Forum › Forums › General Discussions › Clarification needed please – DVDs!! › RE: Clarification needed please – DVDs!!
1.Yes, they are every eipsode; and each episode is complete with
credits, etc.
2. They are in English with Dutch subtiutles; rthe subtitles can be
turned off.
3. They are region 2; so they should play on every British dvd player
I hope this answers your questions.
Best wishes – Helga
(P.S.: The CD copies of the remaining series which Bill kindly made for
us are still with Carie, but she promised to send them on shortly)
bty261364 wrote:
> Hi
> I think I am not following this thread properly but I can't find a
> definitive answer to this! (It's just a senior moment ….)
> The DVD's on the dutch website:
> 1. Are they every episode (not the compilations)?
> 2. Are they in English? Or sub-titled?
> 3. Can they be played in the UK (region 2)
> Have any of the UK listers bought them?
> PLease help – my Christmas present hangs in the balance!
> Fiona
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