Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHi mathias. can i ask you hear in the uk they
have only shown up to where mrs onedin dies after haveing a baby for james. is
there any more than that cause if there is are uk tv is very bad in deed."PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;BORDER-LEFT:#000000 2px solid;MARGIN-RIGHT:0px;">
—– Original Message —–From:
MathiasSent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 9:58
AMSubject: [shiponedingroup] ShipsI like all sailing vessels. My fovourite Onedin Ship is the
KeymasterYes mathias. Rats are not daft they jump from a
sinking ship. LOL LOL venatrix. What sort of ships do you like? its a shame that
there are lots at the bottom of the sea. my hubby is also a great fan of the old
ships. everything wood and not like today with some the moden wood plastic or
fibre glass. bring back the rocks in the hulls for balance and the scrubing of
decks on hands and knee. yours"PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;BORDER-LEFT:#000000 2px solid;MARGIN-RIGHT:0px;">
—– Original Message —–From:
MathiasSent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 10:53
PMSubject: [shiponedingroup] Re:
(unknown)Yes, of course. But it was a bad sign, if rats came out from
the bilge.
At least for superstitious sailors…ivaradi
Keymasterthankyou for the link but photos did not come
through."PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;BORDER-LEFT:#000000 2px solid;MARGIN-RIGHT:0px;">
—– Original Message —–From:
MathiasSent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 9:54
PMSubject: [shiponedingroup] Re: the actors
of onedin lineHi Venatrix,
you can find infos about Peter Gilmore and
Anne Stallybrass here
can also find pics and infos (only in German, sorry) on my Onedin
http://www.onedinlinie.deIf you want to
get infos about the ships in the series, I can help
you. I'm a real tall
ship fan too and I do a voyage as trainee every
Keymaster— In, "Diana" <moonroll@…> wrote:>
> Hi Michael and welcome to the group.
> Funnily enough I have just translated the article Marianne refers
> in her reply to your message. It appears in a Dutch magazine
> Story and was published in 1979 I believe.
> Mary wanted to be written out of the series as she wanted to do
> stage work. One of the main things she talked about in the
> was that she hated wearing the costumes which she found very tight
> and constraining. She much preferred to wear jeans. She
> as have other cast members, how close everyone was who worked on
> series.
> Mary asked that Sarah be killed off but that she die in a gentle
> such as pining for her late husband Robert, she didn't want Sarah
> die a violent death. Instead the scriptwriters sent Sarah off
> travelling the world (which never quite rang true to character to
> me). I guess they decided too many of the regular characters had
> died, including Letty at the start of series eight, and so came up
> with another explanation as to why Sarah didn't appear in series
> eight.
> Does anyone know what happened to Mary Webster after Onedin Line?
> I've got info about a few TV programmes she appeared in during the
> 1960s but have found absolutely no references to her after
> And is Mary still alive? I think she was 44 at the time of the
> interview which would make her in early 70s now.
> Diana
>Thanks for this Diana. I always wondered if MW had died between
Series 7 and 8, since there's nothing on the IMDB database for her
after Onedin, and am glad to learn that this at least wasn't so. I
suppose Sarah as a character owes her survival to Jill Gascoigne,
for if JG had stayed and Letty hadn't had to die of diptheria Sarah
probably would have been the death at the start of Series 8 and been
sent to join Robert! It seems a pity that MW didn't do the last
series though, having been in the programme since the beginning. I
have scoured the internet for any info as to whether MW is still
around, but found absolutely nothing. Does anyone else know anything?Michael
KeymasterA PC doesn’t care whether it’s
PAL or NTSC, the monitor will happily do both.I’m in Vegas!
From: [] On Behalf Of linda huthmaker
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 5:45
Subject: RE: [shiponedingroup] Re:
Please post when you get your Season 4 DVD's..!Yes, Cari ,
you're right. I guess I lived in Europe
too long, and forgot about the voltage (Senior moment!). The only DVD
player I have, at present, is in this PC, here. We don't carry Phillips,
as a rule-usually Soni, or Magnavox are the standard fare-where do you live?Linda
Cari < Cari>
wrote:Actually $45 is a very good price for a
whole season. CSI, Law & Order etc are nearer $80 US per
season.They are in PAL however and you’ll
need a standalone DVD player capable of converting to NTSC. Nearly all
Phillips DVD players can be used… but you can check if your particular
make and model can play NTSC atI’m not sure about where you have
ideas of 240 volts from. US is 110-120v.
