Forum › Forums › General Discussions › Radio Times › RE: Radio Times
19th June 2005 at 1:06 pm
—it seems like they are pulling Secret Army which I was just
starting to watch, to put it on. But whats annoying me is that they
are starting with the first series which I already have on vidoe for
starting to watch, to put it on. But whats annoying me is that they
are starting with the first series which I already have on vidoe for
does anyone know if they will be running rihgt through the whole lot?
i want to see it from Series 3 onwards. and they seem to ahve cut
short Secret Army after only one series bieng shown so they may do
the same iwht ON Line
> It's on at 5 pm (17:00) and 11 am !
> Bill
> —– Original Message —–
> From: Bill
> To:
> Sent: Friday, June 17, 2005 12:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup] Radio Times
> Online TV Times guide shows it is on Tuesday at 11pm (2300)
> Bill.