Forum Replies Created
MemberI did a fast check at and they offer seasons 1-8 !!!!! This is
great news.
Thanks for the notice !
Barbara from Bavaria[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Member— In, "Dean G." <LambuLambu@…> wrote:>
> Greetings, All,
> I know I don't post much (all right – hardly ever), but I finally have some information that I thought the group might like. I've been gearing up to build a model of the Charlotte Rhodes, and while searching for as many images of her as I could, to gather as many details as possible, I came across a lovely lady named Sheila Norton who had sailed aboard her back in the '70s. She had taken some photos, mostly black & white, while aboard. There are a few showing some good details of the wheel and binnacle, some of the bulwarks, and masts. A few of the images look a bit light, but a little adjustment to the contrast in a photo editor will bring those details out nicely.
> Ms. Norton kindly send me a link to the site where the photos are posted: This is the list page, so just click on any link there to load a photo.
> Fair winds,
> Dino
Hi Dino,
Thanks so very much for the wonderful pictures- I loved them!
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany –
Member— In, "jacquelinevanhoorn"
<jacquelinevanhoorn@…> wrote:>
> Sorry Bill, no offence ofcourse, I just LOVE and CHERISH my
> downloads :-)))))
> Especially 6,7 and 8 !!!!
> Because who knows when they're going to release them ?
> I just checked the O.L. 5 dvd, they have an English soundtrack with
> an option to turn on/off the Dutch subtitles. Also important for
> dutch viewers, because turning on subtitles is not always an
> improvement…;-)
> This season is known for the translation blooper about 'to call'.
> (they translated 'telephone call' when there were no phones).
> To order the dvd, just check the websites of or
>, you can find something on their site about O.L. 5, but
> as I told you, they are not in stock at the moment.
> I don't know if they ship to the U.K. (or U.S.A.), but I don't see
> why not. I seem to do nothing else than order in the U.K.
> But if there is a problem, let me know, perhaps I can find another
> way to order it.
> I have put a new file on this site to 'have a look' at the dvd-
> — In, "Bill"
> <william.whittaker1@> wrote:
> >
> > Good News!
> >
> > Well we've been waiting for a while!
> >
> > The download ones are from my old VHS tapes that somehow got onto
> the internet! 😉
> >
> > The quality was not outstanding because the tapes were not very
> good. I'll be getting my order in for series 5 as soon as I find
> somewhere that has them and will send to the UK.
> >
> > Just to check, are they like the previous releases that have an
> English soundtrack with "turn-offable" subtitles?
> >
> >
> > Bill.
> >
> >
> >
> > —– Original Message —–
> > From: jacquelinevanhoorn
> > To:
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 9:50 PM
> > Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: music used in series 3/ dvd
> 5 …
> >
> >
> > DVD series 5 is now for sale !!! (25-11-2008)
> > I managed to get one, and was very happy, because there were
> two
> > for sale in a 'Blokker' shop here in Vlissingen (Netherlands).
> > Finally we can watch these episodes on dvd and ofcourse this is
> of
> > much better quality( and more comfortable !)than a download on
> the
> > computer.
> > Fortunately in series 5 they didn't cut the intro's and the
> credits,
> > so it's better than the previous ones from Memphis Belle.
> > It's very strange I couldn't find this dvd on the Memphis Belle
> > website, although it is licensed to them.
> > It's also for sale on the website of, but it's
> not
> > in stock at the moment, will be in a few weeks I suppose…
> > Hope this is of some help to some people !
> >
> > — In, William Murphy
> > <lobsanghoskins@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Jacqueline asks:
> > >
> > > >This actress April Walker, is she the one that
played 'Carrie
> > Harris'
> > > >in the Onedin Line as well ?!?!?
> > >
> > > I'd forgotten that! Yes, the very same. She was Mrs. Anthony
> Isaac
> > at the time.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ——————————————————————
> ———-
> >
> >
> >
> > No virus found in this incoming message.
> > Checked by AVG –
> > Version: 8.0.175 / Virus Database: 270.9.10/1811 – Release
> 11/25/2008 8:29 AM
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]Dear Jacqueline,
Many thanks for this fantastic info and the web addresses to order
the 5th O.L. DVD from. I live in Germany so there won't be any
trouble ordering, except for a little patience on my side. YEAH !
Greetings from Bavaria-
Barbara – and a peaceful Thanksgiving to anybody who celebrates
tomorrow, too.> >
Member— In, "Bill" <william.whittaker1@…>
> Bloopers, the first few seconds of this is Peter having trouble with
his lines.
> Bill.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]Thank you, William , that was a great find !
Greetings from Barbara from Bavaria>
Member— In, <marianne@…> wrote:>
> The DVDs are for sale at or through eBay.
> There are no cuts and the episodes not aired in Germany are the
> ones with German subtitles (which can be switched off). For all the
> episodes you can watch the synchronized version or the original (not
> subtitled).
