Distribution of OL episodes in North America…

Forum Forums General Discussions Distribution of OL episodes in North America…

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  • #348
    Yo shipmates-

    Bill W has noified me that a packet of Onedin episodes are headed
    my way. I am the North American distribution node and I need
    to know if there are any members of this group who want copies.

    Here are the specifics:

    The episodes will be distributed on DVD-R disks in mpg format.
    Each disk holds 8 episodes in this format. NOTE: These disks
    To view them you must have a computer with a drive that can
    read DVD media and you will need a media player that can display
    mpg files. Windows Media Player works fine. So does Quicktime
    and some versions of Real Player. There are many others as well.

    As Bill has stated, the quality of most of the shows is fine, but
    some are of lesser quality due to age and technology. They are all
    quite viewable, but certainly not of DVD quality.

    I need to know how many of you wish to receive a set of these. All
    together there will be approximately 12 DVD disks, which I will
    start sending out copies in packets of three, as soon as I get them.

    If you want a copy, I need to know your name and mailing address.
    I also need to know if you have a DVD burner. If there are many
    requests, I will need help making and distributing copies. When
    I have a good handle on how many sets will be generated, I will
    set up a distribution tree and we can commence.

    Send me an email ( nautnaut@yahoo.com ) with your name, postal
    address, email address and whether you can help in the
    copying process.

    Remember, this is for distribution in the US and Canada only.


    PS If you have general comments about this offer, send them to
    the group. If your questions or comments are individual in
    nature, send them to nautnaut@yahoo.com

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