Forum Replies Created
MemberHi Elaine and everyone else,I have just had a look at the Exetermemories site, its brilliant, I always
find these behind the scene things fascinating.It is a wee bit hard to believe some times that all this happened so long
ago and some of thouse wonderful people are no longer with us any more.The picture of Howard Lang I found especially touching, its easy to believe
he's some where now still propping up the side of a ship with that grin on
his face.Well thanks again Elaine for the link, you never know maybe down the line
more of these sorts of pictures will pop up.Have a great day all.
—–Original Message—–
[] On Behalf Of Elaine de Saxe
Sent: Tuesday, 15 May 2007 10:56 p.m.
To: ShipOnedin Post
Subject: [shiponedingroup] More websites and other stuffGood morning "shipmates" …
Just found some more sites which have a tiny bit more on the Onedin
Line …http://www.thechest <> – promises much but
delivers little 🙁http://www.exeterme <> – great pix and
some background info on the series.http://www.merseysh
<> –
covers many movies/TV series and for the ship-buffs among us could be
a source of great interest.Not sure if this is true but I read recently that the Charlotte
Rhodes was destroyed by fire in 1980-something … does anyone have
any definite information?Also read that Howard Lang died in 1989.
And I've been having a real wander about the internet to see if there
are any more DVDs/Videos past Series 4 and have come up with a great
big blank.And I did a fairly comprehensive search of surname databases and came
up with another blank. I really cannot find any entries there or in
telephone books for Onedin. Looks like it is not a surname with a
family attached. Given all the variations among surnames, it seems
amazing that someone thought up one which is unique. Does any lista
know anything definite on the surname Onedin?Drat that we've finished watching all 4 series and wonder if we'll
live long enough to see series 5 to 8 given the great amount of time
taken to get even these out.Have a great week 🙂
Elaine in Brisbane, Australia
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
MemberHi Elaine,Hahaha glad to see I'm not the only one who does this, I think we have all
sent the wrong thing to the wrong place at some time.Have an excellent day where ever it is you are. 🙂
—–Original Message—–
[] On Behalf Of Elaine de Saxe
Sent: Thursday, 26 April 2007 1:07 p.m.
To: Onedin Post
Subject: [shiponedingroup] Oops …Sorry, listas … didn't watch when the address popped up – meant to
send it to my partner and it ended up on this list :-(.Elaine
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
MemberHi Shirley,
Excellent site! I’ll try and mail
through your web site, asking about your cute little friends might not seem to Onedin
Line related for the group.Cheers,
[] On
Behalf Of Venatrix
Sent: Friday, 2 June 2006 9:18
Subject: Re: [shiponedingroup]Hi brenton you asked about
my rats. yes there is a big market in rats very big in the USA. ive sent you my
link to have a look.
—– Original Message —–
From: Brenton Love
Sent: Thursday,
June 01, 2006 9:36 PMSubject: RE:
to the group. J Just curious you say you breed rats and sell
them…errrrrrrrr is there a big market over there for rats?Do you
have any of the Onedin line on tape or DVD? There have been a couple of new
releases DVD wise that will take you up to season 4. The group has quite
a few members who have just purchased some of these and could offer advice on
where to get them and how much they cost.Well
best of luck with the Falconry (again interesting profession), and have an
excellent day!Brenton.
From: [] On Behalf Of Venatrix
Sent: Friday, 2 June 2006 8:11
Subject: [shiponedingroup]Hi. my name is shirley i
go under the name of venatrix. i love old ships and i love to look at the
onedin line on tv. I do falconry for a liven and i breed rats and sell them.
but i have a love of old ships. im in notts/derby love to talk to more of you
yours venatrix.axa2210
MemberGood on you Bill, spam and unwelcome links
we can all do with out.Cheers,
From: [] On Behalf Of Bill
Sent: Saturday, 28 January 2006
4:05 a.m.
Subject: [shiponedingroup]
Important news for all the members of the groupDeryck who originally set the group
up has appointed me as moderator of this list.We have encountered some unpleasant
spam messages recently and there have been inappropriate things like links
to betting and porn sites placed on the list's webpage.Starting right now the procedure for
new members has been changed so that I have to approve anyone before they
can join the list. Also their first posting will be approved before it
appears on the list, this will mean that 99% of spam messages will be eliminated.Also I've been to the management
page and removed the previously mentioned links that were on there. When I have
some time I'll go back through the message archive and get rid of any more I
find there.None of the above will affect
existing members in any way, you can carry on posting and reading messages in
the normal way. I hope this will make everyone's enjoyment of our group better.Bill.
Carie, nice site, didn't catch UFO….. so interesting to see Mike in a non
barnacle setting.C'ya
Brenton.—–Original Message—–
From: C.J.
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004
10:13 PM
[shiponedingroup] ShipmatesHi everyone,
I hope
you are all well, just to let you all know, I have a new
website for you
all to take a look at if you wish, myself with a
couple of Mike fans have
come up with this site, of course there will
be some Onedin link here, I
will be contributing this very shortly,
as of yet it is in very early
stages of development but I would be
pleased if any of you will come and
take a look it is at
to see and hear from some of you there!!Take
Member— In, "C.J." <enrichening_nez@y…>
wrote:> Hi all,
> I thought you might be interested in looking at this item on ebay,
> the link doesn't work, copy and paste into your browser address bar
> and then search, it should come up then..
> ViewItem&category=35030&item=2241352707&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
> Take care all,
> CarieHi Carie,
Just checked out the item……..I would love to have something
signed by Howard Lang, my favorite character fron the OL.Is any one else on the group going to bid? I wouldn't want to push
the bid up on a fellow list member.The group has been a bit quiet lately but I know for me its just a
busy time of year, plus the extra hassle of selling and shifting
home….It was really neat to hear your comments on Mike, sounds like you had
excellent time, he really dose sound like a very nice guy.Last thing, another big thanks to you Carie for all your effort and
time you put into the site, its very much appreciated!Brenton.
