Forum Replies Created
KeymasterMelva,I see you have been a member for a while ,you may remember the
discussions a while back that Series 5-8 are available at <>This is a Registration Required file sharring site. They are very
watchable ,someone has recorded them from TV ,VHS. Of course nothing
else around ,well Series 5 one day!If your not into all that ,i may be able to help. If you are interested
,contact me off list.Evan…
— In, "esmlp2" <esmlp2@…> wrote:
> I've read with interest the various messages about series 5 now being
> available – however, not here in the USA yet. I tried to find it in
> the sites that were mentioned but couldn't make any headway. I hope if
> I do find it eventually I can use Paypal to get it. I have Series 1
> through 4 and am so glad to hear that some of you out there have been
> successful in obtaining series 5-8. If anyone has a suggestion for me
> I'd be glad to get it.
> Melva
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterQuote:"I guess you could have bought hundreds of those copies and wouldn't
be left with. "
If you could read better, than you would know that the Memphisbell\BBC cd's are officially releases, no copies.
The only thing what convinces me,is that when you approach me like you did ,your request will not be awarded.— On Wed, 12/3/08, karsten.weidlich <> wrote:
From: karsten.weidlich <>
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: dvd series 5 …
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 5:12 AMHello Bibi,
I guess you could have bought hundreds of those copies and wouldn't
be left with.
I'm from Germany and came across the Onedin line series as a child
when my parents watched it every Sunday in the 80's and couldn'd wait
until it was Sunday again.
Two years ago I listened to the wonderfull soundtrack aired by our
local Cultural Radio called MDR Figaro (Saxony) and didn't know there
is any chance to watchthe series again. After I spent some time
searching I managed to buy Series 1 to 4 as DVD's somewhere online
from Netherland.
I don't have the faciliy for a torrent download and would be happy to
buy it legaly. Thus, recently I wrote to the BBC if there is any
chance of releasing series 5 to 8. Surprisingly, I got a reply that
contains an adress to send the request to the right department.
So there might be a slight chance to convince somebody, there are
quite a lot of people out there who are pretty much interested to buy
it.Besides I didn't know the BBC would have stopped producing the Series
after Series 1 or 2 if the Germans TV hadn't bought it that time.
I got that idea from the 30min dokumentary aired a view month ago on
BBC (I recorded it) with Jessica Benton, Philip Bond,etc.I tried to buy series 5 from Netherland via Net again but it's only
shipped to Netherland and Belgium and not in stock as Bill already
Well, if there is somebody who has another spare copy of series 5 I
will be delighted to relieve them from it:-)Thanks
— In shiponedingroup@ yahoogroups. com, "B. Kroezen"
<bibikroezen@ …> wrote:
> Hello Bill,
> Just found series 5(complete with 4 discs) for you at a local
store, and I want to keep my promise to you.
> It's from Memphisbelle\ BBC.
> You can choose with or without Dutch undertitles.
> Quality is good.
> If you're interested please reply as quick as possible, otherwise I
can bring it back.
> Paid Euro 24,99 was for the series 5 , excl. postage.
> Are you interested?( my brother has paypal)
> Bibi.
> — On Tue, 12/2/08, Bill <william.whittaker1 @…> wrote:
> From: Bill <william.whittaker1 @…>
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] dvd series 5 …
> To: shiponedingroup@ yahoogroups. com
> Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 6:05 AM
> I'm still getting
> "Delayed delivery: no stock in manufacturer" message at
> http://www.dvdoutle bin/web_store/ web_store. cgi
> And can't even find any reference to it at
> Anyone got series 5 from anywhere yet?
> Bill.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterHello Bill,
Just found series 5(complete with 4 discs) for you at a local store, and I want to keep my promise to you.
It's from Memphisbelle\BBC.
You can choose with or without Dutch undertitles.
Quality is good.
If you're interested please reply as quick as possible, otherwise I can bring it back.
Paid Euro 24,99 was for the series 5 , excl. postage.
Are you interested?(my brother has paypal)
— On Tue, 12/2/08, Bill <> wrote:
From: Bill <>
Subject: [shiponedingroup] dvd series 5 …
Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 6:05 AMI'm still getting
"Delayed delivery: no stock in manufacturer" message at
http://www.dvdoutle bin/web_store/ web_store. cgiAnd can't even find any reference to it at
http://www.bol.comAnyone got series 5 from anywhere yet?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterBill Scanlan Murphy,Thanks for that interesting yet sad piece of information.
Nice music grab too (Moderator) Bill.
— In, William Murphy
<lobsanghoskins@…> wrote:>
> Hi, all –
> A question for me if ever there was one! I'll dig out my discs of
Series 3 and check this out this evening. Of course, the music adviser
then was dear Tony Isaac. I wonder how many of the group know anything
about Tony, whose passing was such a dreadful tragedy back in – when? –
1979. By then he had moved on from Onedin Line to Warship and several
other successful shows, and was doing pretty well. Then his whole world
collapsed in about a week. His wife of six months left him, and –
typical World of TV, I'm afraid – a producer who had asked him to
provide all the music for a new show (a very big deal) was fired and
replaced by someone else who brought his own composer with him. Tony had
just signed the papers on a big new house in the country on the strength
of this, and suddenly found himself about 50,000 pounds in the hole. I
had the awful responsibility of telling producer Geraint Morris that
Tony had hanged himself soon after production started> on Series 7.
