Mary Webster

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  • #744
    Hi Michael and welcome to the group.

    Funnily enough I have just translated the article Marianne refers to
    in her reply to your message. It appears in a Dutch magazine called
    Story and was published in 1979 I believe.

    Mary wanted to be written out of the series as she wanted to do some
    stage work. One of the main things she talked about in the interview
    was that she hated wearing the costumes which she found very tight
    and constraining. She much preferred to wear jeans. She mentioned,
    as have other cast members, how close everyone was who worked on the

    Mary asked that Sarah be killed off but that she die in a gentle way
    such as pining for her late husband Robert, she didn't want Sarah to
    die a violent death. Instead the scriptwriters sent Sarah off
    travelling the world (which never quite rang true to character to
    me). I guess they decided too many of the regular characters had
    died, including Letty at the start of series eight, and so came up
    with another explanation as to why Sarah didn't appear in series

    Does anyone know what happened to Mary Webster after Onedin Line?
    I've got info about a few TV programmes she appeared in during the
    1960s but have found absolutely no references to her after Onedin.
    And is Mary still alive? I think she was 44 at the time of the
    interview which would make her in early 70s now.


    — In, "Diana" <moonroll@…> wrote:

    > Hi Michael and welcome to the group.
    > Funnily enough I have just translated the article Marianne refers


    > in her reply to your message. It appears in a Dutch magazine


    > Story and was published in 1979 I believe.
    > Mary wanted to be written out of the series as she wanted to do


    > stage work. One of the main things she talked about in the


    > was that she hated wearing the costumes which she found very tight
    > and constraining. She much preferred to wear jeans. She


    > as have other cast members, how close everyone was who worked on


    > series.
    > Mary asked that Sarah be killed off but that she die in a gentle


    > such as pining for her late husband Robert, she didn't want Sarah


    > die a violent death. Instead the scriptwriters sent Sarah off
    > travelling the world (which never quite rang true to character to
    > me). I guess they decided too many of the regular characters had
    > died, including Letty at the start of series eight, and so came up
    > with another explanation as to why Sarah didn't appear in series
    > eight.
    > Does anyone know what happened to Mary Webster after Onedin Line?
    > I've got info about a few TV programmes she appeared in during the
    > 1960s but have found absolutely no references to her after


    > And is Mary still alive? I think she was 44 at the time of the
    > interview which would make her in early 70s now.
    > Diana

    Thanks for this Diana. I always wondered if MW had died between
    Series 7 and 8, since there's nothing on the IMDB database for her
    after Onedin, and am glad to learn that this at least wasn't so. I
    suppose Sarah as a character owes her survival to Jill Gascoigne,
    for if JG had stayed and Letty hadn't had to die of diptheria Sarah
    probably would have been the death at the start of Series 8 and been
    sent to join Robert! It seems a pity that MW didn't do the last
    series though, having been in the programme since the beginning. I
    have scoured the internet for any info as to whether MW is still
    around, but found absolutely nothing. Does anyone else know anything?


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