MemberMessage Hi
my least favorite character would have to be the grown up Charlotte…….played
by I think Laura Hartog…….just a really annoying character all-round, sorry
sounds a bit harsh but to beat out Sarah on the moanometer she has to be pretty
Thanks for the pics Carie they really look great!—–Original Message—–
From: Diana
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 8:53
[shiponedingroup] Onedin PollsCalling all shipmates
again .....Here goes with the second poll. It would be nice if
we could achieve
a 50% response rate - it only takes a minute to
vote!The subject this time is:
CHARACTER?Only one vote please. Reasons welcome.
closes midnight GMT on Sunday, 15 March.My least favourite
character is Emma Callon. It's not the actress,
Jane Seymour, it's
the character who I find very irritating and a
waste of time - I'd rather
be watching James, Anne, Elizabeth,
Captain Baines ...... even
Sarah. I usually fast forward through the
scenes with
MemberMessage Hi
I'd certainly like a copy, bearing in mind I'm in NZ………..but I can
copy Cd's on my PC so can forward some on to other group members.
Brenton.—–Original Message—–
From: Bill
Sent: Friday, March 05,
2004 9:42 AM
[shiponedingroup] Update from the capture zone [was – Ice and
Fire]Good news I got my new capture card today and
installed it.I have had to give up on ice and fire at the moment
because of the poor
condition of the VHS tape but I am hopeful that a
rather better vcr than
mine might be able to get a reasonable copy of it,
I'll see if I can borrow
one.As an experiment I have copied a
series 7 episode entitled "Dirty Cargo"
partly because the tape was in
reasonable condition and because it is a good
story all contained in one
episode.Using the best bit rate my old pc can manage this has resulted
in a 480 Mb
file which will easily fit on a CD-r and will play with the
Windows Media
player. It while not anywhere near DVD (or even good VHS)
quality it is good
and not too bad to watch even on full screen on my 17"
monitor.So who wants a copy? I'll start the ball rolling with 2 on the
the recipients will copy it and send on to other members of
the list.Bill (who has now found that to work the capture card and
software with all
their features now needs a major pc
upgrade!)3rd March 2004 at 12:51 am in reply to: Experiment a short test clip from Episode – Ice and Fire #244axa2210
MemberMessage Hi
tried your sampler, as you say not great quality but still any chance to see a
small snippet of Onedin Line is much appreciated!I
would certainly be interested in any chance to have a copy of any episode
passed series two, I would tend to favour the Cd-r option, I can forward copies
to any one this far down the map (New Zealand/Australia).Well
good luck and thanks for all your efforts, I'm sure we all really appreciate
it!Cheers,Brenton.—–Original Message—–
From: Bill
Sent: Sunday, February 29,
2004 1:19 AM
[shiponedingroup] Experiment a short test clip from Episode – Ice and
FireI have a number of problems to solve yet, a poor
quality VHS tape copy, also
sound synchronisation (because of the old
hardware / software I have).Anyway I have uploaded a little bit in WMA
format to the file area just to
show I have not been idle. It is
""A new capture card for the pc is ordered and should
hopefully solve some of
the problems. Also I am looking for a frame
stabiliser for the output from
the VCR.Bill.
MemberMessage Hi
Diana and the rest of the crew,My
vote would be spilt between James Onedin and the oft
forgotten Mr. Baines………Howard Lang did a wonderful job bringing that
character to life, he really dose look and act the part of a crusty old sea
dog!Excellent to see the interest from this pole.C'yaBrenton.—–Original Message—–
From: Diana
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 9:18
[shiponedingroup] Onedin PolesCalling all
shipmates,There hasn't been much activity from the group of late plus
members haven't posted much so I thought that if we held a few poles
perhaps that would get everyone participating a bit more.I'll
collate the votes and confirm the winner (assuming there are
responses!).To start things off .....
ONEDIN CHARACTER?You can give reasons if you wish.
Voting closes
midnight GMT 29 February (next Sunday evening).My vote goes to the
wonderful Anne Onedin.Hope everyone will take
MemberMessage Hi
that answers a question I was going to ask…………….I also found Gemma's
site a year or two ago then lost it, I couldn't work out why it had suddenly
disappeared off the net.Hopefully it will be resurrected, it was an excellent site, very well put
here in New Zealand we have just had a UK channel added to our Sky programming,
I'm hoping that at some point the Onedin Line may be broadcast
again……… never know.Well
all the beast and an excellent X-mas/New Year to all.Brenton.—–Original Message—–
From: Diana
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 3:09
[shiponedingroup] Onedin Line WebsiteHello Erika and
welcome to the group.I can help with your query about what happened to
the Onedin Line
site. I also exchanged a number of e-mails with the
site owner,
Gemma during 2002. There was a problem with something
illegal on the
site and it was closed down by BT just over a year ago I
think. When
I last heard from Gemma in February/March this year she
said the site
was in the process of being set up with another Internet
provider and
that she hoped to have it up not long after Easter. But
I haven't
heard from her since and no sign of her website unfortunately
.....I hope for your sake that your TV station broadcast more than the
first six episodes. I wish someone would broadcast the whole series
again in the UK - you'd think with all the channels these days
would!Season's Greetings to
unsubscribe from this group, send an email
use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
MemberHi there a big hello from down here in New Zealand, just joined
yesterday, glad to see there is such interest in one one the best
period dramas ever made! -