Europe is 220-240, but voltage is
immaterial. What your DVD player is capable of is important.Cari
From: [] On Behalf Of linda huthmaker
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Re:
Please post when you get your Season 4 DVD's..!Hi Megan,
Thank you for the info on Onedin line, but I need Season 3,
first. This Season 4 set costs 25.00 pounds, which is about 45
US .
That's way too much, and I don't think the speed would fit our 240 voltage in
US .Thank you,
<> wrote:Hi,
I got mine yesterday; I ordered them from; and I
live in
Australia .Cheers,
size=2 width=500 style='width:375.0pt'
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KeymasterActually $45 is a very good price for a
whole season. CSI, Law & Order etc are nearer $80 US per season.They are in PAL however and you’ll
need a standalone DVD player capable of converting to NTSC. Nearly all
Phillips DVD players can be used… but you can check if your particular
make and model can play NTSC atI’m not sure about where you have ideas
of 240 volts from. US is 110-120v. Europe is
220-240, but voltage is immaterial. What your DVD player is capable of is
From: [] On Behalf Of linda huthmaker
Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Re:
Please post when you get your Season 4 DVD's..!Hi Megan,
Thank you for the info on Onedin line, but I need Season 3,
first. This Season 4 set costs 25.00 pounds, which is about 45
US . That's
way too much, and I don't think the speed would fit our 240 voltage in the
US .Thank you,
Megan <>
I got mine yesterday; I ordered them from; and I
live in Australia .Cheers,
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KeymasterDear Marianne!That's great news for us all, thank you so much!!!!
Have a nice weekend!
Kindest regards,
On Fri, 07 Apr 2006 20:37:21 -0000, "jaas08" <> said:
> Dear groupmembers,
> I'm happy to announce that Series 4 will be released on DVD 21 April.
> As soon as I have more info from the seller I'll inform you all.
> Kind regards,
> Marianne
> Yahoo! Groups Links
KeymasterDear BillOn Fri, 31 Mar 2006 10:18:10 +0100, "Bill"
<> said:>
> Welcome to the group you've found the right place for enthusiasts of this
> great series.Many thanks to you for the very warm welcome!!!
> There are a total of 91 episodes in 8 series.
> Series 1, 2 and 3 are available commercially but there seems little
> prospect of the rest of them been released on DVD or being shown again
> (in the near term at least) as I believe there is some problem with
> repeat fees / permissions for one or more of the actors in the later
> episodes.Thats very bad news indeed. I love all of them and always was hoping,
that they will be all released someday but hope dies last ;-). So I
will have to make backups of my video collection, which is far away from
being complete. Not to speak about the quality> Some info here:
> you so much for all the information!!!
KeymasterPerfect reference to the Onedin Line!! By the way, I live in the United States, so is that program available on DVD at this time?bty261364 <> wrote:
--- Well I am not sure if this is quite what you mean, but I once saw
a 'Two Ronnies' sketch where of course Ronnie Barker was Baines and
Ronnie Corbett (plus amazing sideburns! ) was a rather diminutive
James. Can't quite remember the storyline but every time 'Baines' left
or entered the cabin the contents of a bucket of water was thrown over
Yahoo! FareChase – Search multiple travel sites in one click.ivaradi
Keymaster— In, "braniffjetliner2002"
<braniffjetliner2002@y…> wrote:>
> Are there any references to The Onedin Line in movies, novels, TV
> shows, cliches, etc. since the show was on the air? Since Onedin
had a
> big following, I wondered if spurred popular slang, if people in
> made references to characters and the like.
