Forum Replies Created
27th May 2013 at 1:44 am in reply to: The Running Tide 10 minute filler after 1977 PBS broadcast of OL #1502
MemberOn Wed, 22 May 2013 20:20:48 -0400, Lee Bonnifield wrote:> Running Tide 8 steamboat women
Particularly interesting for me, being a woman fascinated by steam. In
the context of the times, strong independent women were the exception.Thank you Lee for converting and posting these videos 🙂
Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
10th May 2013 at 10:52 pm in reply to: The Running Tide 10 minute filler after 1977 PBS broadcast of OL #1476coolowl2001
MemberOn Fri, 10 May 2013 08:39:51 -0700 (PDT), Chris J Brady wrote:> maybe Australia?
Not Australia 🙁
8th May 2013 at 2:15 pm in reply to: The Running Tide 10 minute filler after 1977 PBS broadcast of OL #1469coolowl2001
MemberOn Wed, 08 May 2013 04:17:20 -0000, leebonnifield wrote:> I've put 3 of The Running Tides up on my public skydrive, more to follow.
Seriously excellent! The sound is quite clear and it's the commentary
which has the information.Thank you for what you have done so far. I'm keen to see the rest of
them when you are able to get them up, Lee.Cheers
Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
MemberOn Tue, 23 Apr 2013 10:05:10 +0100, Bill wrote:> Our readers in North America will be glad of the link to region 1 discs, I
> know this has been a problem as PAL region 2 discs are not easily played by
> the equipment on sale there.
Maybe we're luckier in Oz than I think. Must be 15 years minimum that
I've been able to play NTSC tapes on a VHS tape machine – it was more
to do with the TV having the wiring to handle the different number of
lines. Then since I've had DVD players, once the region-blocks have
been hacked, toss in a disk and it plays whatever its format. If that
can happen in the small market that is Australia, it's weird that
machines with the wiring (or whatever you call it) are not available in
more populous countries. And on the computer, if you download the free
VLC DVD player, regions and formats don't matter.Cheers
Elaine in Australia
MemberOn Wed, 18 Jan 2012 00:04:25 -0500 (EST), wrote:> still no more AVIs on the Mac
Flip for Mac is a serious pain in the fundament. VLC is my player of
choice, it doesn't freeze after 5 changes of region like the built-in
DVD player does. It doesn't worry about region, anyway. It's an open
source freebie and plays superbly. Worth looking for and downloading.Cheers
Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
MemberOn Thu, 9 Dec 2010 00:40:06 EST, wrote:> (WITHOUT any subtitles to distract)
Thank you Dino for your interesting discussion about your job. For we
landlubbers there is so much to know about the sea!The non-English versions of the Onedin Line have the ability to turn
off the sub-titles. So long as you have a less-than-10-year-old TV your
DVD should read either format (PAL or NTSC) and you can watch every
episode without a hitch.Cheers from Down Under …
Elaine in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
MemberOn Wed, 14 Jul 2010 00:40:00 -0400, lambulambu wrote:> So my question – for anyone who knows more about this than me – if
> you have a "region free" DVD player, and it plays a Region 2 in PAL
> format, can you still get it to play on an NTSC TV if you use the
> straight audio and video outputs?
OK not quite your question … but my region-free (made it that way
myself, very easy) LG DVD player, plays both NTSC and PAL without any
hesitation. The TVs since the Sony portable CRT at least 15 years ago,
will play both PAL and NTSC without any problems. Many years earlier an
American correspondent sent an NTSC videotape which at that time, the
TV did not recognise. Once I got that Sony, and with the same videotape
player, the NTSC videotape was playable (and quite good reproduction,
too).Until I got this current digital-tuner TV and PVR, I used the 3-colour
RCA cables without any bother. Currently I use HDMI (because I can) but
the videotape machine only has RCA so that's what I use and it all
works a treat.It's amazing that we in Australia – a minority market – are able to
play both NTSC and PAL without any trouble where in America you are not
able to find a TV capable of PAL. I was advised at least 15 years ago
that the manufacturers world-wide, were putting in the NTSC and PAL
chips/circuits-whatever-they-are into everything they made since it was
simpler and therefore cheaper that way.Do you have access to a PAL DVD to try it out? Any of your cheap shops
sell $2 DVDs in PAL? We sometimes find NTSC disks and tapes, it might
be worth a wander to see what's available. Or anyone you know in a PAL
country can get an el cheepo disk and post it to you to try out?Happy disking 😉
Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
MemberOn 25/12/2009, at 5:20 AM, William Longyard wrote:> I've got the whole series for sale on DVD
Good news. Do series 1-4 run in separate shows or are they still run
together as the VHS tapes and the Dutch releases?Best wishes to you and yours for the festive season
Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
MemberOn 16/07/2009, at 11:17 PM, elsieh wrote:> Will the sets offered by Memphis Belle play on a region 1 dvd
> player ( US )
No, Elseih, they are region 2. …. etc
Woops, don't know which server is slapping [SPAM] onto the Yahoo
Groups posts (I'm on several at Yahoo, and they all get [SPAM]
attached to the subject line. Anyway … I didn't edit the subject
line 🙁Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
MemberOn 16/07/2009, at 11:17 PM, elsieh wrote:> Will the sets offered by Memphis Belle play on a region 1 dvd
> player ( US )
No, Elseih, they are region 2.
