Forum Replies Created
MemberHi Marianne and Mathias,This would be great and save Mathias a lot of work.
Can you make me a copy?Regards,
— In, hilthoog@w… wrote:
> Hello Everybody,
> I already have the LP on CD. It's no problem for me to make copies.
> Marianne
> Citeren Mathias <onedinlinie@y…>:
> > <html><body>
> >
> >
> > <tt>
> > Carin, <BR>
> > <BR>
> > I would like to made a remastered version of the record. This is
> > complex job, but I think it's worth the effort. I let you know
> > the cd is ready ;-)<BR>
> > <BR>
> > Mathias <BR>
> > <BR>
> > </tt>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > <!– |**|begin egp html banner|**| –>
> >
> > <br>
> > <tt><hr width="500">
> > <b>Yahoo! Groups Links</b><br>
> > <ul>
> > <li>To visit your group on the web, go to:<br><a
> >
> roup/shiponedingroup/</a><br>
> > <li>To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:<br><a
> > href="
> subject=Unsubscribe">shiponedingroup-</a><br>
> > <li>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the <a
> > href="">Yahoo! Terms of
> > </ul>
> > </tt>
> > </br>
> >
> > <!– |**|end egp html banner|**| –>
> >
> >
> > </body></html>
> >
> >
> >Koenhein
MemberMathias,I bought the record in the seventies. Since I don't
have a record player anymore, I can't make a digital copy.Can you help me with this?Carinstyle="PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;BORDER-LEFT:#000000 2px solid;MARGIN-RIGHT:0px;">
—– Original Message —–From:
MathiasSent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 12:33
PMSubject: [shiponedingroup] Peter Gilmore
SongsI've upload the song "Home lovin' man" from the vinyl
Onedin-songs of the sea".
If anyone would like to listen more
I'll share the complete record to
yahoo briefcase or any other
Member— the reason I find Albert Frazer the least
favourite character is simply because he's a fool. Ok, so Elizabeth
deceived him, but that's no reason for his behaviour later when he was doing the
same thing to her. He's a spoiled, weak little man.Carinstyle="PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;BORDER-LEFT:#000000 2px solid;MARGIN-RIGHT:0px;">
—– Original Message —–From:
gduch2001Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 11:36
AMSubject: [shiponedingroup] Re: Onedin
Polls---Hows that? he is a decent guy, not his fault that
he couldnt'
get over Eliz deceiving him...> My least
favourite character is Albert Frazer.
> Regards,
> Carin
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Diana
> To:
> Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 8:52 AM
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Onedin Polls
Calling all shipmates again .....
> Here goes with
the second poll. It would be nice if we could
> a 50% response rate - it only takes a minute to
> The subject this time is:
> Only one vote please. Reasons welcome.
> Voting closes midnight GMT on Sunday, 15 March.
> My least favourite character is Emma
Callon. It's not the
> Jane Seymour,
it's the character who I find very irritating and
waste of time - I'd rather be watching James, Anne, Elizabeth,
> Captain Baines ...... even Sarah. I usually fast
through the
> scenes with Emma.
Yahoo! Groups Links
> a.. To visit your
group on the web, go to:
> b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an
email to:
> c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
the Yahoo! Terms
of Service.Koenhein
MemberHi,My least favourite character is Albert
Frazer.Regards,Carinstyle="PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;BORDER-LEFT:#000000 2px solid;MARGIN-RIGHT:0px;">
—– Original Message —–From:
DianaSent: Friday, March 05, 2004 8:52
AMSubject: [shiponedingroup] Onedin
PollsCalling all shipmates again .....
Here goes with the
second poll. It would be nice if we could achieve
a 50% response
rate - it only takes a minute to vote!The subject this time
Only one vote
please. Reasons welcome.Voting closes midnight GMT on Sunday, 15
March.My least favourite character is Emma Callon. It's not
the actress,
Jane Seymour, it's the character who I find very irritating
and a
waste of time - I'd rather be watching James, Anne, Elizabeth,
Captain Baines ...... even Sarah. I usually fast forward through the
scenes with
MemberHi,I can help you with more pics.Carinstyle="PADDING-RIGHT:0px;PADDING-LEFT:5px;MARGIN-LEFT:5px;BORDER-LEFT:#000000 2px solid;MARGIN-RIGHT:0px;">
—– Original Message —–From:
MathiasSent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 1:59
PMSubject: [shiponedingroup] Need
help…Hi shipmates,
I'm looking for anyone who can help me
to build the English
version of
I'll translate the
text but it's neccessary to correct my
English. I
would be happy if
anyone could do it. I'm also looking for more
because I have only
the episodes from series one on VHS 🙁Mathias
MemberWhat about p2p or Bittorrent?
At work we had the same problem, untill we all used kazaa (lite).
Make an avi, put it in your shared folder e.g. Onedin_title, and all
can download from your pc. It takes a while, but it will be worth it.
This is a great option for dsl users.regards,
— In, "Bill"
<william.whittaker1@n…> wrote:>
> —– Original Message —–
> From: "Diana" <moonroll@n…>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 11:01 AM
> Subject: [shiponedingroup] Voting
> >
> > Otherwise your only hope is if someone taped the episodes off UK
> > Gold/other source and can copy them for you.
> >
> > Diana
> I have every episode on tape but it is not really feasible to
copy / share
> them on vhs.
> Quite apart from any legal implications.
> The sheer number of episodes (IIRC 90+) and the time it takes to
copy them
> is the start of the problem. Not all are very good quality although
they can
> all be viewed and copied. Then there is the problem of posting the
> which is comparatively costly in itself and mounts up, as something
in the
> region of 30+ cassettes would be needed for the entire series!
> What I am looking into is to perhaps copy SOME of the episodes as
AVI files
> onto my pc and then see if I can make one episode fit on a CD-R.
This could
> then be viewed on any pc with Windows Media Player. The quality
might not be
> wonderful but you would see the episode.
> The obvious advantage is that the media is cheap to buy and send
through the
> post. Such discs can be copied quickly and with no further loss of
> and then could be sent to another group member. You get one, make a
copy (if
> you can) and send it to someone else and so on, no cash changes
hands so
> perhaps the legal copyright situation is better although of course
> technically it would still be against the law.
> So I'll ask this question, is there an episode that has not been
> that anyone particularly would like and I will make it the basis of
> experiment to see if the idea is workable? Would everyone like now
to vote
> which episode?
> No promises,
> Opinions?
> Bill.Koenhein
MemberHi,My favourite character is Elizabeth (Jessica Benton) and for the male
part Baines (Howard Lang). I've met him in person at his home just
before he died and he was so very kind.Is there anybody out there who has series 3 taped on video and the
first 3 of series 4? I've got all other episodes taped (even the ones
not included on the dvd/videos that came out.Regards,
— In, "Diana" <moonroll@n…> wrote:
> Calling all shipmates,
> There hasn't been much activity from the group of late plus some
> members haven't posted much so I thought that if we held a few
> perhaps that would get everyone participating a bit more.
> I'll collate the votes and confirm the winner (assuming there are
> sufficient responses!).
> To start things off …..
> You can give reasons if you wish.
> Voting closes midnight GMT 29 February (next Sunday evening).
> My vote goes to the wonderful Anne Onedin.
> Hope everyone will take part.
> Diana -