> Your thoughts are welcome.>Hello:
there was a book out called "the making of the Onedin Line" You
should be able to get it out of the library. It was published
around 1980 or so. Very interesting book. I love the off set
photos of Anne and Peter. They were on their way to becoming an off
screen couple by then. The books the series was based on was
written by Cryril Abraham who did write some of the scripts. Hope
that helpsivaradi
KeymasterHello:there was a book out called "the making of the Onedin
Line" You should be able to get it out of the library. It was
published around 1980 or so. Very interesting book. I love the off
set photos of Anne and Peter. They were on their way to becoming an off
screen couple by then. The books the series was based on was written by
Cryril Abraham who did write some of the scripts. Hope that
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 11:49
[shiponedingroup] References to the Onedin in popular
culture?Are there any references to The Onedin Line in movies, novels, TV
shows, cliches, etc. since the show was on the air? Since Onedin had a
big following, I wondered if spurred popular slang, if people in movies
made references to characters and the like.Your thoughts are
KeymasterI believe this could be a permissions problem. A while ago, a friend of
mine was working (acting) at the BBC and someone asked her if she had a
contact address/phone/email for an actor. The BBC was trying desperately to
find this person as they needed their signatures for permission for DVD
stuff and past due repeat fees/overseas sales (no actual details were given
as to exactly which program but given the name of the people they were
looking for, it seemed likely to her and I that it was for Onedin Line –
series 4 onwards).Unfortunately she had no idea as to their whereabouts, as both of us had
been looking for the same person for over 2 years with no luck.The original contracts did not include VHS or DVD permissions… since they
didn't exist back then! If Memphis Belle has run into the same problems,
then it's not for lack of sales, but for lack of signatures.If we have any members on the list who want to do some person searching,
then please email me off list and I can give further details.Cari
> —–Original Message—–
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of stan
> Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 6:01 AM
> To:
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Memphisebelle
> Hi all, Just been in touch with Memphisbelle in Holland, i asked if
> they had any plans to issue any more series after series 3. They
> informed me that they have no plans to issue any more due to technical
> problems. Never said what they where. Looks like we,ll have to look
> elswere and hope………… Stan
Keymaster— is this the one with Kate Neligan? I dont think its very good..G
> Bill.
Keymaster— probalby not for ages, if ever. personally it is one that I could
do without, since it really did bugger about with James' personality
too mcuh adn landed him iwth 2 leading ladies who were not only not his
type but were as irritating as each other.G
KeymasterCry of hte Blackbird? I havne't seen all the first series on UK
Drama, as its on when i get home from work, and if Im late I might
not bother watching. which one is that as I have never seen it? why
is it controversial?
I enjoyed Bloody Week, as I said, soem of the acting was a bit !"Allo
Allo" but overall i thought that it was good and i didn't think that
it was an implausible development for James, that he shoudl tihnk a
little about politics and morality in such a situation, I really
liked that aspect of it.G
" <william.whittaker1@n…> wrote:
> 2 episode were dropped one each from series 1 and 2. I've heard
suggestions that Cry of the Blackbird from 1 was a bit controversial
at the time the VHS recordings were first offered, political
correctness creeping in or some such nonsense, and that Bloody Week
from 2 did not really lose much to the thread of the story and was
not up to the standard of the rest of the production anyway. (Which
is a matter of opinion – not necessarily mine).>
> I suspect the real reasons were more to do with the length of VHS
cassettes and perhaps some repeat fee arguments, I wonder if anyone
knows for sure?>
> Bill.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: gduch2001
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:42 AM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] the eps on UK Drama
> Hi, now that its finsished I must say that I've enjoyed watchign
> although i have most of htem on video anyway. I havnt noticed
cuts -.
> even my partner who didn't like it much has takne to watching and
> saying that he was grwowing to enjoy it a lot…
> it was good to see the French ep which i havene't seen since i
was a
> child, it was a bit "Allo Allo" in some ways but still it was
> enjoyable. I had to giggle when elizabeth sold the potatoes to
> Prussian captain.. surely Eliz cuold have offered him soemthing
> else!
> I wonder if it was dropped from the videos becuase it did show
> as a bit more kindly and principled than he usually is and they
> it wwas a bit out of character.
> does anyone have any thoughts
> G
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