> Years later, I had the similarly awful task of calling round old
Onedin friends to tell them that Gerald Blake had been found dead in his
flat in 1991. I was calling Gerry one morning to arrange lunch with him
when a strange voice answered the phone; it was a coroner's assistant.
Gerry had been going to treat me to lunch to celebrate my engagement to
my present wife. For reasons too awful to describe here, there was no
real funeral for Gerry's many friends to attend, and I was still meeting
people five years later who had no idea that he had died. I still miss
him horribly to this day.>
> Anyway, watch this space for the music!
> Bill Scanlan Murphy
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterMemphis Belle! I just know it as the WW2 B17 bomber!! Oh well.The obviously think there is not much money in releasing the rest on
dvd, as we all know ,they would have done it years ago if there was a
chance of that! Although ,we all know on here how wrong they are!Evan…
— In, "samwebster2000"
<samwebster2000@…> wrote:
> Cant understand the mentality of the bbc.Series 5 6 7 8 has been
> popular on torrent sites and i'm guessing this says something,as no
> direspect to anyone here,but i'd think the generation who remember
> the show are not likly to be in the majority when it comes to using
> computers.What i'm saying is it must have appeal to all ages as a
> period piece,so why not cash in and release the lot on dvd?I for
> buy them as they come out meanwhile i make do with the torrent
> versions
> S
> — In,
> "Bill" <william.whittaker1@> wrote:
> >
> > Here we are in October, I wonder if there is any news of S5
> Belle
> > have said they are releasing?
> >
> > Memphis Belle is an unfortunate name for such an outfit as it
> a Google
> > search for them difficult, anyone got the URL?
> >
> > Oh! And while I'm here, welcome to several new members on here,
> things are
> > quiet as usual – but don't give up on us.
> >
> > Bill.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > —– Original Message —–
> > From: Diana
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 8:50 PM
> > Subject: [shiponedingroup] Series 5
> >
> >
> > Hi everyone.
> >
> > I've not posted on here for ages but thought you might like to
> > Memphis Belle have said they are releasing series five in October.
> >
> > This may have been mentioned previously, if you want the complete
> > series two on DVD, this was released in Australia a few months
> >
> > Thanks Bill for the YouTube blooper. I enjoyed watching that.
> > must be lots more in the BBC archives somewhere.
> >
> > Diana
> >
> >
> >
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG –
> > Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.6.0/1602 – Release Date:
> 2008
> > 1:22 PM
> >
KeymasterI cannot remember which episode it was but I think it was Elizabeth who took the cartels on. It must be somewhere in series 1 to 4 as that is all the episodes I have.Hope this helps,
—– Original Message —–
From: István Váradi
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 2:02 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Episode searchHi,
I have recently found an article in Hungarian about economics and in
particular, cartels. The author mentions an episode of The Onedin
Line, in which the main issue is that freight prices are expected to
become lower. However, the major shipping lines, including Onedin,
agree to form a cartel to keep the prices high. Of course, Onedin
plans to break the agreement as soon as it is put in place, and he
gains a lot by doing so.Does this sound familiar? Could anyone tell which episode this could be?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterFunny thing is… he has such a nice voice to listen to it doesn't
really matter you're listening to the same line over and over. *g*Rina
— In, "Bill"
<william.whittaker1@…> wrote:>
> Bloopers, the first few seconds of this is Peter having trouble with
his lines.
> Bill.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
KeymasterThanks for sharing, Sam! I'm going to give it a try. 🙂Rina
— In, "samwebster2000"
<samwebster2000@…> wrote:>
> For all of us that dont have series 5 on Ive noticed that it is
> appearing on looks if
> they will all be there soon.
> sam
KeymasterThe documentry sounds very interesting. Would love to see it ,especialy
if it's on Onedin ,but for us down here in Australia someone may make a
torrent out of it or something!Please leave some comments on your thoughts and the detail of the
programe once people have watched it.Evan..
— In, "bty261364" <fiona.j.hall@…>
> For those of you with access to BBC4 on Sunday at 8 there is a showing
> of episode 1 at 8 p.m followed by a 30 minute documentary on the
> subject (the cult of Sunday night) – interviews etc
> Those without in GB will have to wait till Monday to catch up on
> iPlayer!
KeymasterHiWould someone be kind enough to invite me to subscribe to The Box ?
I tried to join today, but was unsuccessful. I'm not sure what is
involved in inviting someone, but if it is not too onerous, then I
would be grateful. Having said that, I don't really understand
torrents at all, so it may all be in vain. (though there is a lot of
incentive)Begs the question though, how did the Box get hold of the series ?
