RE: Locations

Forum Forums General Discussions Locations RE: Locations

Despite my work on the show having nothing at all to do with filming, I managed to find a reason why I had to be in Falmouth for the exteriors in the summer of 1979, so I'm pretty well up on what went on. The narrowness of the exterior shots that you often see in the show was always caused simply by there being a "wrong" building or other structure just out of frame; a beautiful dockside scene could be wrecked by a World War 2 harbour office or other lump of concrete, and it wasn't always possible to dress these to look Victorian.

A far bigger problem was the ships themselves. In particular, the Christian Radich didn't look remotely like a Victorian sailing vessel to anyone who actually knew anything about them. The producer's office was persecuted by sailing-era buffs who seemed to watch the show specifically to spot nylon rigging, badly-camouflaged aerials or any number of other details. Oddly, the same people never spotted the women in the rigging. These complaints were always diverted to the hapless Maritime Adviser, who had already made all the same complaints himself. I think he finally realised that his presence on the credits was mainly to give the show a veneer of historical accuracy – not to actually tell the producer anything he didn't want to hear, which was always unpopular. His startled protests at some of the very weird plot lines of the last two series (anyone remember the Plague story?!) went unheard, alas.

Happy days ….

Bill Scanlan Murphy

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