> There's a photo gallery and biographies on the stars (all in
> If you're not interested in the biographies and the gallery you
> consider to buy the newly released UK version ( The
> series 2 (UK version) will be released next August and can be pre-
> Marianne
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of bafibo
> Sent: maandag 14 mei 2007 18:27
> To:
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] New DVDs Season 1
> There has been a new release of season one
> (
> fd&artikelnummer=918793&mode=art> &artikelnummer=918793&mode=art)
> announced as including all episodes (even two which were never aired
> before in Germany), languages: german and english. There is nothing
> said about subtitles but I think I have read on another source that
> least the two episodes not aired had german subs. And they placed it
> on 5 DVDs so we can hope that there are no cuts as in the prior
> english and dutch releases.
> Only one problem: I do not know if the seller sells his goods
> Germany (the website is in German, too).
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Hi Marianne,
Many thanks for the info about the "Weltbild" Onedin Line season 1
DVD offer. We have a shop in town and now I have the Set at home to
enjoy! Have no idea about subtitels but will let you know.
Greetings from Bavaria,
Member— In, Elaine de Saxe <coolowl@…>
> On 12/05/2007, at 8:26 PM, Barbara Stiegler (Fritos) wrote:
> > The ISBN from the 2 books is 07153 73986.
> Are there more books then? Or do you mean the Cyril Abraham books?
> > A good place to trade books is at
> My understanding is that books are just left in places for people
> pick up and pass on with the details being logged on the website.
> It's a matter of luck what books you might pick up – unless there
> some formal arrangement for trading that I missed when I looked at
> the bookcrossing website recently.
> > Check out the fritos bookshelf or others from all over the world.
> What does this mean?
> Regards from Brisbane Australia
> ElaineHi Elaine,
The ISBN number 07153-73986 is for my 2 copies of " The World of The
Onedin Line". Wondered why your ISBN was different than mine, since
it's the same book?
At "Bookcrossing" there are planned releases and controlled releases,
where someone writes me a PM and requests a booktrade or viceversa. I
also have a few friends where we just send each other any books we
have read, and hope they will be sent on later or left someplace. You
can trade anything, there arn't any rules. I've traded bookmarks,
interesting bookcrossing labels and even a bag of fritos for a book,
DVD or CD. Depends what a member has listed on his bookshelf. A list
of my registered, released,found or permanent books collection can be
viewed at my fritos bookshelf.
Member— In, Elaine de Saxe <coolowl@…>
> Good morning "shipmates" 😉
> Just re-bought the book by Alison McLeay 'the World of the Onedin
> Line' being the historical background woven around the series. When
> bought it originally, perhaps in the early 1980s, it was a
> then. This copy I bought online via and the seller is
> Australia. I didn't expect to find it! Who knows, there might be
> out there, lurking on the internet. Thor original of course, went
> west when I had a clean-out. Oh dear! There were no DVDs then and
> did not imagine I would ever see Onedin Line again so why keep the
> Details for those wanting to hunt it down …
> ISBN: 0 7254 0385 3, copyright Alison McLeay 1977, published in
> Australia 1977 by Ure Smith, Sydney (a division of Paul Hamlyn
> Ltd).
> It's well illustrated, well written and contains a wealth of
> knowledge about the history of the times and the cast and crew.
> well recommended for those keen to search it out.
> Best regards to you all – oh, and I had written to Memphis Belle
> asking if they were going to digitise the remainder of the series.
> Well, I don't write in Dutch so maybe they couldn't understand me
> perhaps they just don't respond to email requests. So writing to
> might be a waste of time – on the other hand … if enough people
> write, it might jerk them out of their lethargy. Just now starting
> disk 1 of series 4 and *finally* they have got the episodes named
> available for choosing rather than the Biblical system they used
> previously.
> Best regards to you all …
> Elaine in Brisbane, AustraliaHi Elaine,
I bought 2 copies of the wonderful book at, they were used
but in good condition. Too tell the truth I haven't read them yet.
The ISBN from the 2 books is 07153 73986. A good place to trade books
is at or the german version
Check out the fritos bookshelf or others from all over the world.
Greetings from Germany,
Member— In, "Bill" <william.whittaker1@…>
> The entry for the Onedin Line on Wikipedia is coming along quite
> Some useful information on there and links to some of our websites.
> Bill.Hi Bill,
Thanks for the Wikipedia site address,and all of the former info on new
DVD releases!
Greetings from Barbara in Bavaria.>
Member— In, Elaine de Saxe <coolowl@…>
> Good morning … at last we've got our first 4 series of the
> Line. And so far the quality has been equal with that originally
> broadcast except they ran three episodes together as they were on
> Here is the Memphis Belle website:
> and while it's all in Dutch, you can get a free (and not too bad)
> translation at
> I gather from reading the BBC website that they don't post outside
> the European Union – and their prices, like those of the ABC in
> Australia, are very high. And here is a currency converter
> I have written to Memphis Belle asking if they are going to put
> rest of the series on DVD and if they are going to have each
> separate. My suggestion is that anyone who thinks this might
> influence their decision to go to the website and fill in the
> form. It can't do any harm and might do us some good.
> Best regards
> Elaine in BrisbaneMany thanks Elaine for the 3 helpful websites!! I live in Germany and
have watched the series in the 1970s in german. Have the parts of the
4 series on tape and DVDs. Can't get enough of it.
Barbara from Bavaria>