A solution is to search around on the internet for a hack to turn
your player into an all-regions player. There are different hacks for
different makes and models. Or buying an all-region player may be an
Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
MemberOn 06/04/2009, at 9:57 AM, Jean Drew wrote:> Is there any reason why some of us couldn't put something together
> between us?
Sounds like a very good idea to me! Since we've got at least one
professional writer among us 🙂Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
23rd January 2009 at 2:00 am in reply to: any place to find a complete boxed set of The Onedin Line #1101coolowl2001
MemberOn 23/01/2009, at 9:07 AM, elsieh wrote:> I am dumbfounded as to why they won't offer these for us folks in
> region 2
And I am dumbfounded why they have ANY region at all!! A lot of the
old TV programmes are region-free (eg Lovejoy). Since the episodes
are not showing anywhere that I know about, I don't see the reason
for the region. Not that there is any real reason except a cash-grab
for the regions, anyway but I'm not going to sort that one out in the
next 5 minutes 😉On the subject of PAL and NTSC – from the mid-80s I had a TV which
played either format without a hitch. Even my old VHS machine had no
problems – and it's more the TV than the player btw. I would be very
surprised if today there is any TV less than 20 years old, never mind
DVD player which would not play either format with equel dexterity.
The VHSs machines and DVD players sold here all have 'NTSC playback'
emblazoned on them. Working from the other end, perhaps the ones for
sale in the US have 'PAL playback' somewhere on them or in the book.
My understanding is that the chips necessary are cheap and it is
simpler and therefore economic to make all the units the same rather
than make specifically for a country or region.And it's long been a source of frustration that Onedin, with its
world-wide popularity, is still languishing without being available
as a boxed set. Just in the last 12 months we've bought sets of Pie
in the Sky, Tenko, Waiting for God to name a few. All far newer than
Onedin and probably less popular. There is a hitch somewhere – a
bottleneck – I'd love to know what it is or who it is and give them a
kick somewhere significant. People are waiting patiently with money
burning a hole in their pockets and the people in control couldn't
(so it seems) care less about their customers. Aaarrgghh.Elaine in Brisbane, Austrlia
MemberOn 07/10/2008, at 9:54 AM, Bill wrote:>
> anyone got the URL?
Best of British in getting an answer from them!
Best regards
MemberOn 26/11/2007, at 10:49 AM, William Murphy wrote:> I wonder how many of you know that Jessica was going to have her
> own show?
No I didn't know that, she's a wasted talent! But then she seems
happy enough pootling about in wellies on her farm. Just so different
to the furs and furbelows of Elizabeth Onedin!> I'm just delighted to have found this group!
I'm glad that you have 🙂 It's great to hear more insights into the
filming and to realise that it was almost a lifetime ago that the
filming took place yet the show is remembered with affection by those
who worked on it. And that people who were not even born when it
aired originally are being drawn to the show via cable or DVD.
Amazing how quality lasts! 🙂I just wish that the copyright-owners would get off their collective
butts and make the entire series available on DVD. With some
difficulty I bought the first 4 series from Holland but am still
waiting to see when if ever, there will be more. I might not live to
see it if they stuff around much longer! When I see how many shows,
many of indifferent quality, are available on DVD, I still wonder
whatever possesses the BBC to hang onto the Onedin masters and not
let anyone play with them.With best regards
Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
MemberOn 06/08/2007, at 1:18 PM, elsieh wrote:> The problem is the dvd player is not region free. I have tried to
> find one or find a hack for my player but have not had any luck.
Yes, you get that! It's not solveable unless you can find a hack for
your specific player. The alternative is to buy a region-free player
– currently these are around $60 Australian (less in US$) so it's not
a huge outlay. I have a Telefunken one which is region-free and there
are other brands as well. The salespeople do not always tell the
truth (I've been caught) so check the actual machine before you hand
over your cash. There should be a little stylized world on the back
with either a O (zero) or perhaps a 9 or no picture of the world at
all. Or take a disk of another region with you to check it in the shop.Also, I see questions about format too. NTSC or PAL. Both TV sets,
video tape players and DVD players will play either format without
any modification. This ability has been built into these machines for
at least 10 years since it's a matter of installing a chip which
covers both rather than fiddling in the factory putting chip A into
one order and chip B into another order. So buy either format with
confidence if your TV and player/s are less than 10 years old.I amazes me that TV programmes, which were never in cinemas at all
and mostly now are not even on cable TV should be "regionalised". I
have TV programmes which are region-free and ones with varying
regions on them. My understanding was that the regions provided a
measure of protection for makers of films and cinema owners so that
people didn't have access to DVDs before the film had made its money
in a particular country. I don't see how that situation applies to TV
programmes! Perhaps someone on this list might have some definite
information on regions for ex-TV programmes.And while I'm on regions and so on: I've finally found a Linux distro
which already contains the codecs to play commercial encrypted disks
on a computer; it's Mint main and available on an instal disk from On-
disk in the States. For those of us playing with Linux, getting those
codecs has proved a major headache.It's great that Memphis Belle finally responded to someone. I, too
wrote and received not one word. I wrote again saying I'd heard they
were releasing season 5 and saying I was waiting to buy it.Meanwhile … best regards to you all from Elaine in Brisbane, Australia