My email is
Unfortunately my firewall at the office prevents me from checking the
box every day …— In, "Janet Gauntt" <JLGauntt@…>
> >
> > I've found some onedin stuff on The Box.This is a torrent p2p sharing
> > site.series 5 is on there at the moment and it looks like more will
> > get uploaded in the have to keep an eye on when they are
> > accepting signingup it is closed at the moment as this is a private
> > group. is the page to watch
> >
> It seems to be open for signups at the moment. I was able to create an
> account this morning. Season 5 is available as a torrent.
> — janet
KeymasterI forgot about this guide to bit torrent /file sharing. It is definently
worth a look if you are still not that sure about it all. I think i did
read this a number of times before i finaly worked it all out. <>
— In, "sgflikchik" <sgflikchik@…>
> — In, "samwebster2000"
> samwebster2000@ wrote:
> >
> > Series7 now as well.
> > — In,
> > "Bill" <william.whittaker1@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > I managed to sign up to The Box and I can see that series 5 and 6
> > are now available as torrents. I expect the rest of them will
> > eventually find their way to torrents as well.
> > >
> > > It would seem that where commercial interests have failed to give
> > us releases of these still very popular programmes, enthusiasts
> have
> > stepped in and provided fans of the saga with an alternative.
> > >
> > > I expect there will be some debate about the legality of all
> this,
> > the fact remains that if you want these stories it is about the
> only
> > way you are going to get them.
> > >
> > > Bill.
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
> Is there anyway for those of us that don't know our torrents from our
> teacups to ever access these shows? I barely mastered my DVD player
> last month. Anything mentioning software sends my pulse racing and
> palms start to sweat. Also, if those of you who understand the
> torrents stuff can watch series 5 Onedin, is there any way you can
> make DVDs from them and sell them to us who then could play them as
> DVDs? Or is this all agains the copyright laws?? Thanks, Sharonh
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Keymaster— In, "samwebster2000"
<samwebster2000@…> wrote:>
> Series7 now as well.
> — In,
> "Bill" <william.whittaker1@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I managed to sign up to The Box and I can see that series 5 and 6
> are now available as torrents. I expect the rest of them will
> eventually find their way to torrents as well.
> >
> > It would seem that where commercial interests have failed to give
> us releases of these still very popular programmes, enthusiasts
> stepped in and provided fans of the saga with an alternative.
> >
> > I expect there will be some debate about the legality of all
> the fact remains that if you want these stories it is about the
> way you are going to get them.
> >
> > Bill.
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
>Is there anyway for those of us that don't know our torrents from our
teacups to ever access these shows? I barely mastered my DVD player
last month. Anything mentioning software sends my pulse racing and
palms start to sweat. Also, if those of you who understand the
torrents stuff can watch series 5 Onedin, is there any way you can
make DVDs from them and sell them to us who then could play them as
DVDs? Or is this all agains the copyright laws?? Thanks, Sharonhivaradi
Keymaster— In, "samwebster2000"
<samwebster2000@…> wrote:>
> I've found some onedin stuff on The Box.This is a torrent p2p sharing
> site.series 5 is on there at the moment and it looks like more will
> get uploaded in the have to keep an eye on when they are
> accepting signingup it is closed at the moment as this is a private
> group. is the page to watch
>Where are any of the boats now?? that is what I am trying to find out
for my husband?? thank you, sgflikchik@aol.comivaradi
KeymasterHi all,You may like to try this link for the FAQ's on the box. It my help you
understand some of the torrent/file sharing jargon. <>
Not sure if you can get into it without registration or if they are
taking any at the moment but ,they do open it up from time to time. It's
a good site ,a lot of good programs ,including Onedin seasons 1 to 5.
There may be more one day.Cheers,
— In, "samwebster2000"
<samwebster2000@…> wrote:>
> — In, elsieh elsie_h_99@ wrote:
> >
> > What is
> >
> > Elsie in MD
> >
> >
> Sharing british tv and radio programs using peer to peer (P2P)
> software. wiki explains
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
1st January 2008 at 2:40 pm in reply to: Hi Everyone ,Merry Christmas. Onedin Relationships / Friendship. #991ivaradi
Keymastersame two you happy new year. from Venatrix.—– Original Message —–
From: radiogaga80
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2008 12:36 PM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: Hi Everyone ,Merry Christmas. Onedin Relationships / Friendship.First off… Happy New Year to everyone!
— In, "backkers120" <g123666@…>
> I would like read any comments people have on these relationships,
> when you all have the time with Christmas and all.I'll give it a go… it's been a few months since I last saw an
episode but I found that I loved the relationship between the Onedin
siblings. There is always rivalry among them and they always seem to
want to outsmarten each other. Their attempts at doing so made me
laugh more than once.Robert and James are pretty much opposites with Robert being the
cautious politician, able to look at the bigger picture where James
tends to crash in and only looks at his own interests. They need
each other and don't like it one bit.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]