Forum Replies Created
MemberHi to Erika and all the other people who have mentioned my site on
this forum! Really sorry for all the confusion, I didn't realise
people would miss it as much as they seem to have done! 🙂 I'm so
sorry that I haven't been in touch with you Erika and Diana, I lost
your addresses unfortunately. Hopefully we'll get the chance to make
up for it soon :).I started the Onedin Line unofficial website in 2001, and as Diana
mentioned in another thread it was closed down by BT in September
2002. There was no problem with the site as such, it was just that we
had exceeded the hours permitted for internet usage under our
contract (a lesson in why you should always read the small print :/)
and as a result the contract was terminated, leading to the website
being removed. I've since registered with another service provider,
but for many reasons have been extremely busy in recent months and
haven't had the time to reinstate the site as I would have liked. I
have to apologise to all the people I've lost touch with –
unfortunately several of your e-mail addresses were listed in the
addressbook for my old account which I no longer have access to, so
there was no way to get back in touch. 🙁 It's great to see some
familiar names on this messageboard – hi in particular to Erika,
Diana and Fiona! I'm sure I've been in touch with others here before,
maybe under different names. Hopefully the site will be appearing
back online soon, so I'll keep you all posted as to what's happening.While I'm here, I'd like to thank the people in charge of the
messageboard and the section on TV Tome for this great resource for
all us Onedin fans. When I first began my site in 2001, it was as a
response to the almost total lack of detailed and accurate coverage
of the series on the internet (with the notable exception of
Patricia's website, sadly no longer updated I believe – I'm sure
someone can supply the URL for that?) It's fantastic to see that
there is a community of fans and a conscious effort to increase the
coverage of the series on the web.Very best wishes to all the members here for a happy and prosperous
Christmas season and New Year!Gem
P.S. Please feel free to get in touch with me at the address given
above or through the board if you want to chat, I'll be a frequent
visitor to this site! 🙂— In, anne lay <drifting_sunn@y…>
wrote:> Hello Erika,
> My name is Anne and I am from Australia. Like you I was about 13
or 14 when I first saw the Onedin Line and immediately fell in love
with the ships and the characters.>
> I have the first 2 series on video but I believe no more have been
or will be released. Such a shame, the show had a big following here
> I saw the whole series right through to the end but as it is such a
long time ago, I don't accurately remember all of it. I do know that
the ending was happy for some and sad for others. If you haven't
already found out how it ended I'd be happy to try and remember for
> I was really pleased to find that this wonderful series had such a
big following and that fans can talk to each other about it. Nice to
meet you and hope to hear from you,>
> Anne
> bastet1958 <erwinort@w…> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I joined this group recently and I would like to introduce myself.
> My name is Erika and I live in the south of Germany. I have been an
> Onedin Line fan for over 30 years now. It has fascinated me from
> beginning, when I was a girl of 14, but even now, as a woman in her
> midforties, the series has the same thrill for me. I think it's the
> blend of fact and fiction, of adventure and romance, of good script
> and excellent acting which makes the series so outstanding and
> The first episode of the Onedin Line ever shown in Germany was
> broadcast by Bavarian television on Oct. 25th, 1972.I still
> it well; we only had a black-and-white screen then. In Germany, the
> Onedin Line ran on the regional channels, not the federal ones.
> meant that there was only little information about it in the
> magazines. I collected every litle scrap I could find, but all in
> it was not much. So I was delighted when finally, nearly 30 years
> after its start, I found information on my favourite series in the
> internet! In fact, I've learned more about the Onedin Line in the
> past 3 years than in the 25 years before!
> In 2001, I discovered the "inofficial website of the Onedin Line".
> thought it was excellent and contacted its creator, a young
> student. We exchanged several e-mails, and the young lady was very
> kind and knowledgeable. Then suddenly, in Oct. 2002, the site
> vanished from the web. I tried to contact her by e-mail and even by
> letter, but got no replies. Does anyone know what has happened to
> website or to the girl who created it?
> I haven't seen the whole of the Onedin Line. The last thing I
> remember was that both Letty and Charlotte were pregnant. So if
> somebody could give me a rough outline how the story continued to
> very end, I would be most grateful.
> Now I am looking forward to Dec 21st, when the German channel NDR
> will start series 1 of the Onedin Line. They have planned to show
> only the first 6 episodes. I hope this is a test, just to see if
> series still appeals to the public, and more will follow in the
> future.
> So much for today,
> hoping to hear from many members of this group,
> Erika
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