to you for that information. Oh very bad news indeed. I thought I could complete my Germany collection of OL now ;-).
BTW: your Onedin homepage is excellent – great work, many, many thanks to you.
Peter in Vienna
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KeymasterI agree that in many ways he's not very nice, (again part of the
skill of the On Line's writers is to give us characters who do beahve
badly without their forfeiting our sympathy!)but I feel that Albert is nto the worst– Eliz did behave appallingly
in foisting another man's chidl onto him, and it's to his credit that
he did forgive her and was fond of William. So it does not surprise
me that he could not totatlly forgive her, and it kept coming between
them. Esp when Daneil becomes a social equal, (through his beign
taken up as Callons' heir and marrying Emma) That way Albert's
jealousy was constatly being stirred up, and he coudn't forget that
Daniel was the father of Elizabeths' child and his wife's ex lover.
And Eliz didn't exactly hlep matters by blowing hto and cold with
Albert and still being interested in Daneil. For their marriage to
ahve worked, i think that Alb's wish to go and live abraod was the
best way to give them a chance to avoid old memories, but E would
never agree to go.> — the reason I find Albert Frazer the least favourite character
is simply because he's a fool. Ok, so Elizabeth deceived him, but
that's no reason for his behaviour later when he was doing the same
thing to her. He's a spoiled, weak little man.>
> Carin
> —– Original Message —–
> From: gduch2001
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 11:36 AM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: Onedin Polls
> —Hows that? he is a decent guy, not his fault that he couldnt'
> get over Eliz deceiving him…
> > My least favourite character is Albert Frazer.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Carin
> > —– Original Message —–
> > From: Diana
> > To:
> > Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 8:52 AM
> > Subject: [shiponedingroup] Onedin Polls
> >
> >
> > Calling all shipmates again …..
> >
> > Here goes with the second poll. It would be nice if we could
> achieve
> > a 50% response rate – it only takes a minute to vote!
> >
> > The subject this time is:
> >
> >
> > Only one vote please. Reasons welcome.
> >
> > Voting closes midnight GMT on Sunday, 15 March.
> >
> >
> > My least favourite character is Emma Callon. It's not the
> actress,
> > Jane Seymour, it's the character who I find very irritating
> a
> > waste of time – I'd rather be watching James, Anne,
> > Captain Baines …… even Sarah. I usually fast forward
> through the
> > scenes with Emma.
> >
> >
> >
> > —————————————————————-
> ———–
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> > a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:
> >
> >
> > b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> >
> >
> > c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo!
> of Service.
> ——————————————————————–
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Keymaster— yeah He was horrible to poor odl Charlotte.He was a total coward when it came to his relationship with
Charlotte (James' daughter) although before his sticky end it would
seem he did have some feelings for her.>
> I did think Marc Harrison was very good in the part, I am sure he
was not at all like the character!
> Bill.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: William Whittaker
> To:
> Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 8:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Onedin Polls
> As a character, William Frazer, but a very good portrayal by Marc
Harrison whatever happened to him?
> Bill.ivaradi
Keymaster—i find ti hard to say that there is a character I particularly
feel is the wroset, one of the good things of the On Line was that it
did try to give us rounded characters, who even if they behaved
appallingly at times, were usually shown to have some good point, or
at least an explanation of why they weree awful.
I think that Sarah is a bit inconsistently portayed – in the first
series while she is a perfect wife for greedy selfish rather weak and
foolsih robert, (ie has many of his faults but is tougher than he is
and able to stiffen him up!) she is also oftne kind, such as when she
tells Robert that if he throws Eliz. out becuase she is pregnant, she
will go with her. I think it is more likely that Sarah as generally
shown, would be as hostile to a pregnatn foolsih immoral Elizabeht
as Robert the later seasons she si shown as farily capable but far from
clever, selfish but not excessively so. One mihgt not really want
her around on'es house for Christmas dinner but one could put up iwth
her company from time to time.
I remember the bit wehre she tires to contact Robert after his death,
and James says that Robert was a pompous idiot when he was alive so
he'd be very surprised if he was different in the afterlife. (AFAICR)She and Robert are great comic characters and at times they can be
I suppose Callon is probalby the worst charater, he is selfish and
hard, but more than that, he is domineering. He really can't stand
the fact that James wants to leave his service and become his own
master.. he hates the thoguht of James getting away from him- which
is why he becomes James' big enemy in the first season. It is that
bulying self important " I WONT be beaten" streak that makes him
really unpleasant.
another character who does not actually appear but I feel I know is
Samuel Onedin the father of the family. I think HE msut have been a
real horror, since all hsi childrne ahve gornw up hard and selfish,
and he is at tiems referred to as a hard man, who showwed them no
affection, so they ahve all reacted against this in their different
ways. James is ruthless iwth himself and with others, he is prepared
ot make sacrifices and endure hardship at sea and then to make others
suffer in order to have his own business… Robert is weak and
selfihs, Eliz is selfish and wants to get away from the harsh
enviroment she has grown up in, by marrying a rich man…
all in all, Samuel seems to ahve been an unpleasnat blokeG
> I tend to agree with you, Carie. One of the best lines regarding
> Robert occurred (wow, I have NO idea about the season numbers!)
> shortly after his death and Sarah was consulting a medium for
> consolation. James (being our typical James) tells off the medium
> with a classic, "My brother was a pompous overblown fool while he
> lived…" and I laughed so hard I didn't catch the rest.
> But a little word in Sarah's defense (I hope): mightn't she more
> accurately represent the "typical" 19th century Victorian woman in
> more ways than the educated and competent Anne or the beautiful and
> manipulative Elizabeth?ivaradi
Keymaster—what is "Cry of the Blackbrid" about? I have seen all the eps
except for the first series when they were first broadcast, but I
only have a video set for the first series, so if soemthing has been
cut from it, i have never seen it at all -