Forum Replies Created
MemberNow there is a really big hint !!!!
I am now in the process of watching series 7 having 'borrowed'!!!
series 5,6,7,8 from a prominent group member who had recorded all
episodes in the early ninties when repeated. In return I lent him
some money !!!!.
If you contact the member directly he may be able to help you out .
I have to say the on going plot just gets better and better— In, "Bill"
<william.whittaker1@…> wrote:>
> Just in case your spam filter has blocked my mail I've contacted
you off-list.
> Bill.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: William Murphy
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 6:52 PM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Re: Onedin if you are into torrents
> I'm sure this breaks at least half a dozen copyright laws, but
some of the copyright is actually mine (I suppose), so …
> Is anyone getting Series 7 and 8 via torrent? I was Music
Adviser on those shows, and would do anything up to and including
cutting throats to get copies. Is there any we we could …er…
redistribute them via this group? Assuming standard-compression
AVIs, it should be possible to get about 8 or 9 shows on a data DVD.
Obviously, all expenses paid.'>
> Hint, hint!
> Bill Scanlan Murphy
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Mobile. Try it now.
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